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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Ryan Idol (I know he's controversial, but I still lusted after his videos)

    Rex Chandler

    Steve Hammond

    Billy Brandt

    Blade Thompson

    Josh Weston

    Most guys in the Belami stable circa Lucas Ridgeston

    Also, really liked most of the guys in Chi Chi Larue's videos... seemed to always have things I enjoyed watching



  2. 1 hour ago, jjkrkwood said:


    Surely with ALL that money, he could have bought a "Sleep number "?    Forget about fucking on a hard ass bed like that,  a good nights sleep is tantamount to good health !  🤣🤣

    If that is the bed they slept on for their "work" (doubt it)... then they are very frugal and hopefully saving a lot of their "hard earned" cash for a rainy day. 

  3. I sometimes come quickly and find myself 20 minutes short. It does not matter to me... the escort came and did his job. He can leave if he chooses. However, if I enjoy his company beyond the sex, I would not have sent that text. Sometimes, texting is not the ideal format for discussing these things. 

    Instead, I would have waited to book with him again and say something like, "I  had so much fun  that I can't control myself with you and climax too soon... perhaps we can play a bit longer or massage afterwards  so I can enjoy our full time together"....This way, it lets the guy know you enjoy his time and not putting him on a defensive. Otherwise, it  does not make for good future encounters as he knows he is being monitored by the minute. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Benjamin_Nicholas said:

    It's as whimsical as the hotel itself, no?  I like that.


    Now, if we're talking a money-is-no-object stay, I'd recommend looking into Aman NYC when it opens later this year.

    I've never had less than a perfect stay at every Aman property I've been to.


    Wow... those residences :) I never thought I'd like living in a high high rise... but i may make an exception. 

  5. On 6/20/2021 at 8:04 PM, Justin7402 said:

    Planning a weekend trip for later in the summer, last few times I went I've stayed in Jersey and taken the ferry over in the mornings which is fine in the morning but makes getting home a pain late at night, anyone have any recommendations for good hotels near the nightlife/shopping areas? 

    The ferry from Jersey City looks quite convenient and there is a Hyatt that looks nice. Probably worth it if you don't mind taking uber late at night.. i hear the PATH train is very convenient. 

  6. Asking about hotels is like asking about restaurants.... so many choices and neighbohoods. Although I live here, I have visited or stayed in many for "work". Not sure of the specific vibe or neighborhood you are looking for.  Some I like and recommend to friends (i'm sure there are many I am not including):

    Park Hyatt- if someone else is paying

    Mandarin Oriental - if someone else is paying

    Andaz - if someone else is paying

    Hotel Giraffe -so cute and adorable

    Williamsburg Hotel -for something different

    Gramercy Park Hotel - love this place. Did a staycation here before the pandemic. 

    Marriott Courtyard in Chelsea - surprisingly good value but tiny rooms

    Club Quarters Hotel- the World Trade Center is the only one Ive been to and they are totally functional and clean...though a little bit far from transportation 






  7. On 6/20/2021 at 8:54 PM, Luv2play said:

    I will be interested in the recs as much has changed since the pandemic. I stayed in the Roosevelt in midtown in 2019 a few months before the closedown and now I understand it has permanently shuttered. I liked it a lot. Perfect for taking escorts to and even overnights. Nice breakfasts in the morning. In rooms I only require a king-sized bed, not much else. I'm easy to please.

    Plus, the little Roosevelt Teddy Bear was so cute!

  8. Would be interesting to see your interior design... I think finding a homoerotic grecian vase is a fantastic idea. If you like it a lot, perhaps find a potter on etsy to customize a piece. Are you trying to create a scene from Birdcage? lol

    I have a modernistic asian contemporary theme in my place and am looking for one of those japanese "erotic pillow books" used as instructional manuals for the unitiated... to frame selective pictures in the bathroom. Sadly, they are only male/female pictures but entertaining and interesting conversation pieces.

    This was on the Getty website (sadly no fellating nor fornicating) but they are nude!



    Here is one with Achilles and his lover Patroclus:



    Some stuff on ebay along with the seller's name if you need to contact them






  9. If you enjoy his company, go for it. It's sometimes hard to find someone with the right chemistry that will tickle your fancy. 

    I wonder what other escorts in your area charge and how it compares to your guy. Is it similar? Maybe he just wants to get to market rate if he undercharged his earlier clients? 

    The escort is free to change (lower / raise)his rates or see whoever he wants to without any justification. I'm sure he might have considered a "favored client" discount but perhaps he needs the extra cash, longer commute to visit you, increased market demand (make hay while the sun shines). Asking for justification is just a little off putting...He already specified nondescript "increased costs". Asking for a detailed line item justification is perhaps that's why he is taking time to respond? 

  10. 20 hours ago, BigK said:

    Where do you watch Cocktails with a Curator?  I've searched for it on Comcast, Amazon Prime and Netflix.

    You can watch it on their youtube channel. Highly recommended and fun. 


