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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Definitely. They are housed in the Hermitage Museum which is part of a complex which contains the Winter Palace. The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg was the main residence of the Russian monarchs from the early 1700s to the year that the monarchy ended (1917). The Palace houses a huge art collection which was begun (for the most part) during the reign of Catherine the Great in the late 1700's. Her collection contained many works attributed to Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian, Raphael, van Dyck, Tiepolo, and Reni.


    Last year, I took a private tour of the Hermitage (SPB travel). It opened earlier for our tour group. Saw all the treausres of the Hermitage without the crowds. Wonderful experience and highly recommended. I was a little apprehensive visiting Russia, some friends recommended removing our sex/dating apps etc..., but it was totally fine and so much fun.

  2. I would still call my insurance company and ask about fraud protection for stolen/forged check fraud.

    Thanks instudio...however, this was 15 years ago. So, i doubt it will help. It was a hard lesson for me to be more careful scrutinizing my statements and accounts. I just didn't realize how victimized and violated I felt esp when someone has my personal information like that. I was living in Soho at the time and had to go to the 1st precinct. Going to a police station to file the reports were the most humiliating thing i had to do. It's like watching an episode of special victims unit.

  3. Unfortunately stolen checks is a whole different situation than “hacked” credit/debit cards, sorry to hear this happened to you. Has Happened to me twice at least, once business and once a private club I belonged to. Both instances involved nefarious employees.

    They opened 10 credit cards and I had to file police reports for each one of them...Fortunately, I bought my condo before it happened so it didn't really impact my mortgage or anything (I'm trying to look on the bright side of things)

  4. You might find coverage in your renters/owners household policy.

    The checks were stolen before they even arrived at my place. I have no idea what happened... just a whole bunch of forged/canceled checks from "black" sounding names in Georgia and Florida.

  5. VISA offers unlimited liability for Credit and Debit card transactions. There is no difference from a fradulent use standpoint.

    Good to know... in my case, someone stole my new checks (as I was moving) and forged my name. The bank has proof on file of my signature and the forged checks did not match those on file. Despite this, they said i should have notified them sooner, so it was my fault.

  6. That's awful. I suppose bank policies differ from bank to bank. If you shop online, you really need to read the fine print. I have heard that Wells Fargo is a terrible bank. Sorry to hear you had to go through that, cany10011.

    Thank you Roger! I was definitely a broke client that summer! I’m glad I can laugh about it now. I had contacted an acquaintance who works for the FBI but he told me they don’t investigate cases unless it is more than 100k involved.

  7. Sadly, yes. A very cute escort I met in Chicago a few years ago had contacted me about 6 months later stating he was planning to move to New York and needed my advice on neighborhoods. We had a nice chat and he gave me his real name. We met a few times but never hooked up again. I checked his name recently online and there was a memorial page dedicated to him. Much too young.

  8. Chatted with him - I think his RM pics are fine !! he asked for pics as well - I got cold feet tbh as I saw him on social media and tbh he didn’t look the same and wondered about recency of pics


    His rates were higher than I usually do, so i passed on it.

  9. It is not what it sounds like, but is a wonderful serial drama of serfs and nobility in 19th century Russia before the 1860 emancipation granted by Alexander II. Something like Upstairs/Downstairs meets Cinderella, though more evil plots and twist, yet with a satisfying ending. Watched 18 hours of it past weekend. Plus the guy who plays the count/duke is extremely cute (his name is Artem/Artom Krylov). Would recommend for those interested in Russian drama/series.

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