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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. Thanks, Quncy_7, for the info and the wikipedia link. I was facing another day of reading the news and all the exhortations to vote (which is important - not making light of that at all) but this little tidbit added some spice to my Saturday. Boy, those Romans were not nice people. . .
  2. Upon further consideration, I think GILF stands for "Geezer I'd Like to F__k."
  3. Yes, yes, don't keep us in suspense! And hey, Msclelovr, feel free to move the subplot along. I'm staring at a long and tediously empty Sunday evening. Show some mercy. Bring on the updates!
  4. Thank you, Msclelovr, for entering this saga. It's always good to have a subplot going to reinforce the main story line and act as a counterfoil. This is currently my favorite thread here and I love the additional story line. Please both of you, keep them coming. And please, orville, keep us informed about your progress. In these trying times I find that I'm living through people like you. I can't wait for the next installment. Btw, couldn't you just take your pants off because the room was just so warm?
  5. I'd say "hate" is a strong word for this, especially given how Fox News is always telling us about how the Left "hates" this and that. But yes, I agree - it is infuriating. I've never opted to chat in this venue. Does it really connect you with the provider?
  6. "I know it's strange, but I have found that blowing the shofar makes my nipples bigger. Happens every Rosh Hashanah. I used to worry about it, but now I find that I look forward to the High Holidays. By Yom Kippur I may be lactating."
  7. Probably from poring over the Fort Roff website. Maybe those guys actually have a branch that deals with animal husbandry? Do a google search - no telling what might turn up.
  8. But wait, Gentlemen. One thing the years have taught me - there is a market for everything. After all, there is a specific porn website called Hot Older Men and there are others, I believe. Best to keep that face mask on during the message. That way you'll only be identifiable to those viewers who know about that unusual birthmark on your right butt cheek.
  9. Oh dear, I'm afraid the best I can now aspire to be is a new category - the GILF. I'm too old to make the age cut for DILF. So I guess I have to hope someone might view me as a Grandfather I'd Like to F__k. Sadly, I don't really think this is an idea whose time has come. But hey, isn't 60 the new 30/40? I live in hope.
  10. Doesn't this presuppose a certain level of hotness on the part of the client? How many of you really want to watch other posters here having sex and would be willing to pay for the privilege? I mean, I love you all but there are limits to what I want to see. . . I can only tell you that if someone took a secret video of me getting a massage and then put it on their OFF or JFF space, I would back you up if you demanded a refund for that month's updates.
  11. Isn't that almost like a double negative then?
  12. Is it just me or does anyone else here think Stanley Tucci looks like Adam Russo's brother (or at least cousin)?
  13. It's really very simple. If you're that concerned about having your activities being recorded, wear a mask. Safer all the way around.
  14. Yes, yes, this is what the world has been waiting for. And with Christmas coming, these ToF masks will be the ideal stocking stuffer for that hard-to-shop-for relative or friend. Eureka!
  15. Well I was quite impressed with the activity going on at about the 45 second point. Looked like something from Central Fisting studio! I hope a good time was had by all - including the bull.
  16. So when do we get to see more? My gosh, seven costume changes and 3 locations - you REALLY wanted to do this! But really for me seven costume changes was more than enough. Like most of us here, I'd prefer to see a simple, undraped photo. That way I could admire the ink without distraction.
  17. Do you think if your practiced a bit you might "whip them into shape" or at least develop a sensitivity?
  18. I was one of the guys who encouraged the new avatar and I like it. But I had to really peer at it before I saw what was there. I agree - nice muscles! But a little more light would be most welcome.
  19. Would it have helped if someone had rimmed the bull before the milking portion?
  20. I must say again what a wonderful source of information we have with Youtube. Even though this whole business of bull-milking has never been a part of my bucket list, this video makes it seem almost like something everyone should do at some point in their lives. I am thankful for the incredible people who take the time to make a video of this practice and then feel the need to share it with the rest of us online. What a world we live in!
  21. Yet again, another strong contender for the coveted FMRG award. I'm going to have to close the nominee pool soon and get down to the serious business of picking the winner as well as the numerous runners-up. This year I might even award a prize for Mr Congeniality. That award goes to the contestant who made me laugh as well as come, so you know there's a lot riding on this.
  22. Wow. In all my years I've never shown up at my doctor's office with the specific issue of being checked for testicular cancer. But then, if my doctor was like this one, I'd be a walk-in fairly often. You should never take your health for granted.
  23. It may depend on your state. In Massachusetts you can buy recreational pot but no poppers.
  24. Yes, but even in South Pacific it takes the whole show for the characters to work things out. And within the show time moves along. But I am impressed by your self confidence, Unicorn. It sounds like a love story for our time.
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