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Everything posted by glutes

  1. https://rentmen.eu/David_HCA I guess the next variant will be ICA?
  2. We are going to need boosters on a on-going basis for the foreseeable future. Just my hunch, that's why there are blank spots on my vcxx card. They know there would be additional jabs.
  3. He's a bit more buffed, and still an excellent provider as can be.
  4. Photo fraud and age shaving are epidemic!
  5. I'll take Misogyny for 200 Alex: What is how can this pig possibly keep his job as Executive Producer?
  6. Judging.book by its cover, but he looks like trouble. Fresh outta the San Quentin exercise yard.
  7. I asked him if he used a table, his response: "Bye"
  8. "The bigger the bill, the bigger the thrill!"
  9. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7ewk4/report-onlyfans-plans-to-ban-sexually-explicit-content
  10. It looks like the new host might be in jeopardy. s/
  11. Maybe with he new rate he doesn't 'top you off'? Pat Robertson kicked him outta the club?
  12. And include: - accuracy of posted pics - age / age shaving - clean shower offered before / after - lotion / oil / Johnsons Baby Oil - parking and security of parking (this doesn't apply to the Gulfstream 😀)
  13. Or what he doesn't do.
  14. And so are you, as new member with lots of cred...
  15. When I see firefighters (and cops too) in a store, grocery or otherwise, I am more secure. They'd be the first ones there to help you, whether a medical or other issue.
  16. When they ask me to send a pic, I do. Of one of their competitors. If they can photo fraud and age shave, why can't we? 😁
  17. $300/hour of IN call (near LAX), $300 + Uber for outcall. He is very nice via text. And I don't even need to fuel up the Private Jet...
  18. I think he always offered the HE. I really don't want it now, pics are quite dated, and he's gained weight and beard. I'm happy just bopping my own baloney... https://rentmasseur.com/maxxx
  19. Anyone give us a hint to his pricing?
  20. https://rent.men/AustinTasteless "I don’t kiss and tell..." Right, like some other escorts do.
  21. https://rentmasseur.com/maxxx The Russian rub & tugger is back.
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