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  1. Great idea, appreciate the suggestion.
  2. I think @jusmeinbr responses say a lot about himself. I’m just looking for casual fun encounters. I don’t have as much time invested into this as he does. It’s not a profession or business for me by any means. If I didn’t respond to a text, I just didn’t respond. It’s not that serious, and I really don’t owe much more of an explanation than that. If you’d like to sit on here and write these novels, that’s your prerogative.
  3. This isn’t even worth responding to. In your own words, you only gave me 6 hours to respond before you jumped on this forum to talk about me. Please don’t contact me again. I’m not going to go back and forth with you over this.
  4. Hello to you also. I remember this as well. You contacted me from another state, and said you wanted to fly and visit me. With my schedule, it’s simply not feasible for me to coordinate such an arrangement. I am only looking to meet someone already in town or will be in town in one of the cities I’m in at the same time. I kindly told you I would pass. have a great day
  5. Hello. To answer your question, I chose not to respond as we spoke previously when I was in New Orleans, and you were very impatient. When my profile indicates that I’m not even arriving to town for several days, a few hours for a reply back is not unreasonable. Had I’d already been in town, marked as “available now”, and you were looking to meet that day, I would have responded right away. This is simply something part time for me when out of town. I don’t go “on tour”, and when I travel I’ll meet 1-2 people in a city to supplement some of my travel expenses. I will respond at my earliest convenience and be selective about who I meet. Cheers!
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