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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Pissing   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Pissing   
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    Boruggue reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
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    Boruggue reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
    Art of Peeing 

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    Boruggue reacted to marylander1940 in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Danny-Darko in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Danny-Darko in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Danny-Darko in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to + StLouisOct in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to + StLouisOct in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue reacted to Whitman in Peekaboo   
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    Boruggue got a reaction from Rod Hagen in What Books Do You Read Repeatedly?   
    I’ve read and re-read several books by Haruki Murakami. Many of his works are an odd mixture of magical realism with absurd touches sprinkled randomly throughout.  Sometimes a reread is necessary to fully appreciate it all.
  19. Agree
    Boruggue reacted to EZEtoGRU in Lou Dobbs has died   
    I liked Lou when he was strictly a business reporter. Then he went nuts and destroyed what could have been a great legacy. 
  20. Agree
    Boruggue reacted to seattlebottom in Lou Dobbs has died   
    A loss to his family of course but a win for civil discourse.
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    Boruggue reacted to BtmBearDad in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    So glad I re-discovered this thread! Always nice to get confirmed I’m not the only one engaging in such licentious behaviour! 😂
    I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve managed to have a number of encounters thru the years with hotel staff. I thought I’d share one tale of my wanton ways with you gents! 

    This one is a bit lengthy, I tried to edit it down, but there’s a lot of buildup, a lot of “am I reading this right” over 36 hours before we got sweaty. 

    Some years ago, my travels for work brought me to what we called “Asia-Pac & Oceania” fairly frequently. Basically once a quarter I’d be out in region for 3-4 weeks, traveling between countries. This one trip, towards the end, I was in Singapore for about 4 days. I was then scheduled to head to Australia to round out the trip. I always added on about a week of PTO in Australia each time to enjoy the local talents so to speak, and was looking forward to it.

    Anyway, I’m in Singapore, and the hotel I’m booked into has “butlers”, for a lack of a better word, assigned to each suite. You had the same gent for your entire stay - he’d be responsible for example, bringing you room service, taking care of any dry cleaning or laundry, ironing, extra towels, toiletries, items you forgot or ran out of, running errands if needed, unpacking, packing, etc.. The “butler” that trip I had had before - very nice, slightly built Asian gent. No attraction whatsoever on my part. 

    My planned last day in Singapore, I finished up work about noon, and decided to make the short walk back to the hotel, and relax before the overnight flight to Sydney. Of course, it began to rain - and rain in Singapore in no joke. I picking up my pace, getting soaked, but I’m only a few minutes from the hotel. The forecourt had polished granite pavers in the drive, or something like that - whatever they were, they were slippery. I should have been walking in the footpath, but in my haste to get out of the rain, I cut thru the drive, and of course wiped out. 

    Doorman, and staff come to my aid, get me up and into the lobby. I should add I have a bad back, so I knew it was fcuked then and there. Thankfully, I always travel with my muscle relaxants and pain killers - hoping with them, and a good night’s sleep I’d be OK in a few hours for the 8 hour flight to Sydney. It was a misery undressing, getting in the shower, getting into a robe. I decided to err on the side of caution, called the front desk to extend my stay, which thankfully they were able to, switched flights, rearranged things in Australia, etc.. Hotel was wonderful, offering to get a doctor for me, comping meals, and drinks. 

    I popped my pills, dropped the robe, crawled into bed with a few moans and groans and hoped for the best. 

    Come morning, I find I can’t even maneuver myself out of the bed. Ugh! I have no choice but to call the “butler” to ask for help. He knocks, I say come in, using the pass key he enters and what a surprise! Not the slightly built Asian gent - but a tall, younger, well muscled feast for the eyes. Oh my. He introduced himself as “Harry”, and reading my face said he was taking over for the other gent. He had a lovely voice, deep and with that particular accent one finds in Singapore - a kind of Asian-English accent - thick glossy hair, deep brown eyes, and his musculature was very evident thru the short sleeved uniform shirt/jacket he wore. To give a visual, think of the actor Jason Wong, but with a thick muscular build.

