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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. I generally don't like feet pics, but if they're a part of him, they're impeccable. I DO love long second toes!
  2. People handle the disappointment of meet-ups that don't come to fruition different ways. I just please myself, fantasizing of what could've been, and try to see someone else at a different time frame. I'm guessing that for the majority, they look around to find their second choice on down until they find someone, and go with that. I could never do this because it would be impossible for me to not tell that person "Hey, I was interested in seeing [flaky provider here], but the jerk told me last minute he had a family emergency, so I was wondering if.....". I KNOW this is a terrible introduction to make with anyone, because I've just admitted I'm not wanting seeing them initially. Has anyone had an experience with, say, choice #6 - and had it be a pleasant surprise? And had the decency to leave that part out of trying find other people unsuccessfully first? It's probably a sad measurable percentage, but there's possibly those who contact a provider and say, "You're the least expensive and attractive person listed - I'm not surprised you're on page 6 listed 145th, but I started my search of guys backwards, and came across you. Are you available?"
  3. After a lengthy absence, he's back on today, December 2023. Let's hope he's really available and that someone didn't gift his profile into being active against his will. He's been a major interest of mine since he joined this forum.
  4. He's currently in Las Vegas - with no advance notice. Must be a "same day only" kinda guy. ☹️
  5. I'm embarrassed that I now have pet ownership distribution information from these two. Remember, her former husband for 1 day, the other Jason Alexander, tried to stop the proceedings by crashing their wedding. If life really goes full circle, she'll crawl back to him - with her 4 dogs.
  6. That is quite a splashy entrance! I'm too terrified of him to know what is mixed more, the stud part or the prince part.
  7. More and more often, I'm seeing masseurs who visit cities at the same time, clearly traveling together, but do NOT offer 4-hand massage at all. I've experienced this first back in 2020 with a couple of Texas masseurs who were boyfriends, separate ads, and made it clear they do not work on clients together with me in a private conversation, not in their ad. I'm seeing this now with a couple of guys who are in Massachusetts at the time. Is the primary reason of this to maximize their income by only working separately, or is it more so that they don't want the potential of getting frisky with one another, leaving you oiled up, horny, and disappointed? While the feeling of four hands at once seems like a fantasy, I've only known of one masseur ever who was willing to do 2 30 minute sessions apiece back-to-back for the same hourly rate, two different bodies in one hour, which is the opposite of having 1 4-hand massage, but 4 times less expensive.
  8. There could be a multitude of reasons that people's ads expire, but I find it odd that as a gift, you as a complete stranger can give the gift of reactivating a profile. If I were advertising, I hope I would be able to know who it is who did this.
  9. And speaking of quiet and cold, he's in Yellowknife, Canada now! Talk about location exclusivity....
  10. As third rate as it may be, it's been around for a LONG time, both mountain and pop.
  11. The private owner of the Mt. Shasta ski resort in Northern California is in the process of erecting a gigantic religious statue, and some of the public is irate. A petition has been signed - I don't know what kind of legal implication that could possibly have - for the project to cease immediately. The consensus of reactors was to leave the owner be, as it's his right to do what he wants on his own private land. If skiers are upset about it, to find somewhere different to ski. Unless the entire story isn't being told (and we're well too familiar with that being the case), this to me seems reasonable to let the owner do as he pleases. If this statue emits a blinding reflection that effects vehicle or air traffic, or makes irritating sounds at all hours, I could understand a public outcry. Whatever business is lost with those who boycott will more than be made up by people who are happy it's there and want to come to see it.
  12. The first photo of him in the grey shorts misled me into thinking he was cut, but he is not. He is a class act for replying to me for straight up having the balls to ask him since I do not have private picture access. I've never typed the words "moderator's note" before, because I am not one, but my comment is only for further information on his anaconda, not meant to start pointless cut /uncut debate, so don't.
  13. Creating "Pink Lady & Jeff" is legendary all on its own, considering many believe it is the absolute worst program that ever aired. I was a tv-holic as a small child, so I was likely watching (and mimicking) Shields & Yarnell around the same time instead.
  14. It's really a double-edged sword. It seems the men I'm interested in seeing on major holidays are close with their family, so are not available. I was accused of being incredibly inconsiderate to even ask with one of them. Understand, BECAUSE it's a major holiday, I have the time off that normally I don't. I'm glad to see that more of you are open to meets regardless of the day it is. I presume business still isn't brisk on those days because of the client's fear of potentially being inconsiderate to ask.
  15. She had the same "I'm smarter than you" quirk that Trebek had. I thought she was best known for starring in her own sitcom, "Blossom". I did read she's still able to host special versions of the show, just not the normal ones, so I'd hardly call that being fired.
  16. He moved from Florida to Glens Falls, not California. He's enjoying his latest location, from what he typed to me, and he's still a beefy bear.
  17. This stud has a younger Michael Strahan look to him, and has been the first pic on masseur finder when a Las Vegas search is done for quite some time, but nothing about him here that I could see. I presume the volume of profile searches might be how higher up the listing is, so has anyone experienced him? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/45690/
  18. From looking at this, as he's visiting Las Vegas now (or claiming to?), a more apropos new name for him would be CancelBoyFlake.
  19. If that isn't getting off track of the initial post, I don't know what is. BTW I have been to Julian, California, and it's a quaint town.
  20. He's the most well-reviewed man in the history of this forum. Formerly ERICforHIRE. He's calling it a day soon. Tragically, he had a medical episode on the day I was to see him, so my encounter never happened. (He really did. His photo from the hospital bed was jarring). What's ironic is he's one of two men I know who are bodybuilders, getting back into competing after a 20 year break from the sport.
  21. Did you mean Preparation H, or did Twitter by that, too?
  22. I went to "The Center" in Las Vegas, which is a place that offers free AIDS testing, and testing for other sexually transmitted diseases for a fee. I was nervous, never having been tested for these things intentionally. The entire staff was great, from the door greeter / registration person all the way to the person providing me the results, and everyone in-between. I wish that their hours were longer (but don't many of us wish things on us were longer, too). When I was taken back to a private room to discuss with the doctor my recent sexual history, I was taken aback looking at the wall, as there was a poster of this dashing, handsome man with a smile on his face, promoting the facility I was in. When I was asked about sexual partners, I pointed at the wall, and said, "Well, I've had sex with that guy right there."
  23. I rarely see an ad with one hour as the only listed option. I am intrigued that "69" is a part of his e-mail. 😉 https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/44699/ Take out either the www. or the "s" after the http if the link isn't working. I'm not a copy and paste kind of guy.
  24. In my wealth of experience in hiring, was "required" to send one for the first time. but I did, but reluctantly. In the face, with a 10 being best, I'm about a 2 minus. My body is much better looking than my face. No matter. Today, I was cancelled on - I'm almost positive because it doesn't take much to be more attractive - in the face - than I am, and he had a client more appealing come along. I will never agree to send a face pic with a provider again. It's a year of learning lessons, as the first time I sent money in advance to a provider, he flaked. This appointment was over 4 hours away from me, one way. I threatened legal action, and received a reimbursement quickly to not have to do so (not including the gas to and from).
  25. I did did. Thanks for catching that. Now, to catch Jermuscles....
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