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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. He's no different than those fast-talking barkers at State Fairs, or aggressive sales-people at those mini-set-ups inside malls. All it takes is one fool to be thinking they're getting something worth-while. It's a terrible way to do business, but if there wasn't a sucker born everyday, they wouldn't do it. I tried doing this myself a long time ago as a lark, and got zero responses. I was painfully genuine with who I was. The truth hurts.
  2. At the rate of inflation, this will be a standard rate for face-hiding twinks or obese folks in 2030. 😲
  3. This comparison drives home the fact that the United States has food.
  4. No, he is not available for donations of your time. He also no longer works at the service station he so blatantly promoted in his earliest work. It took immense detective work, but the talented, non-credited man who took his huge unit to the base in a backyard scene with him in the past is Masyn Thorne. Like Jett Wayne, Masyn is also not available, but appears to be "available". He and Mateo Muscle, former forum member here, appear to be no longer together. I am a fan of all 3 of these gentlemen, but have never had the pleasure of their company, although others have, and liked it.
  5. Is that the same Chestnut Hill that produces imitation chicken noodle soup for bargain stores? (Sorry, I need to put a "big cork" in it).
  6. Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm sure the circumstances are rare, but yes, you may indeed introduce a new regular into the fold with the discount being the initial lure. As for formerly offering discounts and discontinuing doing so, I full-on believe "the customers can be major assholes" with that one. One of the major home improvement retailers stopped offering Military discounts, and instead of Military folks being thankful for all that they saved them over time, they went ape-shit angry on them for changing their policy. I feel that casino patrons are the worst of the worst when it comes to bitching about what they are "entitled to", instead of understanding that ANYTHING is optional on the part of perks from the house. In my opinion, entitled people suck. (It's also why I could and would never be a business owner). I fantasize about the only non-alcoholic, non-smoking casino in the World - employees : just me. I was contemplating asking this question in reverse : Are there any clients who deliberately avoid "discount day" to increase the likelihood that the experience will be more personal & enjoyable on a different day of the week?
  7. These are my top 5 rentmen recs. 1. Houston - Aden_Taylor to me the cream of the rump crop 2. Houston - Rayjayz if Aden isn't available (could be a tie if he were verse) 3. Kansas City - Chocolatejosh 4. Orlando - MrBigDThomas is rather difficult to book 5. Long Beach - ChocolateHands Most if not all of these men have an extreme love of leg day, and I and millions of others appreciate it.
  8. But......what are YOUR plans now going to be?!?
  9. Trevor James is THE man to see for massage and / or cuddling in L.A. I've seen him for the former, but he's a professional who even does seminars on cuddling, so enjoy!
  10. It's always nice to support fellow members of this site, so I'd suggest BriansBodywork from Rent Masseur.
  11. The betting options for the game are overwhelming - have you seen what a final score of 4 total points for one team pays? My preference of the coin toss going awry isn't a choice to wager on, and that is for the coin to get stuck in a crazy crease on the field of play, landing exactly on it's side, forcing a re-throw.
  12. Who picks the music? I might not care for "Hey Jude" or "Stairway To Heaven", but I want a value!
  13. [spelling bee voice] "Can you use that in a sentence?"
  14. I appreciated the information a provider shared that it is highly encouraged to have one day a week of offering savings to clients in order to help boost business. Not sure if in your view if there's a fine line between a cheapskate and a bargain hunter, but if I'm on the fence between different men, a lower rate on a certain day of the week is a helpful factor into my tie-breaker. My best guess is your "cheap" clients likely are the worst gratuity folks, if any is given at all, and probably the day of the week you experience your highest percentage of one and dones. I'm aware that offering a day of savings is entirely optional.