    Now mind you, I’m naked under a sheet in bed, and I let him know due to my back, I needed help getting out. He flashed a dazzling smile “no problem”, strides over and is leaning on one knee on the bed over me, trying to maneuver me. I’m trying to hold on to the sheet to preserve some dignity, Harry noticed and said “don’t worry about that, it’s fine”. He gets me up, I realise he’s about 6’ maybe 6’1”, thank him, ask for the robe, and say I’m good now. I start to walk, really shuffle with a few grunts towards the bathroom, and Harry offers “don’t be silly, you need help” and proceeds to wrap his left arm around my upper back, taking my right hand in his right hand and slowly guides me to the bathroom. “Don’t worry, just go, I have you” I’m sure I turned 20 shades of red, but go I did as my hunky Singaporean “butler” held me up. Done, he stayed at my side as I washed my hands, brushed my teeth.

    He suggested a shower to help my muscles relax, and without really waiting was ushering me to the walk in, adjusting the temps, and taking off my robe. At some point he removed his uniform top, so I’m being manhandled by this shirtless muscular younger guy into the shower. Harry tells to just brace myself against the wall, and he takes the handheld attachment, adjusts it to the pulse and directs it at my back. I will say it felt amazing, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it myself. He readjusted to regular shower and used that all over my body, front, back, top to bottom, reaching in to manoeuvre me as needed. All the while smiling saying “you’re doing well, just a few more minutes to make you feel fresh”. Well, ok. 

    Shower done, I ask for a towel, but no, he towels me off. I try to protest, but he just smiles and tells me I’m clearly unable. Needless to say, this close contact started to have a effect. I just thought of anything to keep me down. I was obviously “plumped” but not fully “up”. Small mercies.

    Harry walks me naked into the sitting room, gently lowers me onto a towel on the sofa, and goes into the bedroom to redress the bed, then comes to get me, asking if I wanted to wear anything, I’m struggling to keep “down”, so to end this I just said no, and he said “good, naked is better when you’re feeling poorly” with that smile again. 

    He gets me in bed, propped up on a bunch of pillows, on his knees on the bed with me, arranging me. I’m both mortified, and incredibly turned on. He’s finally satisfied with how I’m situated, goes to the bathroom, comes out carrying his uniform top asking what else I need - OMG! When did my life turn into a porn film I’m thinking lol
    I ask for my pills, he drops his top, goes and gets my pills, and says “these say to take with food, so tell me what you want to eat first, and I’ll give it to you”. Another OMG moment. Mind you he’s still walking around topless, and despite my pain, I’m having all sorts of naughty thoughts about Harry. I give him my order, he passes me the remote and phone, then kind of braces an arm against the headboard, leans over me to ask if I’ll be ok while he’s gone. As I’m admiring his muscles, I assure him I will be fine, thank him for all his attentiveness. He smiles, puts on his top, and says “it’s all part of the service”. 

    He goes, I’m like “WTF just happened????”
    Harry came back with the breakfast, nothing else happened then. He continued to check on me thru the day, helped me out of bed a few more times as needed. He’d even stay and chat a bit. Came to find he was getting his advanced degree, while working at the hotel, he asked about NYC, I asked about his life, etc.. A very nice, charming, and to my eyes, a hot young man. I’m now at this point convinced the back pain, wishful thinking, and my own mortification at the situation that morning totally coloured my interpretation of what was said, what happened. Ah well. Still some nice eye candy! 

    These “butlers” normally go off duty at 7 or 8PM. He brought my dinner, I again thanked him for all his help, and wished him a good night. He smiled and said “good night? the manager said you were in a bad way, so he has me staying at the hotel tonight to be on call for you” Oh ok. Another visit or two, then lights out for me. 

    Next day, I was feeling better, and was more ambulatory, but he insisted on helping me, so my morning ablutions were a repeat of the previous day’s.  He gets me back to bed, commenting on how I’m moving better, and says a massage would help. I thought he was right, asked who was available at the hotel, he just smiled raised his hands wiggling his fingers “you’re in luck, Harry’s magic fingers are all yours!” Oh my! He left, saying he’d be back with his supplies. 