  11. Sadly, Broadway Bares this year is online https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Photo-Flash-Broadway-Bares-Shares-Strip-Tease-of-2021-Virtual-Event-20210506

    Would be fun to share any info on fun venues to visit to get into the "spirit" of Pride? Hopefully Adonis will be doing something fun :)

    I know Feinsteins 54 Below has a drag cabaret show, but was looking for some other options that week as well!


  12. 43 minutes ago, thickornotatall said:

    I had a great BFE with Franklin Acevedo in Barcelona.....Dinner....a nice walk after ..he held my hand and kissed my neck....Back home he undressed me....rubbed my back....kissed me,,,hugged me...then my turn!....afterward he washed me up....turned the lights down and left....Amazing man..

    sounds like a lovely experience!

  13. I think if one is in the business of selling a fantasy which depends on a "look" or other attributes, you almost have to be transparent and share your face pic. I know some guys who are career-building professionals and where escorting is just a side hustle, they may be more reticent to share a face pic (unless they are completely comfortable and confident with their look). 

    Similarly, some escorts have asked for a face pic and once they get one, it's complete radio silence... so it works both ways.  However, in my experience, most escorts do not ask for a face pic but having a visual description does help (which i always provide general stats in the first contact). 

  14. Pets have ‘inner clock’ just like humans


    If sometimes you wonder if your dog is angry with you for staying out late, you might be right. New evidence suggests that animals have a clear sense of time, using previously undiscovered neurons that seem to switch on to count off minutes as they wait.


    The discovery was made by a team fromNorthwestern University while studying the medial entorhinal cortex of mice. Located in the mid-temporal lobe, it’s the part of the brain associated with memory and navigation. And since it encodes spatial information in episodic memories, lead study author Daniel Dombeck theorized that it could function as a sort of “inner clock” as well.


    “There are many similarities between the brains of mice, cats, dogs and humans,” Dombeck told Fox News. “We all have a medial entorhinal cortex (the region we found that may act as an inner clock), so it’s logical to think that this brain region serves a similar function in all of these different species.”


    To test his theory, Dombeck and his team put a mouse on a physical treadmill in a virtual reality environment. The mouse would run (on the treadmill) down a hallway to a door. After six seconds, the “door” would open and the mouse would get a (non–virtual reality) treat. They would repeat this a few times before making the door invisible. Dombeck was surprised to find that the mouse would still run and stop at the invisible door, waiting for six seconds for it to “open” so it could eat. Since the mouse didn’t know whether the door was open or closed and waited exactly six seconds, the team concluded that it had to have used its inner clock.


    The researchers also monitored the mouse’s brain activity, finding that the mouse’s neurons would fire as it ran. When it stopped at the door, those neurons would turn off before a new set began firing. These newly discovered neurons only fired when the mouse stopped, keeping track of the time the mouse was resting.


    Dombeck believes that dogs and cats more than likely have the same neurons that encode time.


    “There’s evidence that humans and monkeys can estimate time intervals using some form of an ‘inner clock’ and now with our work we know that mice also can explicitly represent time intervals in their brains and can perform timing tasks,” he explained. “Therefore, it’s logical to think that animals in between mice and humans in the hierarchy chain, like our pets (dogs and cats), can also use their brains to estimate time intervals.”


    The team’s research could have an impact on humans. The entorhinal cortex is one of the first regions of the brain affected by neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, and researchers could study how these diseases affect the new time–encoding neurons.


    “When doing basic research like we are, it’s always difficult to know where or how your findings will make an impact, but it’s really results from basic research like ours that eventually lead to better treatments or understanding of diseases, and sometimes even provide insights into how things like designing better computer software (by mimicking brain function),” Dombeck said. “Since the medial temporal lobe (the larger brain region that includes the medial entorhinal cortex) is one of the first regions affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and since the timekeeping properties of this part of the brain were previously unknown, it’s not unreasonable to think that clinicians could soon be asking patients to estimate different amounts of elapsed time as part of the battery of tests to look for early signs of dementia.”


    The study can be found in the journal Nature Neuroscience.



    My cats wake me up every morning at 5:30 exactly to be fed. They both jump on my pillow or lick my face if I ignore them too much. So, by force, I am a morning person even on weekends. The only good thing is working from home, i am at my office usually by 8:30 after coffee, news, etc... and put in a few productive hours before noon and take the rest of the day enjoying myself.

  15. This post resonates with me. Some of the best meals I've had in Manhattan were in small. out of the way restaurants, where I was taken by locals.

    There was a charming tiny 12-seat restaurant with a fireplace and gorgeous flower arrangements in the east village - 9th Street Market. It was one of my all time favorite spots in the late 90s. Sadly it is no longer there. Lots of great asian /japanese restaurants now on the list. Trying Kochi tomorrow. A lot great spots are run by alums of the 2 or 3 star places. Those are the fun ones to go to as the prices are still reasonable and they try hard to impress.

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