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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. They start wearing poppies in the UK and Canada by early November. I have mine when i went home to Toronto last week. In manhattan, the Canadian consulate was giving out poppies earlier this month as well. John McRae who wrote In Flanders Fields was Canadian and his poem is quite lovely and moving. I’m hardly sentimental and did not lose any family during last century’s wars but I am touched by the sacrifice of so many.

  2. How much worse can things get? Using it is your only hope. Accept that fact. God helps those who help themselves.



    You’re right. Avalon needs to want to make the change. It’s like my neighbor who is obese and has joined a local gym, but has only been to the gym 10 times the entire year. He needs to want to change and actually take action himself. No one can force him to.

  3. But using it is like admitting to myself that things are going from bad to worse and that there is no hope; that's a difficult thing to accept.


    Actually, it will make you safer if you use the walker and hopefully help prevent falls. You may think relying on something will make your muscles weaker and more dependent on the walker, but if you don’t move about, you will become deconditioned very quickly.

  4. As Larstrup so aptly said: "Avalon appears to have all the answers as to why he can’t do something and none of how he can with so much help here - by design."

    Indeed Avalon posts his trails and tribulations with repetitive frequency and many have offered advice, yet Avalon refuses to do anything. I thought he ordered a walker, but I bet that didn't work out. This guy refuses to do anything meaningful and helpful in his life. He will indeed fall and be on the floor before anyone gets him help. That said, I think Avalons primary issue is depression. But he won't seek help for that either.

    My other guess is that this is all some internet ruse on his behalf to see how many people will respond to his rantings. I'm surprised he hasn't asked for donations!



    I don't mind his postings...I do hope he is alright and in a good space. Some of his musings are entertaining and I do appreciate seeing the other side of the fence, as we age, we will all have to face mobility issues. It's good to think about things and prepare in advance. Fortunately, i still have a strong social group and close friends nearby that seem (at the moment) will be able to help out. A few of us are looking into buying condos next to each other in Palm Springs and Montreal so we can remain close to each other and help each other out.

  5. That is cruel! I have / had several overweight female friends and they have shared with me the hell they go through. I even attended several OA meetings with them; they didn't want to go alone.


    Dieting is difficult. Other addictions one can go cold turkey - drugs, smoking, alcohol etc. - but one needs food to survive!



    It's about making the right healthy choices in food selection :) It is difficult but it can be done.

  6. In New York, there are programs with SAGE that help older gay men. My friend volunteers and helps a shut on a weekly basis in with his computers or taxes. Perhaps you can find something like that in your neighborhood or maybe SAGE has a local chapter in your area? It is worrisome that you feel like you don’t want to impose on your landlord with things that are normal day to day necessities.

  7. I may be biased, but NYC has the most number of Michelin stars in the US at 76. 20% of these are Japanese. Not only the the Michelin starred ones, but there are many single specialty restaurants that serve only one type of dish or from one region: Kyoto-style, onigri, okonomiyaki, skewered meats, and those that specialize only in chicken or pork. I know no reason to look elsewhere (in the US, that is). Although it is fun to explore and to experience new places, i am pretty content with the offerings here.

  8. Around here, the hottest looking guys can be found in the grocery stores, especially the health grocery stores. The other day as I was walking into one of these stores, a guy gets out of his car and walks toward the entrance a few feet in front of me. Probably in his late 40s/early 50s and one of the hottest guys I've ever seen.


    This guy had the perfect build, just enough bulging muscles, thick thighs and shoulders, fairly tall and a beautiful bubble ass. Short blonde hair, perfectly combed, and blue eyes and a stunning face. But what took my breath away was his sexy pricey clothes. He was wearing slacks that fit him just right and a tight light button-down shirt that was almost skin tight and perfectly showed off his muscles. You could tell he had just gotten off work.


    Once inside I found myself looking down each aisle for him, then eyeing him a few minutes later and walking right behind him. Every girl that walked by gave him a long stare. Later I lost him, then walked down another aisle, and the guy was walking straight toward me. I obviously didnt stare, but then I could tell he was staring directly at me, so I looked and our eyes met. He didn't make any expression but continued looking at me.


    Later we ended in the same checkout lane, and he started chatting up with the male associate in a deep macho voice. He was extra friendly and made the clerk smile and laugh a few times. For a brief moment as he looked ahead, I had a chance to check him out, and man what a treat this guy was. I saw him drive away and never saw him again.



    Those guys are abundant at the gym I go to. Tall, slim, tight fitting pants and shirts. Abs of steel and some wear jockstraps walking around the changing rooms. Every morning there are so many stunners... i almost fall off the treadmill.

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