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  1. I will no longer respond to this lonely pathetic grandpa. Several of you saw the picture earlier and reached out to me personally. If anyone wants to see it for themselves reach out.
  2. Key word SIX MONTHS ago!! He has gained tons of weight within the last 3 months. Trust me I would post the picture if I could.
  3. Also to add, this was reflected by several of the previous comments from other users. It’s not my fault everything gets moderated on this blog. Again, this proves my point. You have a lonely grandpa who just listens to whatever mark says instead of looking at the facts. By the picture you can tell he has gained TONS of weight. You can see it. Please beware that his pictures are years old and outdated!!
  4. It’s false but I posted the picture 💀💀 the picture does not lie. Those that saw it earlier saw for yourself.
  5. Since the picture got removed, just know his pictures are years old on Rentmen. Mark has gained tons of weight in the last several months.
  6. Years old!! He has had the same pictures on there since he started the account in 2021.
  7. I follow him on social media. He certainly would not post this picture on Rentmen. He only has old pics on there
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