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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. Glad to read that the area is still doing well. I went to Hillcrest to see the movie "Hedwig", the only theater in all of San Diego showing it. Me and msclelovr showing our age! Frankly, the Hillcrest cinema was well ahead of their time, as they also were the only theater to show "Blair Witch Project" before it became a phenomenon.
  2. Very rarely, when someone pulls their ad, it's due to having a decent enough regular client base that is isn't necessary to advertise any longer. I believe I saw him at the tail end of his advertising days, pre-COVID. He was a major germaphobe, which I actually appreciated. Wanting a do-over if I could go back in time, I wish I just let him accidentally do a salt scrub like he planned, which was less expensive than a massage. My mistake was not realizing that he was THAT Kurt when he opened the door, and my starstruckness took the appointment into an awkward but unforgettable direction.
  3. Things like this happening are just so bad all the way around on so many levels. It's as if some kind of reverse psychology is going on. Was this some kind of ploy to get people to talk about the opera when otherwise they wouldn't. Hmmm. After all, I am right now. Not a protester. 😑
  4. Jobs that pay a low wage with the expectation of tips are the worst kind of jobs to have. I had one, and went two seven week stretches, including one from late November to early January without making a penny. I quit because I was tired of being blamed for adversely effecting everyone else's salaries. The last straw was working a Super Bowl, busting my ass, and making 2 dollars. Everyone else made around three hundred, at a minimum. Tips were divided up and shared.
  5. Are opera performers known for their anti-planet ways to justify this? I hope every attendee takes every person involved with disrupting the program for everything they got in court. Just outrageous.
  6. I wouldn't at all doubt that he discovered the level of business he could get from "conversion curious" gay men (from them to him) enabled the volume of people to see shoot through the roof - especially since you mention how increased his handsomeness got over time. It's disappointing though that he reduced his sensuality with you - and likely it wasn't personal, but because he's "acting straight". It blows me away how many people advertise on mint boys and state in their ad "women only". Not only do I find that flustering, but stupid on their part, too.
  7. What was the difference in time from the last time you saw him to the previous, pleasant time?
  8. Bottom line is it really is none of the client's business what your own relationship status is. Just like there's no need for you to know theirs, although if they bring up their personal life to you, that's their prerogative (true story - I had to type up the Bobby Brown song to see how that is spelled, ha ha). Since you're in a committed relationship, that may put some people off, believing the level of sensuality will have it's limits. This is a natural assumption to make, even if it may not be true. I personally find it really hot when I see two men who are a couple offer erotic massage together, although I've never taken the plunge due to the high rates they tend to command.
  9. It's not uncommon for me to read on here of people who had second experiences that weren't anything like the first. What is it that could be attributed to? I ask because I had that happen to me for the first time ever recently, and I am still stunned by it. I suppose my expectations were too high, perhaps? I look to myself and am really reaching for the reasons why. I look much different than the last time I had seen him, as did he.
  10. It's just like a gas station. Their rate likely varies depending on their location and other factors. Always look to reviews to find concrete rates. If there's none, coupled with an "ask me", don't bother. They're wasting your time and their own money.
  11. "I am not a prostitute", but escorting is listed in what he's available for. Is that like a librarian saying "I don't put books away, just reading material."?
  12. Perhaps trying to set something up too far ahead of time is what creates the disappointment. There's a provider in Vegas (who I saw once and will never repeat) who told me he didn't appreciate that I scheduled a day ahead of time, and it would have been in my best interest to contact him same day. I personally thought that was crazy. Same day appointments to me are disrespectful of the provider's time. It screams "I'm horny, and I want you right now."
  13. A great erotic massage will be spending an EQUAL amount of time on your front and your back. A horrid erotic massage will entirely neglect having you flip over at all, as that's not erotic in the least. There is no set rule in stone for how an experience should be, so asking how you should behave isn't really relevant for a one size fits all inquiry. What I have come to a conclusion from a wealth of experience, is if I'M over-aggressive, I'm not wanted to be seen again, and likewise, if the masseur jumps my bones, while I'm flattered, I feel like I was too easy, and don't have a strong desire to repeat with him. The best at their craft are fulfilling, but have you leave wanting more. It's your call whether you want to see if more will (or won't) happen.
