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Everything posted by glutes

  1. Headless wonder, the 2 one sentence reviews are suspicious.
  2. https://rentmen.eu/Maxvid
  3. And this is his fellow Ruski side kick: https://rentmasseur.com/Marcel_Dupont
  4. Methinks those pics were taken over a 10 year span, and there won't be MT/HE.
  5. As I commented in the tread below, "I smell a hoe lotta trouble!"
  6. No face or fanny pics.
  7. but I’m also not an ATM. Correct these types are accustomed to men sending them money That's why they are called money boys.
  8. By the way, the previous review (1 star) said he wasn't the same person in the photos.
  9. Last visited on: May 16, 2022 Rate paid: 450US$ Time booked: 90 minutes Actual Session Time: 90 minutes Recommended: Yes, definitely
  10. A 6.5% risk free return has not been available for decades. Nothing close. Anyone who thought there could possibly be a 6.5% riskless (or even low risk) return in 2022 conjures an old saying - "a fool and his money." I feel sorry for them, but yet I'm not sympathetic. Some people took their life savings into a casino and bet it all. Jeez. We need financial literacy mandated classes in U.S. high schools before everyone is ultimately swindled out of everything they have. The fact that people are millions "investing" in so called cryptocurrencies tells us that we have a woefully inadequate financially educated populace. Using real money to buy fake money has got to be the most obvious con in history. And yet here we are
  11. He must be monitoring this forum, face & merkin pics taken down.
  12. Looks like a merkin he's strapped to his chin.
  13. Based in a Marina area hotel, $200/hour. I might jump on the grenade.
  14. Birmingham, Dec 07 - Dec 08 Raleigh, Dec 01 - Dec 03 Columbia, Dec 03 - Dec 04 Jacksonville, Dec 04 - Dec 05 Tallahassee, Dec 05 - Dec 06 Pensacola, Dec 06 - Dec 07 Jeez, sit down and smell the roses Miguel.
  15. I am dumbfounded too, but I would exercise caution. (Was my point)
  16. Geez Marc, I got the scratchies just reading your post.
  17. Due diligence Axiom2001. He won't send a selfie, he won't do a voice call. But he's in Bay Area until 13DEC.
  18. Just a hunch, but I think "Mr. Number" or some subscription app is where 'providers' check out the number that texted them. One gent showed me the history of comments made associated with my phone number, it was sorta funny. "He didn't tip" (yup), "He departed after saying my pictures in my ad weren't me" (yup)... https://mrnumber.app.link/fast
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