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Posts posted by Moke

  1. 4 hours ago, handiacefailure said:

    He told me since it's it's folsom weekend he is charging an "event rate" of $500 an hour and a thirty percent deposit.   I didn't both responding.  

    Ironic because I always avoid meet ups during Folsom. Visiting providers are usually distracted, partying and overbooked or hard to schedule. I’d go for an “event fee” that was *reduced* during Folsom though. 

  2. 6 hours ago, socurious said:

    You compared escorts with plumbers and landscapers. It was explained by several posters the main purpose of ubers and you still simplified everything as "not being your problem". You even indirectly called us entitled and lazy. It's telling me you aren't a considerate client.

    I hope you never hire me and if you try to I will likely decline. We escorts are entitled to impose our conditions. There are plenty of folks out there willing to respect our business. It should be a mutual agreement.

    And please, selling your body is a huge deal.  That's unless you are a real slut and don't care about the consequences. Don't compare it with wallpaper hangers.

    Um, what’s wrong with plumbers and landscapers?  

  3. I’m giving up due to communication issues and refusal to confirm what they are into or even share rates. They are happy to confirm a date and time and THAT IS ALL ?  If anyone else in SF succeeds, best of luck and let me know how it goes.   

  4. 14 hours ago, Aceface said:

    Supposed to meet up with him next week, let me know if anyone has met him. 

    Let us know how it goes. I’d be nervous at those pretty high prices for an unknown. Thanks for taking one for the team. 

  5. They’ve been very brief in communications with me the only question they answer is if they host (yes) and which dates/ times they are available. Silence to my follow up questions. Weird. I just want to be sure we r in the same page before booking. 

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