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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. My impression is that some escorts are still getting all the biz they want or can handle. I stay in touch with some of my regulars and as recently as yesterday one told me he is continuing his circuit around certain states in the US and doing well. Another left for the US from Canada a month ago and I expect he will be back shortly. He doesn’t advertise on RM any longer and just sees regular clients.


    While the Canada US border is closed at the land crossings, escorts and others can fly back and forth. On their return, they are supposed to quarantine in Canada for 14 days. I don’t think this is being strictly enforced though, but just by random phone calls.


    I've quarantined in Toronto in June and it was random phone calls. My brother however, had no questions when he came back with his family to quarantine and did not have any phone calls. At least in Canada, they require your information for contact tracing. When I returned to new york city last month, there were no questions or anyone asking for contact info at the airports.

  2. It's looking like it will be a bad winter. Cases by me are shooting up big time, especially hospitalizations, after we have had 2 or 3 months with really low cases. I am no longer interested in hiring anyone until after we get a vaccine next year. Just got in a fun trip to NYC so that will be it for awhile again.

    in your fun trip to nyc, did you hire anyone? :)

  3. He’s an escort that doesn’t advertise to my knowledge. Adonis has set me up with a few guys like that. He was amazing, and the one that was getting hit up on Instagram by the celebrity asking him to come over.

    I‘m glad you have your own private collection of guys at your beck and call :)

  4. On planetromeo, i met a nice guy who charged 150 euros an hour and about 500 for a night. He‘s moved to the US so can’t help you, but those were the rates 2 years ago. Istanbul is so much fun. I hope you’ll get to visit Cappodocia too. Also, if you can‘t find someone there, many russian escorts would probably fly there as they don’t have visa restrictions with Turkey. And their rates are generally fair.

  5. After viewing the clip, i think i need a cigarette, and I don‘t even smoke! The most provocative scenes were with the masked guests. I love the guy in the bright red speedo, whoever he was. Wow... just watching the clip, you could feel the sexual energy in the room when two guys were on their knees servicing the other guys. So erotically charged. Thank you Coolwave. I think you are everyone‘s hero for your generous support of the Adonis boys :) Did you get naming rights over some guy’s bubble butt?

  6. He’s not anyone’s type on here


    Also, for the record he gives a discount so I see him for cheap, his rates aren’t expensive to begin with.

    If his rates are lower than usual, perhaps increase his fee and ask for the full hour? Does he have an ad? Maybe he feels that he is working too cheaply and has other clients that pay his full rate.

  7. OPTION 1: I would just not give him repeat business. Have him wonder why and if he texts you for an appointment, just tell him what things you like changed. I‘m sure there are other masseurs where you are???


    OPTION 2: Or, if you have no other choices, just text him and say how much you enjoy his massages esp when working on your “name area here” and ask him if he can give it more attention for the full hour session. When he comes, play some music noting that you selected something 60 minutes long and will enjoy it for the FULL HOUR LONG SESSION. Hopefully he will get the clue. Otherwise, find someone else.

  8. For traveling providers (or those who meet us)


    I’ve got bitten by the travel bug, and decide to make my rounds (unfortunately me staying in the same market during this Covid time would likely mean having to quit, considering it’s been quite dead in my local area).


    I recently had a “long“ weekend, which has involved me cumming 4 times. All were quite impressive loads ?, but after my last one and then Monday hit...I lost all my drive and energy, at-least temporarily until I was able to hit the gym and replenish testosterone. Which is an issue because, I don’t usually do the fly into a city for a couple days and go home. My visits tend to be longer “tours” that last for a week or a month.


    I don’t really like being the guy who holds back on cumming because needing to see other clients. I find 2nd and 3rd loads (spread out over a course of a day or 2...NOT in a 1 hour session like some clients demand) can have more intensity than the 1st. However, the drawback is after the 3rd or 4th time, I need like a couple of days break from anything sexual. When traveling, that could be 2 days of travel expenses without seeing any clients. Then it may be no calls outside of one’s control, for 2 days on top of that.


    I try to go to cities where I know people, as it helps to be able to crash in someone’s guest room for a couple days to replenish (which is what I’m doing now). However, I’m starting to wonder if I need to scale back on shooting loads, and maybe just reserve them for clients who book longer sessions. At the same time, I do feel at the rate of 200 to 300, it’s only fair to share the juice ??‍♂️


    But my body is not a machine either ?

    Handsome pic!

  9. I didn't realize there was still any places open in Amsterdam. I fondly recall Why Not as well.


    There's a place in Dusseldorf called Cityboys www.cityboys.eu Most are Czech and Slovak guys who travel in and out.


    Thai gogo bars and massage places aren't quite what they used to be, but they're still there. I never had a lot of luck around SE Asia outside of Thailand but maybe I just wasn't looking in the right places. There were 1 or 2 places in Siem Reap last time I was there. If you liked big muscle guys those massage place were good.

    Dusseldorf is on my must visit list :) I read on PR one of the guys reviews in Slovakia that he used to work in Cityboys... lots of nice guys working there it seems. Would love to visit when seasonal parties are allowed. The overnight rate is quite reasonable it seems.

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