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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Wasn‘t there a poster who had so many health issues that he couldn’t walk around without holding onto furniture? I felt sad for him and as I recall he lived alone and had a landlord that helped get his mail/groceries for him. I think everyone on the message board encouraged him to get help. Wonder if he ever did.

  2. What will you do if you need to hookup or hire an escort? Will the prescence of your "friend" make it awkward? I "hosted" a guy (who i hired as an escort off craigslist) who was being thrown out of his place because he fell behind in his rent (turned out he was spending his money on meth). It lasted 2 years for me and it was really uncomfortable as I resented his presence. I paid for everything- call me an enabler, until i finally had a "chat" with him and gave him a deadline to leave. 

    It really cramps one's style to have someone in your home if you are not totally comfortable with each other hooking up with others. 



  3. 17 hours ago, EastCoastBtm said:

    I don't know about a rom-com, but I wish there were providers that would set up a great vacation getaway spot/private home where I could bring another provider / friend with benefits / fuck buddy / boyfriend / whatever and have a wild sex weekend without worrying that the owners are going to freak out that I spilled silicone lube on the mattress (which you can get out with baby shampoo by the way!).  I've used two Airbnbs and the owners definitely 'telegraphed' that I should NOT be getting pounded while visiting.

    I started another thread about this in The Lounge I think.  Someone recommended Misterbnb.  I did check that out, but I wasn't sure if I should send an email to the listing owner - "Hi, can I rent your place so I can smoke weed and get fucked by a bunch of guys?".  If I was comfortable with the listing owner, I don't care if they are in the next room....getting assumptive on whether they try to join.... let's keep those lines clearly drawn for now......

    Sexbnb needs to be launched.....  

    I'm too scared of using Air B&Bs for that reason... not knowing if they have hidden cameras or not would freak me out too. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, MscleLovr said:

    My understanding @cany10011 is that foreign nationals can obtain a digital EU vaccine passport only if they are legally registered as resident in the EU (and of course have received one of the 4 vaccines authorised by the EU regulatory agency).

    Where are you resident?

    Thanks. Canadian living in NYC (Resident). 

  5. One thing that I would recommend is the World War II museum. I spent a whole day there and was not bored. As a Canadian, I find American history very fascinating and more interesting. Apparently, the museum was built in New Orleans as it is also the home of the "Higgins Boat". According to the website:



    In the late 1930s, the U.S. military began developing small boats that could carry troops from ships to open beaches. Andrew Jackson Higgins of New Orleans, who had been manufacturing shallow-water work boats to support oil and gas exploration in the Louisiana bayous, adapted his Eureka Boat to meet the military’s specifications for a landing craft. Designated the Landing Craft Personnel (Large), or LCP(L), it was used in the invasions of Guadalcanal and North Africa in 1942.

    Initially, separate landing craft were used for troops and vehicles, the LCP(L)s and the LCVs (Landing Craft, Vehicle). The LCP(L) was designed without a ramp. Troops unloaded from the LCP(L) by jumping over the side, which proved unsatisfactory because climbing over the side exposed the men to hostile fire. Higgins solved this shortcoming by combining the LCP(L) and LCV’s designs into the Landing Craft Vehicle and Personnel or LCVP. This craft, which is now the most famous of Higgins’s designs and is often referred to as the Higgins Boat, allowed infantry or small vehicles to exit through a front ramp.

    Higgins Boats changed the way that war was fought. Previously, navies would have to attack ports, which were usually heavily defended. By using Higgins Boats, armies could unload across an open beach and have more options in choosing their attack points. This also stretched the defending armies. Instead of concentrating on only a few entry points, defenders had to cover more shoreline. In both the Pacific and European Theaters of World War II, Higgins Boats allowed Allied armies to move ashore.