    Harry returns, moves me off the bed, says the bed will be fine as I wouldn’t be able to climb on the table yet. Gets a big bath sheet on the bed, helps me back on, face down. He takes his top off as I expected, then starts on his pants, he smiles, stops taking them off, says “is it okay I just don’t want to get any of oils or lotions on them” Carry on, Harry.

    So picture it, me naked face down on the bed, hugging some pillows, this big muscular Singaporean now down to a tight, and a very well filled out pair of short black boxer briefs is basically straddling me. I will say, he knew what he was doing, and I told him so. He offered, at one point he thought of going into physical therapy, so he had training. I was fully “up” by the time he rolled me over, but he passed no comment. 

    I pretty much ate, slept, watched TV, had visits from Harry the rest of the day. He said he was off duty that night, but front desk knows I may need help, so call if I do. I thanked him again, told I’m I’ll see you tomorrow, and to enjoy his night. He replied don’t worry, I’ll come see you before I go. I thought nothing, just thought he was being kind. 

    Another attendant came to take away my dinner things, asked if I needed anything, and to call the front desk if I do. About an hour later there’s a knock, I call for them to come in, as I’m making my way from the bathroom to the sitting room, and it’s Harry - now in his “off duty” gear. Wow! Tight white tee shirt and trackie bottoms, with a gym bag over his shoulder. He looked delicious! 

    He guided me back to bed, commenting on how much better I seemed to be doing. Without asking, and with no protest from me, he slid off my robe, and guided more than helped me into bed.

    Harry sat on the edge of the bed, kind of facing me, legs spread - of course I looked and I would have bet my last dollar Harry was going commando. He said he was glad I was doing better, I joked that it was all due to his attentions the last 36 hours, and his magic fingers. He blushed a bit, said he was glad he was able to help. Then offered another massage. I said it wasn’t necessary, he was off duty, it was kind enough he stopped by to check on me, and I didn’t want to keep him from his plans. He came back with he had no plans, and if the first one helped, another might have me feeling better too. Lost in his eyes, how could I refuse? 

    He guided me off the bed as he set everything up, I “assumed the position”, with head turned to observe him strip. Topless, he started taking his trackies off, then stopped and said “I’m not wearing pants - is it ok?” I’ll admit I was already thinking about what filled out his boxer briefs, so I joked since he’d seen all of me, it’s only fair he return the favour. He laughed, said thanks for being so cool, and off came the trackies. I think I may have gasped lol Very nicely proportioned. Thick, darker complected, uncut, nice dark balls, and all crowned with beautiful bush.

    “Well, here we go!” I thought. Both naked, on the bed, he’s giving me another wonderful massage, enhanced by the fact he’s naked, and I’m feeling “him”. Of course I’m reacting, and thankful I’m on my stomach, but I am storing all images in my mind, enjoying every minute, every touch. 

    This could have ended here, and it would have been one of the hottest romps with hotel staff. But Harry, as I found out later, had different ideas, and a very definite plan.

    After 30 minutes working on my back, going much lower than the first time I might add, his magic fingers working my glutes, Harry totally throws me for a loop when he says, “I didn’t do your front this morning, roll over so I can do it now”. What?!? I am naked, fully erect in bed in a hotel with the hotel “butler” also naked straddling me, asking me to roll over??? I stammered, spluttered, don’t think I said anything intelligible, he leans over me bends close to my ear, I swear I felt his hard nipples on my back, and says “it’s ok bapa, me too, don’t be shy, let me see” as I felt his erection on me.

    Oh God! I guess this is happening I thought, I exhaled, and I rolled over. Harry saw me, I saw Harry, and we were off!

    Even with my lingering back pain, we were able to fuck, him topping, twice. He joked after the second time, “you can move better now, that first orgasm released endorphins to help you”. Indeed all thanks to you, Harry. 

    I was in Singapore 2 more days, and both days Harry continued his ministrations to both of our mutual pleasure. I was smiling the entire 8 hour flight to Sydney. 

