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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. As an addition to this thread: I’ve decided to change the topic a little bit and include: I’ve had 2 more clients this week, formerly good regulars...fail to keep their plans when arranging a visit. One of such, I read thru my RentMasseur account and he twice emailed me last month and this month Along the lines of, “ARE YOU COMING TO TOWN? I’M SO ANXIOUS TO SEE YOU AGAIN. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.


    This week I FINALLY went ahead and came to town, contacted him prior...he was SOOOOOO excited, but for the 2nd time has pulled the “I’m so worried about COVID, I’ll have to pass” along with having a misunderstanding about how sex work; works, and now we’re done. I wasn’t worried because I took care of one of my other regulars good, and he’s only 28 years old and SHOWED UP no hassle, like he’s supposed to. Without the drama some of these “senior” hirers can’t seem to stop ??‍♂️ But still...


    This stuff is just becoming tediously petty. I literally feel like I’m babysitting 2 year olds. Yet these guys are nearly twice my age in some cases. Do men experience a 2nd terrible two’s later in life?


    I ended up canceling all travels right now, and just not going to bother. I’m just tired of putting in the effort, and getting my hopes up for idiots who don’t want to fucking take anything seriously. They text me one thing completely confident of an appointment, but then in their minds don’t believe they actually booked any time with me.


    I’m just about ready to retire until next year...



    Sorry this happened to you. I am nervous about COVID too and have not hired since March. I send money periodically to my regulars in exchange for some personal videos/ facetime chats, but have not met up physicaly yet and don‘t want to risk anything as I have aging parents. I know the temptation is real and perhaps your client in a moment of weakness reached out and later had second thoughts.

  2. Or he was looking to guage the market, not necessarily to cut a deal with you. It's not like there's a published rate that's a standard like, for example, the price of a stock sold on an exchange. We all gather info in our own ways.

    Since the rates are not posted nowadays, it perhaps gives the provider more lattitude to test the market and ask for a higher rate?

  3. You'd reply saying: "I'm willing to pay $XXX"?

    ooh... i feel like it would cause hard feelings if I said something lower than their ask... but it is a market and I guess they are putting themselves out there and probably will expect some “best offers”... Has anyone been to the shops in beijing where you have to start at 10 percent of their asking price and work your way up? I was there with my brother and he started so low that the girls in the stall cried. It‘s all part of a game of negotiations but I don’t like playing that game, especially if it comes to something as intimate as sex.

  4. My first time, was hiring a cute graphic designer in San Fran. I stayed at the Pan Pacific hotel and recalled with trepidation calling the ad in the paper. He advertised as a college jock for 110$. We had so much chemistry that we met for the subsequent 3 nights. I know I was just a regular client to him, but it felt wonderful to experience my first time with someone so patient and willing. He gave me his real name at the end of my stay there and we kept in contact over the years. He’s moved to Colorado now and I still periodically look him up from time to time to see how he is doing.

  5. All my friends who have been on Atlantis cruises have loved it. Atlantis cruises, especially the Caribbean one, is just another party on their annual gay calendar. They usually go as an entourage of 10-15 people and organize their outfits according to the parties they plan to attend. It seems like lots of fun. Some friends have even met their husbands on these cruises. I however, am not a cruise person. I prefer traveling to a city and enjoying it by researching activities ahead of time and exploring cultural /historical aspects of the city. However, if you prefer to have things catered to you, cruises seem the way to go. As with any trip, inviting an escort you are familiar with and are comfortable spending time together in a small cabin would be my only concern. That along with the myriad of temptations for you and the escort would give me pause in hiring an escort, unless you guys communicate and set expectations and boundaries etc... ahead of time.

  6. That's what annoys me the most. I was on my way to the US Open in New York 2 years ago and ran into a couple from Chicago. I asked what neighborhood they're from and they said Glenview. Corrected them and asked to stop saying they're Chicago. It's not even spelled the same way. I actually live in the city and get offended by suburbanites claiming to live in the city.


    I don’t know Chicago, but perhaps can they say, “We’re from metro Chicago?”.

  7. It hasn't been that bad in Canada. I've seen new reviews popping out everywhere, of course, we have the government benefits for those who lost their jobs. I also asked a couple of providers and they said business has been "ok" despite COVID. We are in phase 3 of economy reopening and that apparently helped.

    Looks like second wave is happening in Ontario :( I wonder what restrictions will occur or if we have to go back to lockdown....

  8. I agree with Epigonos. In my experience, the agencies that used to exist, most gone now, worked quite well for both sides. (Perhaps you were thinking of Maximum as the NYC agency, Epigonos) I asked a hire from that agency why they used it and he said the agency took care of all of the advertising, rate setting, scheduling, and vetting of the client. He felt it worked very well for him, an aspiring actor.

    There was also A-list i think in NYC. But Maximum was great. Also, one for twinkish guys, i can’t recall... think it was called Campus Escorts or something.

  9. I’ve lived in NYC for 25 years and loved the pre-pandemic energy, cultural offerings, restaurants and museums and entertainment options available any evening of the week. Sadly, i think things are changing. Restaurants and stores are closing. I hope they will be replaced by other equally interesting businesses. Most of my friends have moved to their other homes or upstate. Lots of colleagues are still working remotely. I’ve moved to Toronto for the short term until things improve. Not sure if NYC or any other city will be the same after the pandemic takes its commercial and artistic tolls. So, hard to say if Chicago or NYC is better. I’ve been to Chicago many times. Like it there esp the architecture, but i think I’d take NYC still. The next closest city for my preference is Philadelphia and thinking of buying a place there.

  10. For whatever reason - maybe a spellcheck glitch / maybe even stupidity - the guy made a typo.....


    Are you stupid for not knowing what he meant to say or are you just trying to be funny by mocking his typo ?


    I think many of us would overlook that “typo” as he has so many other nice features that recommend him :)

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