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  1. Tell your contributors that their wasting their fucking time, thinking their going to "take me down" because I misrepresented my age. What a shocker. People lie about their age. Get over it.
  2. Buffalo, NY?? Haha. Nope. We never met. You got the wrong person. You're the scammer. You're wasting your fucking time. If you think I'll lose a single a cent because of your stupid bulshit, go ahead.
  3. Do you not have any responsibilities? You have so much time in your day that you can harass people online? Go get a hobby. I don't know. I assume you're probably some fat ugly piece of shit, who doesn't exercise because he has so much time sitting on his ass harrasing people. (Isn't nice how people can assume things about you when they never met you in person).
  4. Right because you really think Rentmen will blacklist escorts for misrepresenting their age haha. Jeez, get a life man.
  5. First of all I'm younger than 35. And second of all, you never met me in person. So how do you know what I look like in real life??
  6. Do you know what I look like in person? I dont recall ever meeting you.
  7. There are only two older photographs on the website; the rest are relatively recent. Who are you to determine someone's age or how many years they should reduce from their current age? I've seen 55-year-olds who appear to be 25. Who am I to pass judgment, particularly in this industry where clients seek fantasy rather than potential spouses? People desire fantasy, not reality. Furthermore, if clients wish to verify their identity through a video chat and are satisfied with what they see, why should it matter? It is one thing to catfish and post entirely different images of oneself. However, if you are providing accurate information about yourself and the client is pleased with what they see in reality, why should this be an issue?
  8. Hey, I'm the owner of the rentmen account. I'd like to address a few points. First, it's common for people to misrepresent their age online, including myself. My clients do it, so why shouldn't I? If I've managed to maintain a youthful appearance through healthy living, why should I be penalized in an ageist society? Age shouldn't define someone physically, mentally, or sexually. Second, it's natural for people to use their best photos when promoting themselves online. Third, instead of criticizing someone, why not suggest that users set up a video chat with the advertiser to verify their identity and appearance?
  9. If you're so unsure about how he looks like, why not ask him to do a video chat. Why lie to people that an advertiser is not real, when you've never him.
  10. That is not true. Met him recently. He looks even better in person than in his pics. Stop making things up about people.
  11. Just met him. Super hot, sexy guy. Not sure how old he is, but his pictures are real as far as the way he looks in real life. Also, quite inteligent and charming. Highly recommend!
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