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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. I think because he was non nude with the initial massage, he feels he can ask for more for the ”additional service”. Otherwise, i think it might have been best to be establish that nudity is important to you prior to your initial meet. Now, any additional requests would feel like, pardon the words, scope creep.

  2. Oh I just thought of what we can call a bad client. Years ago I had an hour appointment at my place. Then at the end he takes out a checkbook. Of course I said, "No". He said, but my wallet is at the hotel, The Mondrian where I'd called him earlier. I asked him to just leave an envelope at the front desk for me. I called him that night and he said he had. Two days later a friend and I had Duck Tacos (I miss those) at Asia de Cuba, I went to the front desk afterward. Of course there was no envelope. This was so predictable and cliche, I just blew it off. But it does suggest that if I do give it more thought, I can come up with some bad ones. p.s. Of course the only phone number i Had for the guy was his number when he'd been staying at the hote.



    Asia de Cuba! I haven’t heard that name for a long time. Truly Sex in the City vibe. I’ve only been to the original location and not the new one on Lafayette.

  3. Interestingly, this topic came up with a recent guy I hired from South America. He is traveling around the country escorting because the company that hired him and sponsored his visa actually went out of business right as COVID happened. I took him out to dinner and he said that I was only client so far that has offered to do that with him. Now that could be COVID related too, but he said that a lot of the clients he's had have been bad. One he caught trying to spike his drink with something (probably G). Another one pressured him to do PNP even though he had never done it before. Several have complained about his height (he is only 5'8") even though he accurately described that on his profile. Another complained about his accent and stiffed him some of the donation, saying, "You're lucky I don't call immigration on you."


    I felt bad for the kid. He's only in his mid-20s and came to America for a job only to go to escorting. He did say that the majority of the clients have been fine...just a regular session and then they were gone. But a definite sizable minority have according to this guy, treated him just terribly. He said he is probably going to only do this for a few more months.


    While this is just one escort (and a relative newbie as well), other escorts have told me similar stories, especially about the drugs. One regular of mine said he stopped doing overnight sessions because they were almost always all-night PNP sessions and he really doesn't like doing drugs. But even when he has told them he's not into that, he said many guys will threaten to cancel unless he partakes and then he loses the $1500 or whatever.


    I won't say I've always been a perfect client, but definitely we could all do a lot better at treating the guys we hire in a respectful way and not pressuring them to do things they don't want to.


    A Brazilian escort in NYC told me that he never accepts drinks as he was drugged once by a bad client.

  4. I would second that. I once spent 10 days in Berlin basically a sex vacation with a little sightseeing thrown in during the day light hours. German gay men range the gamut and you will find them out in the bars and saunas. This was two decades ago but I actually stayed in a gay b&b where the owner had a stable of escorts (this was pre-smart phones) with a nice photo album type book with details on each one. One could order in. It wasn’t cheap then and I imagine much more expensive now so I’m glad I did it when I did.

    Luv2play, do you remember the name of the B&B?

  5. I met him when he was visiting NYC right before he became “famous”. We had a fantastic time, and a great connection, so much so that he gave me his real name. Beautiful ass and a total wet dream. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. He did have my doorman asking questions as he was dressed in wife beaters and short shorts, and I asked him to dress a little professional. I guess he didn’t understand what “profession” i was referring to.

  6. I know the feeling. I started hiring after a big break up. It was a nice little period of me "living it up". I even found a regular who was my age that I got along with and we should chat about random stuff with over text quite frequently. But once I was wrapping up my "healing" phase by coming to terms with the factors of my break up and letting go of the hurt I was feeling, then my interest took a nose dive. Like, it was literally one day I met up with my regular, then the next I had zero interest. It's been that way for many months now. I still look and contemplate, but I never actually pull the trigger or go for it anymore.


    Now I just look at hiring as a special occasion, mainly if someone interesting is traveling to my city or if I am traveling some place else. I may hire when international travel starts, but that is about it. Overall, I'm happy with the break I took and I've been able to focus more on being comfortable with just me. This quarantine helped force that as well.



    I feel the same. I used to hire 2-3 times weekly. The quarantine has made me realize that as well as explore other creative venues to pass the time.

  7. I personally know at least one escort with an Ivy League degree. Some of these guys come out of school with crippling levels of debt and not everyone from these schools winds up making great money in their day job.



    One of my regulars was a Yale student on a scholarship. Beautiful muscular athlete and very submissive. We met for long weekends when he traveled to NYC for some R&R.

  8. He also described himself as a power verse which is the first time I’ve ever heard the term. This Friday is going to be nuts. I can’t believe Matt wouldn’t let Dio stuff the cherries up his butt. Smh



    Maybe he‘s saving that stunt for next week! I’m sure you have other delectable plans for Dio!

  9. Actually, it was a blonde hunk that was named “Mac”. He mentioned he was spending the weekend with a “client” in one instance and then he mentioned something obliquely about a rentman ad....


    The ad you linked is someone else I think that was advertised as participating, but I didn‘t see him last night... There were only 2 blonde adonis guys last night.. Both very up my alley. But the odd thing is, that the “Mac” had 5 tattoos (according to him) and danced in Arizona and the RM listed him in AZ as well... so it could be him and he has blonde hair. You are right, he has a sexy personality, so it could be the same guy!

  10. ‘I didn’t watch but do you mean Max?


    if so he’s porn name is Max Adonis. His rm ad is here...https://rent.men/maxadonis


    I haven’t met him but not only is he sexy and cute but after watching some of his YouTube vids of him just being himself, I’m more determined to meet him when the pandemic is over. I love his personality.

    Actually, it was a blonde hunk that was named “Mac”. He mentioned he was spending the weekend with a “client” in one instance and then he mentioned something obliquely about a rentman ad....

  11. Honda Civic's a better car. I have a friend who just got one and loves it! I'm familiar with the Corolla and wouldn't recommend it. For a little more you can get a nice Chevrolet Malibu though! ?



    My Honda Civic gave me no problems. My current Mercedes is costing a fortune in maintenance costs and tire replacements especially in the northeast where potholes reign supreme... i had to replace my low-profile tires 10 times in one year.

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