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Everything posted by glutes

  1. There must be a Ukrainian War surcharge, $600/hour.
  2. This guy changes his name more than a old lady changes he underwear.
  3. And the skin & bones is covered in God awful tatts.
  4. Dino is excellent, hasn't checked in or almost a month.
  5. Cost of a hostel bed in SF runs around $45. https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/San Francisco%2C CA/entity/CgsIvpu1zfb406-OARAB?q=cost of hostel in sf&g2lb=2502548%2C2503771%2C2503781%2C4258168%2C4270442%2C4284970%2C4291517%2C4306835%2C4597339%2C4718358%2C4723331%2C4731329%2C4757164%2C4814050%2C4861688%2C4864715%2C4865467%2C4886082%2C4886480%2C4887844%2C4888422%2C4892541%2C4893075%2C4894955%2C4898159%2C4901734%2C4906852%2C4911170&hl=en-US&gl=us&ssta=1&ts=CAESABogCgIaABIaEhQKBwjmDxALGB4SBwjmDxAMGAEYATICEAAqCQoFOgNVU0QaAA&rp=EPWTkPKQ3bWhERC-m7XN9vjTr44BEJrdz5KAg4PD5AEQp8yc7pL8oImXATgBQABIAqIBEVNhbiBGcmFuY2lzY28sIENBwAEDmgICCAA&ap=aAE&ictx=1&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwj4quuJhNH7AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls
  6. He asked me for $50 upfront so he could get a room at a hostel, and would deduct it from his $400 donation. (Not making this up)
  7. And Karl is back. Glad he is! https://rentmasseur.com/karlkang
  8. Same ads have now moved to San Jose.
  9. Wait, there's more! Maybe he has jimboivyo's Private Jet. https://rentmasseur.com/Mathsantos Orlando, Nov 22 - Nov 24 San Francisco, Nov 24 - Nov 27 Hollywood, Nov 28 - Nov 30 Miami, Dec 01 - Dec 03 Las Vegas, Dec 04 - Dec 07 Chicago, Dec 08 - Dec 11
  10. https://rentmen.eu/Mathsantos/#platinum 22 Nov - Nov 25 New York City, NY 26 Nov - Nov 29 San Diego, CA 30 Nov - Dec 03 Boston, MA 04 Dec - Dec 07 Orland, CA 07 Dec - Dec 09 San Francisco, CA 10 Dec - Dec 13 Austin, TX
  11. Heck, I am waiting for this hot older porn actor to turn into a good looking guy that makes eyes at your friend. Or this older porn star is really a lawyer! Gosh, I love reading fiction. (KrisParr! KrisParr!)
  12. The schadenfreude we are all enjoying over this story was worth every penny of the $44 billion Musk set on fire. This is hilarious.
  13. Different phone numbers, but same hotel address he/they gave me when I texted him/them. Same rates too!
  14. Here is his Masseurfinder ad, very rude by text: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/40811/
  15. LeoNYC has a Rentmen profile: https://rentmen.eu/TomasNYC
  16. I asked him for a selfie, he texted back "LOL. No man, don't know if you are real" 😄
  17. karlkang have temporarily frozen their membership and you cannot contact this user at the moment. Please try again later.
  18. Here's another one: https://rentmen.eu/UKRAINIAN
  19. Perhaps Jimboivyo has loaned our Ivy League escort his Private Jet.
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