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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Thanks for all the responses. I was asking of course as a feeler mostly. It's always tough if the price is too high then it gets awkward doesn't it?


    I guess there's no real answer to this then.



    Unfortunately, it is dependent on the escort and how much he feels his time is worth. Or, you can propose your budget and see what he says.

  2. Depends on how "attractive" you are and what the escorts in your desired location are charging... do you expect to charge more or less? Are you more attractive than other escorts? How much is the average rent in the area you are looking to live in? Would you be willing to share with room mates? Have you considered a "seeking arrangement" situation? What is your ultimate goal (besides making ends meet? Are you planning to pursue a new career/professional goals?

  3. One of my favorites must do quite well as he co-rents an apartment in TriBeCa, has equinox membership, and tuition at Parsons. He does not have family help. He also seems to always wear very nice designer clothes... so i’m sure he is making ends meet.

  4. It sounds fun but it could get messy... you may need to promise a certain number of clients to the escort for the evening. Plus, if you told all your friends that the "hot" guy is available for free sex (on the house), i'm sure all 30 will take you up on the offer. Also, are your friends prudish? Some may not want to have sloppy seconds, or thirds, or fifths...:) Best solution is to order an escort for each guest!

  5. Just watched this last night at the met. Wonderful production. DIdn’t realize Kathleen Turner until the end that she was the Countess of Krakenthorp. Looked like a fun role for her. Both leads soprano (Pretty Yende) and tenor (Javier Camarena) were spectacular.


    So lucky to have seen the excellent tenor perform 18 high C's!!


  6. I found this out the hard way. A provider I had my eye on in RM started advertising on FB. I saw the price and thought I would take the plunge. I contacted him through RM cause I am a member there. The price he quoted me was $80 dollars higher. I was caught off guard and declined. He asked if it was because of cost and I told him I saw his price on FB. To his credit he offered to meet for the FB price but by then I felt I would be cheating him and felt embarrassed because I felt like I was haggling over price. Lesson learned.



    I’ve noticed some discrepancy between FB and RM prices. Also, perhaps some ads lack pricing info so the provider can adjust his pricing according to demand/location/specific requests...

  7. $300 makes me crazy. I keep thinking what happened to $200? But then I remember, I started paying $200 over 15 years ago. With the cost of living increases isn't that about $300? Yet it still makes me (and others) crazy. I just hate spending that much.



    I think 300 is a lot too. it’s pretty much my upper limit for a session. Perhaps in nyc, there are many rich guys willing to spend 300 plus plus, but unfortunately i’m not one of them...hard for me to justify. I’d rather see someone for 200 on a weekly basis than periodically seeing someone who charges 300.

  8. At the end of the day, the client is saving the escort from getting sick and losing even more income in the long run.


    Sure, it's not fun taking a financial hit, but if decent notice is given, I don't see how that's such a terrible thing.


    The converse is also true. An escort who i booked recently came to me with a cough and a pink eye. Not sure why he didn't reschedule. I just asked for a massage. He was a nice guy and I'll rebook once he is better.

  9. If you leave the name of the escort with the front desk for him to pick up a room key, it would get awkward if they ask him for some ID? His escort name and real name (which would be on his ID) are almost certain to be different.



    True. But, for my regular, i have his civilian name as i"ve had to book his flights.

  10. I saw one particular lanky masculine bottom regularly for a few years. After being away for a while, we lost contact and I've met other new guys. Said former escort is now on rentmasseur. Have met up with him twice and it was only a massage, but he did do things that other masseurs wouldn't do and I left very happy. I haven't asked why he doesn't escort, but will try to do so next time i see him if the opportunity arises. It could be that he is in a relationship.

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