  15. As an old geezer, I actually somewhat enjoyed this year's show. I feel Trevor Noah makes a great host, and it was nice to see Billy Joel perform a new song, although it wasn't memorable, sounding decent enough, though. As if artificial intelligence wrote it. The only thing I heard that was new to me and appealing was whatever U2 played. Their hit drought isn't quite as long as Mr. Joel's, 20 years compared to 30, but I like their chances of hitting the charts with what they performed more so than Billy. As for the other Billie, did anyone else see that performance at first and immediately think Mr. Pitt should've interrupted her to ask which tube socks would work better? If you get that joke, you're likely peeing your pants right now. Worst of show would have to go to Travis Scott. I know he's the king of auto-tune, but when your a millionaire several times over, there's no need to take the aggression of whatever is making you angry and destroy things. Also, I don't care how iconic one thinks they are, everyone should get an introduction. SOMEONE is seeing you for the first time, all the time. Remember that, Oprah. (Winfrey) Finally, I've been a huge Lenny Kravitz fan from his beginnings ages ago. I was stunned and shocked that when he was announced many years ago as a special guest at a Super Bowl, he was relegated to only playing guitar for 1 Katie Perry song, and that was it. He was only on tonight's show to introduce a segment. What a waste! Let him play.
  16. I tried tracking down older posts of him, but I believe he a long time ago was "in the movies". No telling what 2024 Anthony brings to the massage table, but at one time he did indeed look like his pics.
  17. Are you guys doing facetime with these men to get these wildly conflicting rates within such a short span of time? "Hi, I'm old, have patchy bald spots, a small penis, and wonder when you're available? Hello?" I believe a response from them would either not happen, or they're terminally booked!
  18. Probably to this day it's because people think it's taking them to Canada. 😄
  19. I would have given your comment a like, but then you wouldn't know what aspect of it that appealed to me. I don't mind the pregnant with triplets look, but a masseur that won't shut up warms my heart - it keeps me from being the guilty party in that regard!
  20. I came to this thread hoping with 4 pages that I'd run across a wealth of choices of places in the Big Apple with "seasoned gentlemen". Instead, I got a whole lot of not that, and all I could think of was a director yelling "Aaaaaand Scene!"
  21. Are you showering afterward, or possibly before and after? Are you arriving early? These factors come into play with the time. I've learned a valuable life's lesson by killing time if I'm early, as he's not expecting me until the agreed upon time. If I'm traveling a long distance (which is always) and I get to the area early, I'd send a text that I'm near their place. If it's ignored (and it's not a sorry ghosting situation), I make sure to be on time. Occasionally, they'll respond with "I'm free right now. See you when you get here". HOWEVER, it's completely reasonable to "cut me loose" if it's 10 'till when I'm arriving at 10 'till. The arrangement is for 60 minutes "of their time", not 60 minutes of being massaged. Ideally, massage makes up the vast bulk of it.
  22. Attraction for me is facial, then genital. Anything in-between is irrelevant to me. The gorgeousness of one's eyes and cock do not change with time, so I could give a rat's pitooty what kind of current condition someone is in.
  23. Here's the follow-up to my original post. Had my time been more enjoyable, I would've posted this sooner. Bottom line is, everyone's take was spot-on. For those who commented that it was foolish of me to try to book an in-demand adult movie actor when he was in town for an adult movie actor awards show, yes it was. The time away from the booth he was manning where he was making industry connections was not by any means outweighed by seeing me. I could look at the needle in the haystack here with that on his end. Say I was incredibly handsome with an amazing body and a third leg - meeting me might change MY career by seeing him. I am none of those things. To those who told me to give him the benefit of the doubt and stop worrying until I'm given reason to have doubts, you were right as well. He did commit to our arrangement. I confirmed a total of 3 times (initial plan, reminder before he came to town, the day prior, plus a phone call when I reached his hotel). I felt like he wasn't at all enjoying my company, and not responding to my "thank you" note afterward cemented my belief. It only takes a few seconds to type or text back, "You're Welcome", or "Nice to have met you. Hope to see you again next time." or "It was my pleasure." When you don't, that's my sign that I should see someone else. Me making a lousy first impression is damning.
  24. Brian Kevin - I remember you! Great to see you back. You can come down that slope and bowl be over anytime! 😊
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