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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. A go to restaurant in chelsea is Singe Vert. I also like Red Cat for American. There are a whole bunch of nice restaurants along 10th Ave in Chelsea so you might consider those too if you are considering taking a friend/tourists there as it is also near the Highline which is a great place to stroll.

  2. I agree with you wklucas.... it is a common courtesy to post a link. I also am surprised people message me out of the blue and ask me about so and so escort- no greetings, no thank you, just tell me about your experience with xyz. I immediately delete those messages.

  3. I would have thought the Chinese store person might have thought my Chinese co-worker would have been able to understand the comments and refrained from making them.



    Perhaps she was with a “westerner” and so the shopkeeper assumed that she was whitewashed and did not speak a lick of Chinese.


    Living in manhattan, you will find that a lot of people that speak languages that you would not imagine that they would. I am fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and French. Not long a go, a Taiwanese friend and I were busy chatting away in French in a Chinese restaurant and said something catty about a neighboring table. The other Asian couple responded back in French and asked him why he was so rude. So one has to be truly discreet. Never know who might know/understand what you are saying about them.

  4. I attended an Asian wedding reception (Chinese man married Chinese Vietnamese woman). Was a lot of fun. They even did karaoke. The food was fantastic. An authentic Cantonese style restaurant. Fair to say they spent big on the food and my understanding is this is common in certain Chinese culture to spend really big on dinner. I met a lot of nice family and friends from both sides.


    Go, give your blessings and enjoy. I suppose the appropriate gift might depend on how traditional they are. Perhaps the restaurant they've chosen will provide a clue.



    i wanted to make sure i gave an apporpriate amount as both their families flew in to the small intimate wedding. I didn‘t want to give the impression that they had uncouth friends who did not know proper culture and protocol. I even picked up a special red wedding envelope for the occasion.

  5. Thanks for the input guys! After reflecting the question a bit more, I decided to go with 500 as it was at a 3 star restaurant. The tasting menu alone was close to that and the liquor probably pushed things even higher. Anyway, it was what i was comfortable with. I talked to my dinner guest and he said he went to Target and just picked up something he thought the couple would enjoy. So, it didn‘t really matter how much one gave. Regardless, it was a fun evening seeing my friends so much in love.

  6. Guys, i have a friends wedding to go to and they have everything already. Own a townhouse in the west village and a rental condo on the upper west side. They are considered good friends of mine. I’ve been invited to the wedding reception at a nice restaurant. How much should I give as a cash gift? I usually give 200 to generic co-workers/ casual friends. Should I give 300 or 500? They are Asian so i will avoid the number 4(00).


    I hope the amount i give will cover the price per head (is that what people look at these days?). Should 300 be enough? Has anyone had a wedding recently in manhattan that give advice?


    I haven’t been to a wedding in ages and have no idea how much to give. No, they are not registered anywhere. And, i presume they prefer cash.


    Any thoughts?

  7. Would be happy with either Donny and/or Johnny. I wonder how much that fantasy would cost? I remember a hot video with Daddy Muggs where he gets to fuck Johnny...

  8. I personally don't like how microwaved food tastes. It dries too quickly. I do think it cooks fish and corn (separately, well). I actually cook salmon in the toaster oven for 20 minutes (open faced, with some olive oil, salt, and a lemon) and it turns out perfectly each time.

  9. Maybe I’m crazy, but I would never ask for an Uber to somewhere that I could easily and cheaply reach via public transportation. Newark is super easy to get to. I’ve traveled to other parts of NJ too. It’s mostly easy!


    Maybe it’s just the Brooklyn born and raised kid in me, but I’d rather use the trains and buses. Have Metrocard, Will Travel.

    I use public transport all the time. In fact, i’ve taken the train/bus to Newark airport all the time (when i travel very light, i take the 62 bus from Newark penn station to the airport). I was just referring to some potential escorts that may be leery of going out of state..

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