    The success of these boats ensured that Higgins Industries would be a major employer during the War. A small workforce of only 75 workers in 1938 grew to over 20,000 by 1943. The Higgins workforce was the first in New Orleans to be racially integrated. His employees included undrafted white males, women, African Americans, the elderly and handicapped persons. All were paid equal wages according to their job rating. They responded by shattering production records, turning out more than 20,000 boats by the end of the war.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    Many years ago, a friend of mine from London retired to Portugal because he expected to be able to live there more comfortably on his limited retirement income. A couple of years later he phoned me from there, practically sobbing because he was so miserable. His lifestyle was comfortable, but even though he was a well-traveled, educated and sophisticated gay man, he felt completed isolated and alone in a culture that didn't really interest him. Things got even worse when he developed AIDS symptoms, because he had difficulty getting medical help there, and the locals treated him like a pariah.

    Yikes! I always remind myself that the grass is not always greener. My friends are trying to convince me to buy an apartment in Lisbon to be close to them but I have no interest. My home is here in NYC and Toronto. I don't mind visiting them for a few weeks but I am not confident that it would be my choice of city to retire in. 

  7. They should rank it according to museums, galleries,  and michelin star restaurants. None of the top cities have anything to offer me. 

    I'm quite happy and comfortable living here in NYC. Some of my friends who retired at 50 have moved to Portugal where the cost of living is way lower. I've been to Portugal many times but don't see the attraction there. 


  8. 4 hours ago, CheckCar said:

    Others have noted that some brothels have ties to human trafficking. I hope folks do some investigating before paying for services at a brothel, just to make sure that the workers are there on their own volition. 

    Good point. But, how does one do that? Ask the person at the front desk? They are likely to be part of the problem. Is there a registry somewhere?

  9. Since we are all living vicariously through this unprecedented (at least to me) opportunity, i say yes please!!! Stream your shenanigans away!!!

    Will there be breakout rooms where we can watch the paired up couples/thrupples in various rooms or in the main room??? Inquiring minds want to know :)


    Thank you!!!

  10. 26 minutes ago, Coolwave35 said:

    I play this scene out monthly. Your welcome to join if you’re ever in New York. It’s a lot of fun. Next weekend I have 12 providers spending the night at my house. I enjoy the scene and recommend every single one of them. Also, I got consent from all 12 to film so I’ll share that with you as well. 

    it takes A LOT of work to find the right mix of guys comfortable with groups. Some of my favorite one on one guys are terrible in the group setting. 

    if you’re going to do it, take your time planning. 

    below are the boys participating next weekend. 

    You live the fantasy! I'm salivating at your choices. Have you seen Nico? He seems like someone fun for a group setting :) 

  11. I believe the Brightline is a light rail/ train system servicing West Palm to Miami. Took it last year pre pandemic from a meeting in West Palm to South Beach/Miami.  It seemed relatively user friendly and was quite convenient. 


  12. For some additional context (the video in question can still be viewed).  Instead of building tolerance, i think that the lyrics triggered a backlash. Especially in the era of Jeffrey Epstein’s….I can see why it is so controversial. The refrain “converting children” was OK once or twice, but it is everywhere in the song and is a little cringeworthy. 




  13. 9 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    And that’s why we are currently in the Sesta/Fosta (Google it if anyone isn’t aware of it) era. Many brothels translate to “human trafficking” which is just a legal term for pimping to some degree. 

    Long story short, it’s the reason why Adam 4 Adam no longer offers escort as a pro choice and why RentMT

    The brothel’s of today are online. It’s better for the provider and the client. The closest one can get to that nowadays is likely a bathhouse. 

    Female brothels posing as massage parlors are pretty prevalent in big cities like NYC. I sometimes have to accompany my hetero friend there as he needs a wing man. Sadly, those places do nothing for me. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    Yeah, that could well be the case. In the male brothel I visited in Montreal, the young lads (most appeared to be in their 20s) were quite eager and a lot of fun. Of course, I wasn't so bad looking either in my 30s. I do remember my guy swallowed.😈

    Swallowing is always a pleasant surprise.


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