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Everything posted by glutes

  1. Armand Duplantis Sweden · Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
  2. KMEM, always good for a good laugh as he spouted about his favorite provider, and his Private Jet (fractional) adventures.
  3. With a heart of gold, and talent you can always trust that a experience with shimmer is one you won’t forget <3. Epi, let us know if that shimmer (shine with a soft tremulous light) is worth 550 bones.
  4. In no particular order: BigValBoy Guy Fawkes Fin Fang Foom There or more coming, I have to take my Prevagen.
  5. https://rentmen.eu/Alexadventure No reviews or comments here, for over 4 years?
  6. He sounds like a real charmer.
  7. What, another age shaver? I am shocked!
  8. If you find the right practitioner, it is wonderful. Reduces stress, increases blood flow, etc.
  9. Same guy? https://rentmasseur.com/FABRIZZIO
  10. No. Another age shaver?
  11. 350 Bills, and you better ask for a face photo.
  12. Chilango! https://rent.men/pnklemonade
  13. Alexandermaster's profile has expired! Good, he can't rip-off clients anymore.
  14. The pics scream of TGTBT.
  15. Cool to the touch is right. You're lucky to get him to smile or laugh too, he's a robot.
  16. https://rentmasseur.com/Yourbrownguy
  17. I am cautious of headless wonders.
  18. $4 bills/hour ***This is not gossip, it is a fact of what said provider texted me***
  19. If it helps, he will not confirm those are his pics, at least by sending a selfie.
  20. I am in recovery from chem*** addiction.
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