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  1. We have met and I turned you away if you recall. You came in from Buffalo, NY. Please refrain from names or insults. We are just asking you to be honest about your ad Rentascam is not part of rentmen but an independent site that users look up and is indexed on Google, so when they do a Google search of your many usernames you have, it will show as a scam. I may report you if you continue with these insults. That's all I won't engage any further, there's nothing more to say.
  2. You need to get a serious reality check. Your current age and the one portrayed age online (22) is materially different, if you shaved a few years then that would be a different case but the fact is you don't look like what you portray online. People do want a fantasy yes, but they want that fantasy to be a reasonable representation of what is advertised online, it is how we select guys based on their ad postings. You are cat fishing and I would be very careful if someone doesn't report you to rentascam, which will mean you will be blacklisted. If I wanted to hire a 35- 40 year old I would do so, but people picked you because you said you're 22 and portrayed a very twink look (which isn't what you look like now). The facts speak for themselves, get a reality check.
  3. You're the one that is not true! Everyone knows those pictures are incredibly old. Considering your account is new you must be him or one of his friends.
  4. He doesn't look like his pictures, he's not in his 20s nor is his main photo an accurate photo of what he looks like now. Please folks be aware, just don't want you to be mislead.
  5. He is not as attractive as pictured (that's why I booked him), he's gained quiet some weight and his jaw line is not as chiseled nor is his body as slim (considerable love handles). I just prefer if he had updated his pics to reflect what he looks like today. Yes agree we all age, but escorts should be realistic about what they advertise. Caveat emptor!
  6. Sorry I don't really understand this reply? Is this image supposed to imply sarcasm?
  7. He does not look like his pictures, he looks a lot younger and slimmer in those pictures - the reality is he is not that slim or young anymore. I actually don't like to try new escorts and usually stick to a few regulars, as unfortunately many escorts lie about their age, have old pictures, and don't perform agreed upon services. All were the case with Boy Madrid. The number of new profiles commenting on this thread leads me to believe that it may be Boy Madrid or his mates commenting about him. Ask for a facetime call if you decide to meet him, you will see he is not as young or slim as advertised.
  8. I met him in NYC recently. He doesn't at all look like his pictures, not as slim as pictured and gained quiet some weight. The pictures online are over a year old. He also didn't perform everything agreed, as an example he doesn't kiss despite agreeing to it before hand. I wouldn't book him again.
  9. Profile is expired on rentmen.
  10. Hi all, In NYC for a sudden work trip, here for 3 days, can anyone recommend any good bottoms that you've had good experiences with? Ideally on the younger side and someone that can handle bottoming. Thanks in advance.
  11. He was asking $1000 for the hour, I can pay that much to someone that I think is worth that amount (i.e. takes my breath away), but I just don't think $1000 is worth it in this case. Each to their own preferences.
  12. Anyone had any recent experience? Did he perform as agreed with you? How is his verbal English proficiency?
  13. Would pay way more than $1000 if I had the chance!
  14. I've met him previously, he appeared to be on drugs and was a bit unstable/temperamental so I left, he ended up trying to blackmail me. There's quiet a long negative review on his profile, I ignored that but in hindsight should have relied on that review. I wouldn't book him be aware.
  15. sunnysideup

    Brandon London

    Has anyone seen him? How's he like as a bottom?
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