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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Wow ... if Cityboys could offer a broader selection of bigger types like Aron Ross I would def put it on my bucket list. I wonder if they have a larger inventory roster ... some agencies, like strip clubs in Canada, only depict a select few that agree to have their image broadcasted.


    I’m putting Düsseldorf on my list for next year... will report back!

  2. For me, accessibility to my family and friends in Toronto would be important, so I would have to say Toronto as well as New York, where there are great restaurants and wonderful cultural events to keep me busy and stimulated. Not really interested in warm weather climates as I"m heat/humidity/sand averse. Most friends are still planning to stay in New York, another has bought place in San Diego (not enough to do there for me), and another has a place in Lake Como (too quiet for me).

  3. I love the variety of traveling escorts and enjoy different guys when i travel, but also enjoy the regular consistency and dependability of establishing a working relationship with local talents. Prefer to host as I know the sheets and towels are clean... although i hate the cleaning aspect...lol.


    I see my 2 regular guys weekly and intersperse with the occasional traveling guy on off days. Yes, that is a lot of laundry.

  4. What the fuck were you doing looking in his nightstand?


    Seriously, you’re there to get laid.... not play detective.


    What exactly would you have done if he walked in while you were going through his stuff?


    You owe the man an apology for invading his privacy.


    The fact that a few guns made you “feel weird” is meaningless to me....you’re a creeper.



    I agree. I’d hate if an escort snooped around even if i were to leave the room for a minute to grab some water from the kitchen. I guess he had the guns for protection in case a client was not behaving himself.

  5. I love visiting Canada, but their border and customs people can be real assholes.


    Theirs is the only country I've had a blip getting into.


    Really? Wow. I’m Canadian and have very limited problems with traveling except the incident i mentioned, but that was because I was transitioning from a work visa to a permanent resident green card. My brother who travels more than I do gets stopped every time he returns from Asia as he got caught 10 years ago with a camera he never declared. From that point on, i’ve overdeclared and have not had to pay taxes on the gifts/purchases acquired abroad.

  6. I was in secondary inspection at Newark coming back from Europe. I was there only for a short period and only questioned about my visa status. However, there were several men ahead of me who were either Indian or middle eastern who were being grilled about their phones. Some were taken into the interrogation rooms with the officer holding the phone. So, this does happen. I always get nervous and delete or hide some pictures. Perhaps I should get an alternate phone just for border purposes and place the primary phone in my check in luggage.

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