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Everything posted by glutes

  1. https://rentmen.eu/theaustinsteele/ Says he's traveling to Cali...
  2. Funny, he did the same thing with me.
  3. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/37993/
  4. He's now in Boston. Would love to know the real story.
  5. NATURAL JUSTICE: Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephants then eaten by lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa. A game reserve owner says it sends a powerful message to poachers. A POACHER hunting rhinos in the Kruger National Park met a grisly end after being trampled to death by an elephant and then eaten by a pride of hungry lions. Four other poachers who fled the game reserve in South Africa in terror were picked up by police and explained how a member of their gang had been killed. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8807049/rhino-poacher-dead-elephants-lions-kruger-national-park-south-africa/
  6. Hey Maxie, you'd think they'd increase production due to the short shelf life of the current ones in use...
  7. Here's one who is 'shifting': https://rentmen.eu/Boyfriiend
  8. Asked him to FaceTime, he replied "pre pay"
  9. Boeing is cutting production of the 737 MAX from 52 to 42 per month. Next stop - zero? Worldwide civil aviation authorities will demand their own, extensive proof that the 737 MAX with software upgrades is airworthy. Meanwhile, Boeing loses about $2 billion per month on payment schedules on current orders....'cause the planes are grounded. Longer term, the plane is inherently unstable, you can’t continually rely on software to overcome the laws of physics and aerodynamics.
  10. I saw him yesterday here in LA, I can vouch for his pics and service. He is rather thin, FYI.
  11. Jordan called me from a British Columbia number , said he would do full service for $300. Also remarked that he had lost his wallet, whatever that means.
  12. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/36965/ Anyone???
  13. So, Boeing management, was it worth it? You cut corners on safety because Airbus had their aircraft out first. How many Max deliveries will it take for the profits to cover the judgements and fines that are coming? Let’s see accountability at the top. https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-04-04-Boeing-CEO-Dennis-Muilenburg-Addresses-the-Ethiopian-Airlines-Flight-302-Preliminary-Report
  14. Trump's going to love this. A "shithole country" is telling that world that his favorite company (Boeing) and his FAA dropped the ball? Standby for an assault by Tweet. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — The Ethiopian Airlines pilots performed all the procedures recommended by Boeing to save their doomed 737 Max 8 aircraft but could not pull it out of a flight-system-induced dive, a preliminary report into the crash concluded Thursday. In a brief summary of the much anticipated preliminary report on the March 10 crash, Transport Minister Dagmawit Moges told reporters that the “aircraft flight-control system” contributed to the plane’s difficulty in gaining altitude from Addis Ababa airport before crashing six minutes later and killing all 157 on board.
  15. https://rentmen.eu/Cubanmagnet Might have to fuel up the private jet.
  16. “Does pure, unbridled capitalism work? I guess that depends whether you are on the board of Boeing – or on board a Boeing.” ~Bill Maher~
  17. I wanna buy some Qantas & Oceania Express stock!
  18. More grist for the mill: The Senate transportation committee said Tuesday that multiple whistleblowers have warned of serious safety issues in the government's safety inspection program for new aircraft, including Boeing's 737 max jet that's crashed twice since October. "Allegation from these whistleblowers include information that numerous FAA employees, including those involved in the Aircraft Evaluation Group (ARG) for the Boeing 737 MAX, had not received proper training and valid certifications," the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation said in a letter to the FAA's acting administrator on Tuesday. https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-737-max-faa-whistleblowers-say-safety-inspectors-lack-training-2019-4
  19. https://rentmen.eu/Mikemendz Methinks his photos have been photoshopped. Oh well!
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