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Everything posted by glutes

  1. For those that plan to do a in-call with Nihal, he hosts in a difficult area to get to, and park. High in the hills of Brisbane CA, you better like stairs too. (I have never met him, a session may be worth the effort. Just a word of vigilance)
  2. Member Since: 23 Mar, 2016 Age: 21 Y/O He must be taking lessons from one of our esteemed age shaving providers. 😄
  3. Yes Ladies, Ryxx is back. 5 Bills/hour.
  4. Ad is still active. Rentscam must have Chief Inspector Clouseau working on this 'investigation' ?
  5. I have been in touch with Salvator, he states he is from Spain. Why is he using a German guys pics?
  6. Jan 27, 2022 Rate paid: 400US$ Time booked: 60 minutes Yikes!
  7. Pack report on this fraud! I reported him also.
  8. I've been in talks with an immigration agent and it seems that marriage is one of the options to bring him home and give him a quick kickstart. Easy to get into, and very hard to get out of.
  9. 'augmentation of his buttocks' Ersatz glutes!
  10. I will backup what Ronin512 has commented, would not repeat.
  11. Other Ruskis he's probably working with in SF: https://rentmen.eu/AlexVolkovXXX https://rentmen.eu/JordaNMacon https://rentmen.eu/DenVolkov Profile: Ру́сский / 'straight' / top / 'safe only' / no comments here on M-F. Every time I come to this county, from mother Russia, people lose their own control, run from their jobs, wives, sessions with others s, to be the first among who book before I get fully out of load. ~Den Volkov~
  12. Maybe they wouldn't let him on the bus wearing a balaclava and carrying a MAC-10?
  13. $110 out the door at Costco.
  14. I'm with Bluefin, the rates paid in his reviews are all over: $200 - $425/hour. And thank Ronin512 for taking one for the team, and reporting back.
  15. Guns don't kill people, going to a Bieber after-party does? SUPER BOWL WEEKEND4 PEOPLE INJURED AFTER SHOOTING OUTSIDE JUSTIN BIEBER AFTER-PARTY https://www.tmz.com/2022/02/12/justin-bieber-shooting-after-party-the-nice-guy/
  16. https://rentmen.eu/Bossy_Bttm Pic #99 is my favorite! 😁
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/25/dining/air-fryer.html This NYTimes article makes it look easy, and tasty.
  18. What the mayor is really saying is he doesn't want to go to a ice shanty for sex.
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