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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Not too long ago a "professional" guy reneged on an appointment without warning. He never gave me an exact address, and later claimed he was napping. (Phones have alarms!) Now I'm sitting in another park waiting for another "professional" (highly rated on RM I should add) to acknowledge my texts and give me an address. He can't use the napping excuse, because RM shows him actively online, "Available now", and receiving messages there, too, though he doesn't open them. (Single check mark.) If he wanted to cancel, why didn't he man up and do so? I travel in from the burbs on bus and train, and these games are monumental wastes of time for me.


    I'm tempted to call him out by name here and on RM with a bad review, as I did the last ass to pull this stunt, but this one isn't local and will just drift back to NYC where bad behavior is apparently acceptable.


    A review would be helpful to avert others from this guy.

  2. I went to one in Amsterdam in 1998 , walk up the stairs to a little bar area , you bought a drink, could flipp thru a notebook with pictures, pick the guy you liked , then go into the back. nice rooms with showers , it was nice

    I think it was called “Why Not” with stripper shows as well. Had a nice encounter that my straight friend treated me to (he picked a hot young Ricky Martin lookalike.

  3. https://rent.men/Ruue

    Says he is 6 2, 200, 31 Arab

    Total scam, not the same person.

    He demanded his fee, then kept pushing me back while I tried to leave.

    He had a friend in the bathroom who came out when I tried leaving and videoed the incident.



    Scary... ! Glad you made it out safely.

  4. I saw this newer version performed live in New York. Matt Bomer was in his underwear when he was alone with Jim Parsons. But not in the movie. The scenes of New York made me sad because so much of my New York experience is gone. I wonder if I will have any newer experiences.

    But Jim Parsons played his role well, totally obnoxious. I wonder if he stayed in character during off-screen moments. I'd of slapped him!

    Robin DeJesus was brilliant on stage and in the movie. And $20 for an overnight? Wow.



    I saw the play too in New York and I was sitting in the 2nd row. For some reason, i thought Bomer was naked in the shower scene onstage as I remarked to my friend who got the tickets how lucky we were to be up close and personal with him :)

  5. I had a thing going about 10-12 years ago with a masseur. He worked out of his apt and gave nice sensual massages. After a few sessions, the massages always led to us having sex. That went on for a year or so. I gave him an inexpensive Christmas present (it maybe cost about $30). While every session was paid for, I don't think he considered the sex part of the session. (I booked an hour and got an hour's massage; the sex was always afterwards, for example.) Towards the end, I started getting lots of "I want to see you again soon" texts from him, and several times those texts happened when I was in his neighborhood. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I would always be a little startled and look around to see if he was nearby. I was not looking for anything more than FWB at most, but he seemed to be getting more clingy so I stopped seeing him all together.

    Most people would be happy to be the subject of someone’s attention like that :) I would.

  6. I posted this from recent experience and wanted to get feedback. This was my first escort experience. I don’t have any trouble finding sex through buddies or Grindr, but I started getting massages that would turn into more and this started to thrill me. Eventually I thought, why not hire an escort that is really going to dominate me and is more attractive then any guy I could normally obtain? So I did my research, found someone I was incredibly attracted to, had great reviews, and a reasonable rate. I reached out to RM users that had rated him, they all said he was insatiable. I booked him almost a month in advance. It was going to be a great night. I drove from Orange County to LA. I arrive on time, he’s more handsome in person, in great shape. The session begins exactly how I imagine it would, and while we’re at the best part, he loses it from one position to the next. I tried to assist in any way I could but it wasn’t gonna happen. I immediately felt it was because of me. In my embarrassment I quickly started to dress. He said I didn’t have to leave but all I could hear was a pounding in my ears. I reached for the money in my pocket and place it somewhere, I can’t even remember, and let myself out. As I walked away all I could think was that I just paid to feel worse about myself. I understand this happens, and it’s happened to me as a top and a bttm, but I wasn’t paying or being paid then. I texted him my disappointment and he said he had a stomach bug earlier and it was still lingering. I asked for some of the money back, as it hadn’t even been 30 min and he returned half. From what I’ve been reading, he did the respectable thing but it didn’t feel that way at the time. The whole point of paying an escort was to leave there satisfied by this hot guy and not feeling humiliated and out $$$. While he could have been telling the truth, it ruined the whole escort experience for me. I think I’ll stick to Grindr and my favorite masseur.



    The stomach bug is an excuse i‘ve heard many times, and also that they are taking ’cough medicine“, or had “recent dental work” or something like that for poor performance. If they know they have a condition that may impair their ability to satisfy your requests/ fantasies that you clearly communicated in advance, they should cancel or at least give you the option to postpone your appointment until they ”feel better“. I‘m sorry you had a poor experience. Perhaps give him another chance? Money lost on poor escort performances is chalked up to “tuition fees” for this hobby.

  7. This rings so true....often posters ask “how do these fake RM ads continue...how do these fakes make money?” It’s exactly this....they prey on people who aren’t comfortable saying “no thanks, goodbye” when the provider arrives. If you’re going to explore this hobby long term (30+ years for me I think) you need to learn to say no thanks.



    Regular hookups too... i sometimes see (through my peephole) my neighbor arguing with a “trick” holding up a cellphone and saying you look nothing like this, go away!

  8. You are right. I would imagine that the actual activity goes on in the surrounding shrubs and away from the main path ways around there.


    The well-heeled on the UWS were not able to stop turning the Lucerne, Belleclaire and Belnord hotels into homeless shelters - with dire consequences for overall quality of life around there. But that is a different subject.


    Is the Ramble still cruisy at night? I thought that cruising there had disappeared altogether.

    Many of the well heeled have probably fled to their country homes.

  9. Okay, I want an honest answer. None of this “anything is appreciated” crap. I want to really know what is a decent tip on a rate of say, $300. What would be a bummer of a tip? And what would be an amazing remembered tip? Be honest!

    I gave the russian escort who woke me up with a morning BJ a 100$ tip. He didn’t expect it and Was very happy. Normally, i don’t tip, but just give repeat business.

  10. As an addition to this thread: I’ve decided to change the topic a little bit and include: I’ve had 2 more clients this week, formerly good regulars...fail to keep their plans when arranging a visit. One of such, I read thru my RentMasseur account and he twice emailed me last month and this month Along the lines of, “ARE YOU COMING TO TOWN? I’M SO ANXIOUS TO SEE YOU AGAIN. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.


    This week I FINALLY went ahead and came to town, contacted him prior...he was SOOOOOO excited, but for the 2nd time has pulled the “I’m so worried about COVID, I’ll have to pass” along with having a misunderstanding about how sex work; works, and now we’re done. I wasn’t worried because I took care of one of my other regulars good, and he’s only 28 years old and SHOWED UP no hassle, like he’s supposed to. Without the drama some of these “senior” hirers can’t seem to stop ??‍♂️ But still...


    This stuff is just becoming tediously petty. I literally feel like I’m babysitting 2 year olds. Yet these guys are nearly twice my age in some cases. Do men experience a 2nd terrible two’s later in life?


    I ended up canceling all travels right now, and just not going to bother. I’m just tired of putting in the effort, and getting my hopes up for idiots who don’t want to fucking take anything seriously. They text me one thing completely confident of an appointment, but then in their minds don’t believe they actually booked any time with me.


    I’m just about ready to retire until next year...



    Sorry this happened to you. I am nervous about COVID too and have not hired since March. I send money periodically to my regulars in exchange for some personal videos/ facetime chats, but have not met up physicaly yet and don‘t want to risk anything as I have aging parents. I know the temptation is real and perhaps your client in a moment of weakness reached out and later had second thoughts.

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