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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. Puts me in mind of the great song from Pal Joey: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered
  2. With all this talk about Sears, Penney's, and Montgomery Ward catalogs, I realized that I still have some old International Male catalogs squirreled away in my nightstand for when my fantasies take a retro kind of walk-down-memory-lane turn. If I run out of tp, I suppose I'd turn to the stash in a pinch. Desperate times could call for desperate measures. Truly a sad sign of the times we are living in.
  3. Yes, but the haircut is a little strange, I think.
  4. Yup. And soon to be joined by the unmistakable appendage of Brad Patton.
  5. Me too. Do you suppose the guy receiving the massage takes off his hat when he turns over?
  6. To drown out my moans of ecstasy and shouts of joy, Silly.
  7. Not much of a conversationalist either. And the set-up was none too tranquil or relaxing. Still, I might be tempted to book a massage with him if we could find a noisy enough place.
  8. They're alright, sure, but I'm kinda partial to WG's Shady Pines administrator and therapist.
  9. With this post, I am inaugurating a special new award for pictorial research and I am awarding it to WG. Where did you ever find this early picture of Mike Pence before he died his hair gray and became a politician? I salute you and thank you for your many contributions to this forum!
  10. With so little on the table, I think I'd hope somebody else showed up.
  11. I admire you sense of self discipline and ability to make such a difficult choice. I'm still weighing the options. . .
  12. And the clip certainly demonstrates that he speaks enough English to get by in a pinch. On the post with the 3 clips - I could only open the last one - which was quite nice!
  13. Was the masseur some kind of cyclops or what? No face shot, no upper body shots, legs that look promising, and a flat stomach along with hands that appear to be up for the job.
  14. Yeah, that kinda caught my attention too. Pretty hard to overlook that kind stuff.
  15. Ah yes, the simple glories of black and white photography. But now I wish these were in color!
  16. But, you know, there's something to be said for the simplicity (?) of black and white photography. So elegant. A nice change-up, I think.
  17. Wow - Tyler really rocks that speedo - at least for me. Pushes all my buttons. And then some. . . I don't recall having seen this one before so I am doubly appreciative of the posting. Thanks! I really do think I need a massage - but I also think I might have to wait for the covid thing to abate somewhat.
  18. Yep - that's the one. The first time I viewed it was a life-changing experience. Suddenly getting a massage seemed like the most important thing in life.
  19. Huh? What's that you say? "SEMI jacked up?" What would FULLY jacked up look like? Be still my quivering heart!
  20. Why am I only discovering this thread now? With everything shut down now because of the Covid19 thing, I at least will have time to wade through over 1100 pages here. Something to look forward to.
  21. Is that real or a "morph?" The abs also look like an emergency cheese-grater. No complaints though. Thanks for the post.
  22. Sorry, just966. But my faves in this genre have already been posted. You know - anything by the incomparable Tyler Saint, I also appreciate Trace Michaels' contributions to the field as well as Robert Axel's. Then too there's that great oldie with Blake Harper and Tom Vaccaro - worthy of Hall of Fame status, I think.
  23. (Sigh) We can always dream, can't we?
  24. Once again, the folks at Wikipedia got it right, I'd say.
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