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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. I like this guy's look, but his personality is, using his own words, having my interest go "from 10 to 0". He feels verse guys are full of it and need to "choose a lane". Since his in-person experience seems to allow rimming but prohibits sucking, the lane I choose is the one that heads to a different provider.
  2. Just the last one I was at, yes. I met the provider on the casino floor, and his room key was verified by a security guard stationed at the entrance to the elevators. I asked the provider about this on the way up, and he said that the hotel was having a major issue with theft, so that is why.
  3. I'd never heard of this league until tonight. I wish them luck. Clearly their PR person has LOTS of work to do!
  4. Gift cards are routinely rejected from these sites due to recurring billing. This began in 2020. It was a headache for both websites that have recurring billing, and consumers erroneously wondering why their money was disappearing. By now refusing to honor them, the problem is solved on the part of the websites. Calling the phone # to "register your card for online purchases" is a waste of your time, as it STILL isn't going to work on these websites.
  5. I've admired Jarrett for a very long time, and was ecstatic to see a rent masseur ad tonight. He's to me the real deal. MuscleBeefcake on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  6. With more hotels than ever before scrutinizing elevator trips to rooms, is this leading to people who are available NOT wanting to meet clients on the ground level? A couple of different traveling men recently really caught me off guard when they asked me if I could host. I said I couldn't, and that bewildered me. I feel it's common sense if an escort or masseur is traveling, it would be a no-brainer that meeting them would be in the hotel room that they're staying in. I know that Security CLEARLY knows I'm not a registered hotel guest of the person I'm with when I do meet someone there, as I'm trailing a bit behind since I've no idea where their room is, not to mention I'm an old guy and he's young and attractive. Another issue I run across is that the advertiser is first and foremost on a vacation, squeezing in a client if time permits being low on their totem pole. Perhaps it's more so to let their clients back home know the time frame they're unavailable more so than seeking clients in the city they're in.
  7. I should've typed, "I'm surprised top_twink used a thesaurus. You don't see "avail" much nowadays." It behooves me to be more specific with my posts. (Back to the thesaurus you go, top_twink)!
  8. I'm impressed he used a thesaurus.
  9. There are many advertisers who spell out clearly that the best way to reach them, and in some cases, only good way to reach them, is to send a text. I wonder if because e-mail spam is at epidemic levels, having a buzz or an alert on their end that an e-mail was received goes largely ignored. Or, it isn't, but my message is flagged as spam since it's coming from an unknown source to them, and that could be why I don't get a response. E-mail is my favorite method of contact, and I greatly appreciate the extremely rare providers that are willing to see me without having to use my phone. To some, my question about this might be as dumb as "Why can't I find a car that has a cassette deck player in it?", but to each their own. However, nearly every advertiser who has an e-mail contact doesn't reply at all to my inquiry, or on occasion, responds many weeks later, replying, "You should've texted me. I only check my e-mails occasionally, and sorry we couldn't connect."
  10. Hoping it's of the "...your horn" variety, and not that he's implying that he sucks - in a bad way. Looks like he's just in it for fun - not for many, but I'm VERY okay with that!
  11. Palm Springs, California is the U.S. haven for what you're looking for. Too many places are there to recommend any one place specifically. Although, asking it to be easy is rather noble. Good luck - not sure for who though. 🤭
  12. That makes sense then, Thelatin, as you know these people well enough to be on a social, card exchange basis. I've only seen this person once. All the advice has been helpful. Leaving well enough alone with the provider as well as the card seems to be the right move here, so the card will just empty itself of the load eventually. Yes, I just typed that, and sorry, CuriousByNature, not with THIS card. 😄
  13. Fortunately, this year on sales racks, the "loaded credit" cards clearly state THIS IS NOT A GIFT CARD. I wish those were on these imposters from the get-go. I bought one last year and gave it to a provider, assuming I was purchasing a gift card. Then, to my horror, I received a different card in the mail with that same account number! Now over a year later, I called to check the balance, and it was unused. Mailing the gift card to this guy is an obvious no-no, as any mail contact with any provider is highly inexcusable, since I'm a stranger. If the rare circumstance would find me in his presence again (due to his distant location, not because of my experience), should I give him the same gift and explain what happened, chalk it up to a $25 loss, or do nothing and use it for myself, since he'd likely never know?
  14. He's "jackshowers" on rent men, so your intuition is accurate. Curious, is the lettering tattooed on his chest in Hebrish, or an actual Hebrew word?
  15. This guy changes cities like most of us change underwear. Is he one of those "scopes out cities" types, or is he simply a terminal traveler? When he started advertising, he was very affordable, and in San Diego. Then, he wasn't. And he wasn't. I've been hesitant due to his stupendous unit NEVER receiving oral attention in any of his adult material.
  16. He's in his early 50s, as a Superfan, (Super-est fan?) I'm aware we're close in age. I had an appointment to see him when he was at the Mirage in Las Vegas several years ago, really struggling between seeing him and Aden Taylor - obviously both simultaneously would be a fantasy beyond belief, as they have the two best asses on the planet. I ended up seeing neither, getting a kidney stone that same day, and he hasn't been back to Las Vegas since. I've only received one PM from someone who did have an encounter, and Skye is highly recommended.
  17. That's pretty bad. Opening acts should be 30 minutes, tops. If more locations have strict curfews, this nonsense ceases to happen. I do remember Willie Nelson being told when he was to stop, and said to the crowd he'll stop when he's ready, & played over 1 hour longer - to huge cheers. That venue never booked him again.
  18. It's pretty awesome that he mentions who he used to be, to avoid all kinds of "I could swear you...." chatter!
  19. I've found that diced pineapples and canned tuna are foods that help wow my hires.
  20. Does what one refers to themselves as make a difference in whether you are off-put by boys instead of men? I know that the whole "daddy" thing is a thing unto itself. There is clearly a distinction with "I have a penis, therefore I'm a boy", and being under the opinion that once you're of age wherever that is, you're not considered a boy anymore. Right along with being a "daddy", there's being a "boy-toy" - I'm unfamiliar with "man-toy" as a thing, but maybe next year have that be a thing?
  21. About as amazing as a leaf of lettuce. My apologies to those who feel leaves of lettuce shouldn't receive such scrutiny. 😑
  22. That's a LOT of 5's! Not my residence, but most of those numbers constitute my height & erect penis length & girth. 😜
  23. New Years' Eve on tv hasn't been the same since she's been jettisoned from it.
  24. This is important to this discussion. When an advertiser has their list of likes, is everything for them already pre-listed, or does an effort need to be made to either check boxes on purpose, or un-check boxes of things that aren't of interest? I'll give an example of foreskin. I see that it's deliberately not in some men's list of likes, but do not know if they're making the effort to un-check that, or not checking it off with their other interests. For the record, I've never seen an example of an uncut provider not interested in having uncut clientele.
  25. We're always learning. I didn't know what SPH was until last week. I qualify! (small penis humiliation, for the newly educated).
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