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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Not sure why someone is putting the thumbs down sign on Wharton posts? It is a great school. Half of my neighbors went there and on to Wall Street. As a Penn grad from the 90s, not sure I would get in these days but I‘m glad I went there.

  2. I love CDMX, and would think a provider would do well - though likely would end up picking up foreign travelers more than locals. I always stay at the Four Seasons - which is pretty secluded but easy walking distance to quite a bit to do. It also feels very safe.

    Love my stays there too. The spa is great :)

  3. Interesting subject. Fluency in multiple languages is much more common outside the U.S. than it is within the U.S., although immigrants and their offspring often are fluent (at least for a few generations) in both English and the main language(s) of their country of origin. Then there are children of the upper classes who are tutored, attend boarding schools, summer/vacation in Europe, etc. Speaking European languages has always been a point of emphasis for these folks. Finally, as immigration patterns and global economic shifts occur, there's starting to be more of an emphasis in the U.S. on being multilingual. My nephew's wife grew up speaking both English and Spanish and is fluent in both, although English is her primary language. Her fluency in Spanish has been a huge asset in her chosen field of Human Resources.



    Is his level of fluency the same as the first lady's?

  4. Not that it's my birthday this month, but I do get somewhat distressed at the happy birthday wishes I receive on Facebook, when the time comes. In effect, it seems to "out" my birthday to the world, which I might want to keep private. If someone wants to wish me a happy birthday, I prefer receiving any wishes my e-mail, text, or even regular mail. Do any of you also feel uncomfortable with birthday wishes made on Facebook? Is there a way to delete those posts?


    I don’t have my birthday listed. I feel Facebook invites and congrats are not very personal, so i don’t even bother responding to them unless it is someone i communicate with on a regular basis.

  5. It’s always a crapshoot when you mention Brooklyn! LOL


    For residents of Manhattan, when you say “Brooklyn,” unless it’s BAM or Barclay Center, people think “Timbuktu”!


    I love your ad and would love a closer location, but as Robear mentioned, we’re still in the midst of COVID here, so proceed with caution. But I’d come and see you, all things being equal....



    I once went as far as Queens for a hookup. I think it was near the Steinway stop or something. It was a little scary 15 years ago... but I’m sure it’s ok now.

  6. Hopefully August/September will be a nice time and things will have opened up a bit more by then. As far as the neighborhood, I’ve only been to Bushwick a handful of times. The last time I went was to pick up my rescue kitty. Not sure if I would venture for an outcall at a late hour, but probably in the afternoon would be ok.

  7. They are probably just making sure you are not 350lbs

    They get picky sometimes



    Even on regular dating apps, there ones that claim they “can’t get hard for lard”... so i don’t see why people should not disclose as much as possible to ensure the provider will be able to perform given the client’s detailed profile.

  8. They want to make sure they will enjoy the moment – and those that ask me this are told that this is a service and if I have to meet certain qualifications, I think they are in the wrong biz. I am not an ugly man but I don't participate in this. It only means they're going to be half-assed at their job.


    Do you tell your chiropractor, barista, store clerk, insert other professional service here, what you look like? HELL NO! They are providing a service. If they ONLY want to see and fuck around with 'pretty people' they should get another job. Otherwise, shut up, take the money and bend over or stick it in (whatever the customer wants).



    You are quite right, there are escorts that will meet anyone. A cock is a cock; and cash is cash. But, for those escorts who can pick and chose who they meet, perhaps extra details help to distinguish you from others.

  9. I think it is best to provide a “visual” description of oneself as part of the introduction along with likes and dislikes and how you envision your encounter to proceed (provided the price is right) along with where you are located and potential dates for meeting. It just helps being more transparent and gives the provider enough information to make an informed decision.

  10. Rick, in nyc, there are so many available providers and several of my regulars have been texting me since last week to make appointments... my building still does not allow for guests... so not sure when that will happen. Where are you located??

  11. I contacted reno gold a couple of months ago. He said then that he was no longer meeting fans in person but rather offering private video meetings. Perhaps he’s seeing guys in person again? I’d like to know as well. But I’m hearing from more than one poster here that he is asking $1,000. If he’s available again - and for substantially less than 1k - please PM me.



    Reno gold offers private video chats for 700$. Would probably fork over the extra 300 for an in person meeting.

  12. The OP poses a valid question. However, as a client, I‘ll pay whatever the escort is asking. Whatever rate they ask for is their own decision. But, from an economics /supply-demand standpoint, there probably will be an surfeit of escorts on the market. In the past, an excess number of guys (600 plus) on the market has not lowered the rates in manhattan (avg was 300) at least. So, not sure if that will be the case post pandemic. But, I guess they can make more on volume if prices are a little lower.

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