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Everything posted by glutes

  1. Googling his number brings up this: https://www.wafb.com/2019/06/27/new-scam-alert-phone-scheme-involves-spoofing-official-numbers/
  2. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15462052/ I stumbled upon this flick, billed as a drama - to me it was anything but. Documentary of what a young star goes through, the obscurity is raw humor. Actor is major eye candy, in Spanish with English subtitles.
  3. Piled Higher (and) Deeper.
  4. Appears he's not a good business person.
  5. This was one of Epi's last posts. I'm sure he's in Polaris class on his way to Heaven! RIP Brother.
  6. Sorta funny, I asked hm for a selfie, he replied "Why should I, my Rentmasseur pics are verified."
  7. 'Epi' was a true gentleman, in everyway. He invited me to a home cooked dinner back in the Spring, he was full of knowledge and laughter - and excellent cooking. Sad I didn't have the opportunity to reciprocate. RIP Epigonos!
  8. Eugene sent me some more recent pics, nyet.
  9. Color me semi-skeptical: https://rentmasseur.com/Latinbigmusc
  10. I have known a great provider (Masseur) for over 8 years, and recently did a 2 week vacation with him. Domestic darlings, the Private Jet wasn't used. We had a great & easy going time touring, dining, and doing some mutual massage work. Towards the end the subject of co-habitation came up, and I offered said provider he could move into a spare bedroom to help him save money. I'm looking for advice on this arrangement from the community here. Pros / cons / caveats. Thank you in advance!
  11. Optional Theragun Treatments at no additional cost Oh no, not the Theragun again!
  12. Methinks Hhuu is correct.
  13. "Wait, if you order now we'll include a penis lengthener , 10 year old photo, and your name posted on his blog!"
  14. in·tu·i·tion /ˌint(y)o͞oˈiSH(ə)n/ noun the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. We were born with it. Use it!
  15. Face pics rings bells, name changer?
  16. "I love trying new things and being spontaneous." Yea, like thievery.
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