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Everything posted by glutes

  1. I have a heavy edge that he's a hustler.
  2. I'm actually straight and love kissing women's feet & bodies so I understand the fetish. If theres a woman i can kiss and touch, that will give you some serious negotiating power 😅
  3. Private pics suggests he knows how to choke his chicken.
  4. He should rebrand himself PapaLoco. I was gonna say no way in Spanish, but I'd get a timeout.
  5. I will agree with Gymowner on one point, we all have a different read of what a "hot" guy is to look like. When I see a thread title of " Any info on this hottie ?", I'm stunned to click on the link and see someone looking like the UnaBomber, half clothed with non-sensical tattoos. Good thing we all don't like the same thing.
  6. RMT, he's doing Projection: defensive projection—attributing one's own unacceptable urges to another.
  7. "And what did you bring to show & tell Jacob?" Another icebreaker.
  8. I go along with others skepticism. Methinks he has rebranded himself, pics are familiar.
  9. Anyone else getting shades of KrisParr?
  10. Changed his name, and is probably another age shaver. That said, he is displaying a real package in his private pics.
  11. Recent quote: $3K for overbite, $500 / hour.
  12. He's only 5'6, what a freak to be packing around those cakes.
  13. "Week of Oct 3: buy one get one fre" Oh boy.
  14. No one has taken the plunge, for 3 years?
  15. I'll betcha dollars to doughnuts his pecker ain't the stated 7 inches. https://www.drelist.com/blog/steroids-and-penis-size-relationship/
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