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Everything posted by glutes

  1. I concur with all the favorable comments. However a IN call at his venue was horrible. Sewer leak in his apartment lobby (UES), messy and unkempt apartment. Do an outcall if any.
  2. Now in Bay Area, thinking about doing a Pete's & Greet. (Me thinks he is using stolen pics)
  3. Maybe we could talk RadioRob into having a Fake of The Day column.
  4. Perhaps jimboivyo or I could fly him out on one of our Private Jets.
  5. Met years ago, he's a heavy smoker. I never engaged.
  6. I had a masseur who practiced on me while the GF was in the same room, wrapped in a curtain. "You traveled with your girl friend? Where is she now?" "She's here with us." "Is she in the (hotel) bathroom?" "No, wrapped in the curtain over there by window."
  7. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/39458/ He's gotten a bit porky, and is a MUF'r / time shorter.
  8. ⚜️Artist and Sex Beast from French Alps⚜️ And he lists speaking German and Russian... Monsier Dupon, any Grey Poupon?
  9. https://rentmen.eu/Marcel_Dupon/#platinum https://rentmen.eu/Ivan_Drago/#platinum https://rentmen.eu/Maxim_Romanov/#platinum All fairly new profiles, and no nude pics. Color me skeptical.
  10. Now Adrian: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/42374/
  11. I concur with Hosemaster's assessment. You won't be disappointed.
  12. Body Hair:Naturally Smooth private pics indicate that is not true. (If those are his pics)
  13. You guys are too funny. And accurate .
  14. Wonder what kind of gifts you will be presented at the 400 & 500 $ levels.
  15. That love is gonna cost ya...
  16. One indicator is he's had an ad up for 3 years, and not 1 review.
  17. Comments like yours LaCap help vector me and others as to whether to engage a practitioner. Thanks!
  18. If true, quite a find there.
  19. Wow. No flat fannies for him!
  20. Well, over ten years ago he danced at the Nob Hill Theatre.Age shaver for sure, height length-ner - he's at best 5'7", pic #2 with beard is probably what he looks like now with beard. PM if you want more.
  21. And the catty comments ts from the Ladies Auxiliary are hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.
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