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  1. interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned.
  2. Thank you for the perspective! To add a little detail, appointment started at 8pm, and he informed me he would be dining with a friend beforehand and then meeting up with me, so I did the same. Also, the "anal" part of things wasn't on the table to begin with (I'm partnered and my partner wasn't comfortable with that idea, but was cool with anything else that might happen).
  3. Hello all. New to this website. Recent first timer, had a mixed bag of an experience and could use some honest, objective feedback from clients and/or providers alike. So I've been embarking on this YOLO mindset for a while now and decided to treat myself to the whole escort experience, just to see what it's like and try it out and have some fun. I reached out to one particular gentleman who checked all the boxes, he was super friendly and also let me know he had a good amount of experience with first timers. Also a lot of very positive reviews. I decided to book an overnight (in hindsight maybe too hasty but I was really looking for an exciting adventure and figured why not go for it), which was a total fourteen hour appointment. Made all the arrangements, bookings etc. When the big night came, we met up, he was just as attractive as his photos, a great guy, great to talk to. We went out for drinks, had a great time. We left the bar to go back to the hotel and he informed me he needed to grab a bite and would meet me back at the hotel at around midnight. He came back at midnight and let me know he couldn't find anything but no worries. So we started getting busy and that part was great... after about 45 minutes or so he came and we decided to take a break. Around 1 AM he informs me he needs to go out and find something to eat, which I thought was odd but not a huge deal. Since we had had a decent amount to drink I decided to stay behind and promptly fell asleep (after the drinks and the fact that I'm alone in a hotel room at 1AM). He gets back around 230AM and slides into bed. I put my hand on his arm but got a distinct impression from his body language that he was ready to sleep. Fast forward to 8am the next day. We wake up and start talking. Around 830 or so he informs me he needs to leave around 9. So we start to get a little busy again, but now I'm thinking the time is running out and I couldn't really enjoy the moment feeling like the clock is ticking, so nothing really came of it ( no pun intended hahaha). So we part amicably and I'm showering, packing up to check out and go home and I'm thinking to myself..... what was that? So I'm confused. I let the whole experience marinate in my brain for a few weeks and now I'm asking myself... did I do something wrong? Was there something I should have said.. should I have been more direct about timing? I cant figure it out. I was going to just let it go but I cant decide. If I'm being honest, I had really high expectations and the whole thing feels like a giant letdown. Between his fee, the hotel, the bar tab, travel, etc this was an almost $3000 experience and I feel like there should have been so much more. So all that being said, I'd love some honest opinions. Clients, what would you do? I'm thinking about reaching out to him and expressing how I feel. Not in a nasty way but if this is his career, maybe he'd appreciate the honest feedback and what I would hope is constructive criticism? Or do I just move on? Providers, any thoughts? Is there something I should have said/done that maybe I didn't?
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