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Everything posted by glutes

  1. ""Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?"" Yes. Any confidence that you display is presumed to be based on your looks until proven otherwise. Many people will assume that a man/woman they find very attractive expects everyone to be attracted to him/her, so if they find him/her attractive as well, they’ll go out of their way to demonstrate that they don’t find him/her attractive at all. The only time you are allowed to acknowledge that you are attractive or well-liked, without it being perceived as a reflection of vanity or conceit, is if you qualify it first and immediately follow it with a negating statement ie. “I’m aware that I’m considered attractive by some people, but that’s irrelevant…” And then you get to say what’s on your mind without being labeled as conceited. People who are insecure and not well-liked, but wish to be well-liked, will resent anyone who is well-liked and seek to prove how unworthy that person is of admiration. Any success that an attractive person achieves will be presumed to have been, at least partially, due to their looks. Having to reverse-engineer a conversation that inexplicably ended with a person being rude, run the playback through an “insecurity filter”, and then realize that they interpreted a random thing you said as an expression of superiority. As an attractive man, when hanging out with a female friend/colleague, receiving threats and derogatory accusations from her friends, family, or coworkers. Ie. “Oh you’d better watch out for him. I can see that this one is trouble.” or “Don’t you play any games with her heart. I know your type.” As an attractive woman, when asking for special assistance or for a favor, having people assume that you think you’re entitled to that favor purely because of your looks. As a well-liked person, people perceiving the rewards you receive for being a well-liked person as privileges you haven’t truly earned.
  2. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/blog-got-shut-down-im-appealing.138052/ Ding!
  3. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/alex-formerly-mr-cambaz-and-formerly-efkan.134360/
  4. Ah yes, that tattoo thing again...
  5. https://www.macys.com/social/fireworks/where-to-watch/?cm_sp=imp-_-fireworks-_-lp_nycneighborhoodguides_checkitout Anyone know where they will finally be shown??? Macy's is sort of keeping it a changing secret.
  6. He won't do anything more than a C- massage. He won't accept 'upgrades' for 'interaction'.
  7. glutes


    Puppies don't wear beards.
  8. Maybe twice a night. And I carry a 'stein' in my car in case I have a sudden call whilst traveling.
  9. What more info do you need, short of a review.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/aaronbruckner_/?hl=en
  11. Yup, all that is pictured now is a droopy penis.
  12. http://www.wheeloffortune.com/Content/Img/Images/global/header/wheel_share.jpg
  13. He hands to LA this week, anyone?
  14. "Tight Ass Perfomer" What's that?
  15. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/06/02/13/4CD734CD00000578-5798161-image-m-9_1527941138762.jpg
  16. Ah yes, that tattoo thing.
  17. His ad seems to have disappeared, or be buried? Edit: https://rentmasseur.com/Arsentiy
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