  14. The worst are people who reach out to me when I know I never viewed their profile at all. I delete (but not block) them, and weeks later they pop up again. The runner-up worst are people who bombard me with wanting me to see them when I looked at their profile one time. As mentioned by someone else in this thread already, if I was that interested, I'd either message or text you. Otherwise, it's best to respect client's privacy and leave them alone. P.S. Nate_SF, I'm in the guilty party of rubbing more than one out w/ your profile. XO, & wink.
  15. I seem to remember reading about him mentioning that his mouth has a way of sometimes getting him into trouble. That's trouble I'm all for.
  16. I met the mothers of Gene Simmons & Bobby McFerrin. Different years, different places, different women. I had a friend see Smash Mouth get booed off the stage. Marilyn Manson was in the crowd. It was on a Thursday night. He mentioned he's a "Seinfeld" hater. It was no Rosanne Barr singing the National Anthem, but the only time I saw a crowd boo someone to stop was ironically at a Padres game. He was a parody singer, serenading Randy Jones when he was being inducted into the team's Hall of Fame. I REALLY dislike San Diego fans, as I thought he was clever. I've been FORCED to see a Beach Boys concert against my will after a game. They were promoting "Cruisin'", which peaked at 99 on the charts. Circling back to Hall, I like his personal taste in music. He, like me, thinks "Tenderoni" by Chromeo is one of the best dance songs of the 21st century.
  17. Beethoven the dog? The canine's got some serious talent if he could tickle the ivories, hearing deficiency or not. Personally I prefer watching skateboarding guinea pigs.
  18. Say It Isn't So. Hall will make it crystal clear with everyone he wrote that, too. They did a show near me, which I didn't attend, but the consensus was that it was dreadful. They "mixed it up" with the style of ALL of their hits, which is a grave dis-service to fans who want to hear things played normally. I stopped attending live shows due to horrible misfortune time and again. Only playing a new album in it's entirety (Black Crowes), not playing the 1 song I was there to hear (Pixies), or the worst - doing only a gospel set of tunes because it was Easter (B.J. Thomas) - dammit!
  19. This could be the catalyst for success. They reached the Series for the first time in club history the year that owner Ray Kroc died. That was IMO the most awesome team they comprised, with the aging veterans jelling with the young guys, including Tony Gwynn. Good memories!
  20. What's your take then on the rare provider who ONLY does therapeutic or erotic, but not sensual? My personal take is if you're only looking to do therapeutic massage, then advertising your services on a gay massage website is not the way to go, and you're wasting your advertising revenue.
  21. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. He's anonymous, except to you. With him pulling his ad, he's doing the rest of us a favor.
  22. It seems like he was extremely mentally checked out, and to come up with a lame excuse, he was thinking ahead and entirely ignoring you, which is outrageous. However, he'd likely rebuttal that you didn't tell him when he was with you what you would like to do. He's in your hands for the time you donated, so if he's waiting for you to make any kind of move, the stalemate was a travesty, but seems like it could've been avoided with COMMUNICATION. It's not that way with a great many who hire, but to me, my funds are a BIG DEAL to me, and I can't stand the rare times I'm with someone who didn't give a damn. If that guy is a class act, he'd be up front and apologetic for giving you such a terrible experience - if he thinks he actually did.
  23. I fully agree with Just Sayin'. Glad to see him have his own thread (and stumble upon a modeling pic with him wearing a jock)!
  24. You will know if you are not welcome by the masseur if he A. Doesn't answer the door but sees you first through the peephole, B. Prohibits a repeat visit from you, C. Aren't able to get a return response for an appointment. I've had it all, and it sucks. Best part is, there's PLENTY of fish in the sea. I find that this is typically solved by finding those who indicate in their ad that they are welcoming to all body types and ages (over 18). From my experience, those who state this really mean it, while those who expect a photo of you aren't really seriously caring if they get your business or not. The best comment I got was from a competitive bodybuilder I was contemplating seeing, worried he'd reject me for being close to nothing like him. He stated if he only saw guys that were similar to him, he'd almost never find work!
  25. Anyone seen this Canadian man? JasonDutch on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com I should mention I like the brand new front page information that rent masseur is showing regarding types of massage offered without having to click on profiles. This is a major time saver.
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