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    Voyager2025 reacted to carolus in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    Shit happens.
    Misunderstandings and shit happen whenever two or more people can engage. 
    However, I'd say if a person went to a restaurant and the service was shit, then one just goes to another or makes a complaint. One bad escort experience should dissuade from using them again.
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    Voyager2025 reacted to nate_sf in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    Maybe just maybe he had not had the chance to meet with his buddy for dinner beforehand, so had not eaten dinner after all. If that were the case, he might have felt embarrassed to bring it up, at least initially. That would at least explain the first disappearance if he truly had not had dinner, but two disappearances is odd.
    Wanting to dive right in and do an overnight is not unusual for a newbie, so don't feel bad. The idea sounds great, but it comes with the issues others have brought up here.
    My favorite appointment is the long 4-5 hour evening. It provides enough time to grab drinks and dinner, have play time, and some down time. If you're really hitting it off you can extend it to an overnight, but otherwise you can just end things on a high note and get some good rest afterwards.
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    Voyager2025 reacted to Thique in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    Don’t be too hard on yourself…. It was a bold move to start off with an overnight for your first experience and kudos to you for taking the plunge. All you can do at this stage is take away the lessons learnt for next time.
    I would suggest doing a few 1 hour sessions with different providers. You will see that each provider is different - pros and cons, and unfortunately some with cons only. You will also learn what you like and don’t like in the provider as well as in bed.
    I would not book overnight with someone that I have not met before. Too much of a waste of time, energy and money if not 100% sure that we will click.
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    Voyager2025 reacted to misterhumphries in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    Sounds to me like he was making other appointments sandwiched in between the time he'd booked with you.
    To me, overnight means, I've bought ALL the escort's time for the duration. No clocking in and out. If he did that, I'd make it clear there would be deductions from the time he left me to the time he returned. Which is why I would never book an overnight. Why would I pay a man to sleep?
    For a first time, especially with a man you have never met, consider doing only 1 hour. It's minimum investment to see if you and the escort get along. If so, and you've built a rapport, then consider an overnight --  But  make your expectations clear as to what overnight means to you. Don't be ashamed to ask for what you want. You're paying him, he's not doing you any favors.
  5. Like
    Voyager2025 reacted to wanderlust307 in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    I don't like overnights and I also don't like one hour meets. So when I travel, we usually start with drinks at the hotel bar, then fun in the room, followed by room service dinner. At home, drinks and fun, no dinner. Of course this may not suit you.
  6. Like
    Voyager2025 got a reaction from Bokomaru in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned. 
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    Voyager2025 got a reaction from + APPLE1 in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned. 
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    Voyager2025 reacted to blck37 in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    I hire for overnights, whole day and multiple days quite often. Only occasion the provider would leave me unattended is when he go to gym in day hire - even then he would send me pic or live google location, without me asking.
    For overnight, none has ever left me alone on the clock - we would either order room service, ubereat or go out together looking for food. 
    Call me paranoid, but i would question a provider who left me alone on the clock twice each for 1,5hr in an overnight hire - unless i have rejected their offer to go out together.
    That said, agree with others that one to few hours hire remain best option if you were looking for an action packed session. Long hours hire should be for a well plan vacation - day spent on sightseeing, meals, outdoor funs and end with play.
    I would never hire overnight that run past 3am so sleep wont be accounted into the business hours. Most provider ends up opting to stay for the night and leave after breakfast next day free of charge - granted no play whatsoever during those non-business hours, which is to be expected. 
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    Voyager2025 reacted to viewing ownly in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    The gist I'm taking is that it's highly likely you would've had a stupendous time if you simply saw him for a couple of hours instead of having the disappointment of an all-nighter. Lesson learned. 
    Him leaving you TWICE - regardless of what his excuse was - is completely unacceptable. For all you know, he may have booked someone during your time without you knowing - and getting doubly rewarded. I think his wallet was hungry, not his stomach. 
  10. Like
    Voyager2025 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    I don't see a smoking gun here, other than maybe the strange nature of an escort leaving a couple of times within such a short meet.  I wouldn't say that's the norm.
    Bottom line, it's always all about communication.  This has less to do with the timeframe (as many here seem to bemoan) and more about how many social speed bumps there were.
    In the future, plan a dinner at some point within an overnight.  Together.  It's a natural part of a date.
    Not saying any of this is your fault.  It's really up to a good escort to read the room and know how things are going.  If you've been doing this long enough, there's an equation to certain time frames.  Perhaps some additions, perhaps some subtractions, but it's there.  An escort learns to make it feel natural, effortless and put you at ease from the very start.
    As others here have already said, keep moving forward.  It could have been a lot worse (but glad it wasn't).
  11. Applause
    Voyager2025 got a reaction from + nycman in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned. 
  12. Love
    Voyager2025 got a reaction from Oakman in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned. 
  13. Like
    Voyager2025 got a reaction from Johnrom in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    interesting takes and I'm grateful to everyone who weighed in with their perspective. After reading all of the comments, I am following the advice of chalking it up as lessons learned and moving on. And some very interesting comments on overnights in general, I think I definitely jumped into the deep end of the pool too soon. Again, lesson learned. 
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    Voyager2025 reacted to Oakman in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    If I ever hired for an overnighter (I have not) I’d say something like “I want to see how many loads you can pound into me before the sun comes up” or “I want you to snuggle with me and fall asleep together watching HGTV” but leaving it up to chance? Yikes! Traveling escorts are tired. They’ll rest any chance they can 😋
  15. Like
    Voyager2025 reacted to + nycman in first time experience disappointment - looking for honest feedback   
    Overnights are not for you. 
    Join the crowd. Personally, I think they’re a huge waste of money.
    Also, don’t worry. Most of us had a crappy "first" hire. 
    Jump back in the saddle and find the horse that’s right for you.
    This hobby can be fun, once you learn the ropes. 
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