    We did stay in touch - he was able to arrange his schedule to be my “butler” when I was in Singapore, and with no back problems on subsequent trips, we were able to leave the hotel, as well be a bit more adventurous in the hotel bed, and his own bed. 

    Harry finished graduate school, and wound up relocating to London about 2 or so years later. I have seen him a number of times on trips there. He is now married a lovely Scottish guy - it was a bit jarring meeting the husband the first time, as we both remarked how similar we are in looks, build - clearly Harry has a type! Both have also made clear I’m Harry’s “free pass”. I was not going to argue with that!  

    Harry turns 40 this year, and I’ll be in London for the party, and he’s planning a long weekend in NYC with me to celebrate some more. 

    I thought after, and still on occasion ponder, if I had taken the car back to the hotel, if it hadn’t rained, if I stayed on the footpath, if I hadn’t fell, etc., I never would have met Harry, never would have had what is arguably my best time in Singapore, and wouldn’t have a great friendship with him to this day. 

    TL;DR - businessman falls in Singapore, muscular Singaporean hotel staff massages him, fucks him, and they maintain friendship to this day. 

    Again, apologies for the length! Hope you gents enjoy 😀
  22. Applause
    Boruggue reacted to Rudynate in Asian race play   
    I know that the nuttiest of the Republicans give the concept a pejorative meaning, but I didn't realize that anybody else did. 
  23. Like
    Boruggue reacted to MsgFantasy in Recommendation for a Masseur in Tokyo, and Quick Review of 2 Gay Spots   
    I just got back from a 8-day long trip from Tokyo. Before my trip, I picked out a masseur via RentMasseur.com that I want to try, and amazingly, our schedules worked the first night I was there. His name is Victor. As much as he looked mixed in his photos, I thought he looked more Japanese than anything else, but he told me he's originally from Brazil, and he's only one quarter Japanese, and apparently, Japanese people don't think he looks Japanese because he's too hairy, which is interesting, because Japanese guys are the hairiest among their Chinese and Korean counterparts. Regardless of what others may think, he seemed very Japanese to me: he was very soft-spoken and courteous, plus when I paid, he accepted with both hands.
    Anyway, I had the best massage ever from a masseur from RentMasseur.com. It's 100% a professional therapeutic massage. He did NOT bring a table, since Japanese hotel rooms tend to be small anyway, but he did bring pads that can lift your body up on the bed as if you were on a table. He was able to find all the tight spots on my back, and worked through them one by one. He was also able to lift himself up and use his knee on my back, or straddling me and use his thighs to pressure on my body, which is very sexy. He also did some stretching for me, which my body absolutely needed since I have a desk job.
    As for extras, Victor is very open about it in our initial communication. I got exactly what I was looking for, but you just have to be patient, because the massage process is 100% therapeutic, extras only come at the end, which you may DM me for details. Needless to say, I strongly suggest you give Victor a try if you're visiting Tokyo SOON, because he is in the process of re-locating to my area, the Greater Los Angeles Area. I did not ask if he'd be doing the same thing here.
    I also visited a gay sex club and a bathhouse. I was staying in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, so both places are in Shinjuku. The club was for bjs only, and the 2 days I was there, it was pretty dead, at one point on both days, I was the only guest there, and just like clubs in the U.S., once a good-looking white man shows up, it'd be all about that guy, lol, no surprise there😆. (I'm Asian myself in my late 30s.)
    The bathhouse is slightly more interesting. it's called 24 Kaikan, and it's a chain with 2 other locations in Tokyo. Since bathhouses, gay or not, are a natural part of Asian culture, I did find quite a lot older Japanese men there, like between the age 50 and 60, by which, I'm not surprised at all. For how many expats and visitors Tokyo has, I didn't see too many westerners there, but among the westerners, there were 2 much younger guys in their 20s, one South-Asian and one white, they both sounded British, and I'm not sure if they're even visiting together, but they were only playing with each other, putting on a show for all others. Another white guy there, who arrived later than I did, only showed interests for those 2 guys, which was weird to me, because why would he visit a gay bathhouse in Japan then? I did have some fun there, and I'm assuming things can get more lively at a better time: I visited on a Thursday afternoon.
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