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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. His demeanor might have been entirely different if you contacted him the same day you wanted to see him. It took me years to understand on their end - the further ahead of time a new person schedules, the higher the likelihood it isn't happening. It doesn't justify being rude to you, though. Avoiding him is a good call.
  2. If over-advertising is a reason for caution, I'd avoid the Twin Palms. While quite nice, it looks very cramped - and the studs in the photo shoot to promote the place won't be there! Inndulge seems to be what is the go-to for a great many on here.
  3. Unfortunate luck is all I can attribute the initial poster's frustration. It does seem to me in 2023 that the tops that insist on using a condom are like old people in grocery checkout lines breaking out a personal check to write - wrong - and start over. It's scarce. For so many guys, the hurry of tearing a package and worrying about putting it on backwards is just a figurative boner kill. For me, I DO appreciate people like Zack in Las Vegas from Rent Masseur who spell it out. No condom, no sex. They're looking out for themselves, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  4. I could see from the original poster how giving an inaccurate impression of body hair is a larger problem than one might think. Fur is not really something those who hire are indifferent about. If you look like a grizzly bear, it's expected a grizzly bear is who I'm seeing. Likewise, if you have a gorgeous, handsome face that was my tipping point for choosing you, but instead you look like Charles Manson, I'm going to be pissed. There are those who if you read deep into their ad will give you a heads up : "BTW I have a beard now". That's good to know. I saw a guy who I loved having an entirely smooth body, except for the littlest trimmed hair above his pubes, and a crew cut hairstyle. He started growing out his chest hair just a touch, which he said was growing his customer base. I was a bit let down, but he told me I could donate a LARGE sum and he'd shave it. Um, no.
  5. The previous thread on this was dead, so it starts anew. Has anyone donated for multiple future visits with an masseur offering such an arrangement? Up-front giving the amount for, say, four at one time, with the 5th one free? I did something similar to this with someone who was so wonderful, and it created a problem. Because of this, I won't do an arrangement like this anymore. In my case, I saw him, gave him the amount for that appointment before it began, Then arranged a "4-pack" which was less expensive than four individual sessions right afterward. He was erroneously counting that first visit which was handled separately as the first of the 4-pack. That fifth massage was deliberately lousy, him because he's thinking I'm trying to get a free massage, and me being in an angry mood because of the misunderstanding. There's also the massive risk of the provider disappearing, and we're simply screwed out of the donation at that point.
  6. I haven't seen him lately. It wouldn't surprise me if he looks more like young Madonna today than his younger self.
  7. I thought of this when I saw someone asking about a "magic hands" provider. If one needs to describe their hands as magical, I continue looking. It's also not uncommon to see the ones who boast "the best you'll ever have" as being the most forgettable ones many people see only once. Self-promotion is a mighty challenging task. Perhaps I should consider a profession to assist those wanting to put their best words forward for the prospect of greatly increasing their clientele.
  8. Going out on a limb, I'd assume wearing a Star of David necklace is a likely candidate : DylanKay on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  9. That ten dollar overage must be his built-in tip - or a delivery fee.
  10. She looks now to me like a terrible version of her being portrayed by someone busking for tips in Downtown Las Vegas. Stretching the face and drawing the eyebrows is not a good look. If only these naturally attractive people had the technology when they were younger to see how beautiful they could remain if they left well enough alone!
  11. I haven't been to the mainstream movies in eight years. I saw "Minions", because I had a complimentary pass. There was one other person in the theater, and he thought it was acceptable to whack off to this film. I don't have a punchline for the horror of this happening, but it did give me flashbacks to the Pussycat Theatres from the 1980s, where his action wasn't uncommon, but seeing minions of a different kind was.
  12. This all seemed really stupid, but do understand that SOMETHING needed to air to fill the void due to the writers & actors strikes. I didn't watch any of this, so someone who did, please do tell - did Frankie Grande put a bit of muscle on his frame since he was last a contestant? I love flamboyant twunks.
  13. I was expecting to see actual mermen, the buff torso hunks from the sea - I'd put them all over my menorah, if it wasn't so un-kosher.
  14. Yes, dollars, not the opposite of "dom". My apologies if that was confusing.
  15. When things were across the country starting to get kind of back to a new normal after 2020, the rates everyone were seeking went through the roof, likely to make up for lost revenue when things were shut down. People were starved for human touch, and happily gave what was requested. Fast-forward to today in December of 2023, and I've never seen such a vast swath of sub-100 providers like I'm seeing now. It's an across-the-board dip in cost for a great many, even well established ones. I don't have any guess as to why this is. I thought snowbirds flock to Palm Springs in the Winter, not escape it.
  16. I just don't at all understand why when profiles are created, a birthday must be given to the website to verify identity, but then when you opt to put a different age in your profile, the age stands as still as a statue, never changing. Every guy wants to be stuck in time when they looked their best. I have to inwardly chuckle when people say "His profile pic is hot". Sure, for 2005, I'm sure it was. I feel anything beyond five years of actual age is simply inexcusable. And a tip to the younger men - quit dying your hair white. Father time will help you down the road.
  17. viewing ownly

    Lucca Mazzi

    He got a kick out of me commenting to him earlier this year that who would of ever thought a decade after being plowed by Tyler Saint when he was a twink that he himself would possess a "Tyler Saint" bod, too.
  18. If I enjoyed myself, I always sent a thank you text or e-mail. When I don't get a return reply, it's time to find someone else. When I don't enjoy myself, I know not to expect a thank you from them!
  19. My advice : do not ask for a sensual massage when trying to set something up from him, as he appears to merely list that if he's interested in the massage taking a turn in that direction. He used to be pudgy when he first advertised, then pulled his ad for a good while, and came back looking great. I complimented his fitness progress, and got accused of objectifying him, and to find someone else.
  20. In all likelihood, he already is, with probably not being a clock-watcher, making the client's time more than worth his while to be a repeat visitor. That's a present all on it's own.
  21. I thought Roots was a mini-series, not a show? I love Seinfeld, but as time goes on, more and more people who used to no longer do. It took a few decades for me before I really, really liked a sitcom like I did with that one, which was "Brooklyn Nine-Nine". The American "Office" passed me by in it's time, but I've enjoyed catching up with it in syndication. I love many game shows that are 30 minutes, with one of my favorites being the one Peter Tomarken hosted prior to Press Your Luck with the little aliens moving up a board, Hit Man. I was too young to care, but it is shocking to see any tv "all-time" top 10 list and have M*A*S*H not on it.
  22. Make it something inconspicuous, like a restaurant gift card he can easily stow.
  23. Who keeps their socks on in a lazy river? 😄
  24. Once I'm confident in an arrangement, my time with the person is all I would need to care about. As mentioned in different ways by many people in this thread, it should be of no concern to you what he does when he hasn't seen you yet, or afterwards, either. If you're his focus during your time, and equally as important, he's yours, then just enjoy the experience (and follow-up here, good or not-so-good).
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