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Vin Marco

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  1. Applause
    Vin Marco reacted to + nycman in Much of what's told to public about health is medical dogma   
    That’s a very broad generalization, that I don’t think is true. The "Watchful waiting" strategy has been the standard of care for a long time in the US. Also, I think the real reason “Watchful waiting" is a successful strategy for ear infections is the rise of Pneumococcal and H. Influenza vaccination in infants. Thus vastly decreasing the risk that any ear infection is bacterial. 
    He makes some good points, but overall (like most medical providers who seek the spotlight) I fear some of his positions are overstated in order to attract attention. 
  2. Applause
    Vin Marco reacted to maninsoma in Why do escorts escort?   
    I find the speculation about income level interesting. Given my limited sample (escorts I knew/know well enough to know what their income was/is), I think the reality is that some guys don't make all that much money, some guys are able to make enough that they are solidly upper middle class (and maybe even become "rich" due to wise investments) and then there's a lot in the middle.  A lot of careers/jobs result in people working for vastly different wages.  Some of that difference is due to luck (right place, right time), but a lot of it is due to what an individual brings to the work.  In terms of escorts, I think the principal qualities that result in a higher income are looks, personality and business acumen. 
  3. Love
    Vin Marco reacted to ditcali in Vin Marco   
    @Vin Marco

    To quote Roger Rabbit, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one thousand. Four one thousand."
  4. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from crushme99 in Vin Marco   
    As always, I thank you for your  positivity and the compliments. I rarely quantify all that goes into what I do to achieve the results I desire and that I get, even after all this time... in fact, I'm happier about what I look like now than what I looked like  10 or 15 years ago.. .  Every single morning when I wake up, I basically jump out of bed to get myself ready for the day and head to do cardio either here at home or at the gym down the street. I just think about what I have to do each day never really thinking about what I have to keep on doing for weeks on end and it's just easier for me that way... I figure I can get it right just for one day and then the following day, I forget about yesterday and tell myself the same thing again.  Quantifying all I have to cook, prep, cardio, all thee reps and sets.. to think about that before hand would easily reduce me to a glutton for punishment and or a masochist  😂 I might say to hell with all this stuff 😜
  5. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to DaddyDave in Vin Marco   
    Curious what your ass looks like now. Thank you Danny.
  6. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to crushme99 in Vin Marco   
    Remarkable photos.  Immense respect for the determination and discipline that the lifestyle demands.  Most people don't have a clue and I grasp only 1/10th of it.
  7. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from ReynST in "Clients" asking for nudes   
    Existing client I've seen or that I see regularly, no problem, happy to share... an inquiring mind on RM that has seen the multitude of nudes, localized nudes, full mast at attention nudes, it's a "red flag" for me in which case  I kindly say, "if 15 nudes aren't enough, 150 won't be enough"  Most likely I'm dealing ( not for long ) with a tire kicker and or a "pic collector" And this comes from years of experience and collected test market analysis 🧐 📊 📈 😜
  8. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    You are the best!!! I cannot wait!!!😍
    it will be amazing! 💪💪💪
  9. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    Thank youuuu @alexslaveboy I look forward to adding another stop on the East Coast! Historically,  I spend 2-3 weeks on the East coast in December. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you! 

  10. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Mr.E in Fetish for white tank tops   
  11. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    So intelligent so well spoken so thoughtful and have you seen that physique!!!!!💪 
    haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Danny yet but he’s the complete package!!!
  12. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Hot4latin in Vin Marco   
    Good morning 😃 and thank you.  I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙏🏽
    A few different reasons for my diet preps.. self accountability, they allow me to keep improving over time, to simply keep competing with my former self and only my former self, last but not least, sometimes there's a photoshoot attached to the target 🎯 date 
    I've always said getting big is the easy part but but maintaining that muscle mass while fining down and creating the aesthetic look I seek is the tricky part that requires discipline and the know how to do it, it's those challenges that keep and hold my interest. 
    * it's no secret, I LOVE to eat 😜🤪 sometimes if I know I'm taking a trip or going on holiday, I'll get myself ultra lean so that I can truly relax and ENJOY food  and 🍸 and come  home without incurring too much collateral damage 🤣 Head out under par, come home par.... paying the piper in advance, paying it forward sort of thing and it keeps me happy and enjoying life 🥰
  13. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Saabster in Is it normal to have to Uber providers if client hosts?   
    I wouldn't say it's normal or abnormal... I agree with some of the people here who have said it is not to be expected, and while I have never put that onus on a client, it's something that is offered to me with a lot of frequency but again I've never asked for for it. If it's in a city, where I don't have my own transportation, I absorb the cost in which case, most of time people offer to pay for it.  Sometimes it's a short walk from where I'm staying in which case ( NYC ) it's not an issue ... it does make you feel good when someone sends  for you and by default makes me appreciate them that much more and I will go out of my way to return the same courtesy and generosity in any way that I can.
    When I visit the Washington DC area, I stay in Arlington so most people come to me, but there are times when people who live in Washington DC proper want to see me and they offer an Uber to get me into the city but let me say one more time, I don't expect it and I've never asked for it and never will.
    At least for me,  after someone has paid your hourly honorarium, It seems a bit petty to ask for such a thing... it's almost as bad as asking for a tip.. it's a no no 😉 
  14. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from CuriousByNature in Vin Marco   
    @CuriousByNature there are so many different components at play when it comes to aging and aging well it's not always the obvious, there's a lot of luck,  genetics, what we eat, what we don't eat, what we drink, what we don't drink etc. etc. etc. but equally as important are the things you just mentioned.... Wonderment, retaining that childish curiosity, surrounding yourself with good people and I think there's so much to be said for "attitude and effort"  ultimately it's all one big crapshoot because it can all come toppling down on its keister on any given day, so I try to live  as much as I can in the moment knowing tomorrow is not promised. But yea it would be well advised to drink plenty of water and not underestimate the power of good sleep... last but not least don't forget that muscle is the organ of longevity 😜
  15. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    Good morning 😃 and thank you.  I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙏🏽
    A few different reasons for my diet preps.. self accountability, they allow me to keep improving over time, to simply keep competing with my former self and only my former self, last but not least, sometimes there's a photoshoot attached to the target 🎯 date 
    I've always said getting big is the easy part but but maintaining that muscle mass while fining down and creating the aesthetic look I seek is the tricky part that requires discipline and the know how to do it, it's those challenges that keep and hold my interest. 
    * it's no secret, I LOVE to eat 😜🤪 sometimes if I know I'm taking a trip or going on holiday, I'll get myself ultra lean so that I can truly relax and ENJOY food  and 🍸 and come  home without incurring too much collateral damage 🤣 Head out under par, come home par.... paying the piper in advance, paying it forward sort of thing and it keeps me happy and enjoying life 🥰
  16. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Vin Marco   
  17. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Vin Marco   
    Good morning 😃 and thank you.  I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙏🏽
    A few different reasons for my diet preps.. self accountability, they allow me to keep improving over time, to simply keep competing with my former self and only my former self, last but not least, sometimes there's a photoshoot attached to the target 🎯 date 
    I've always said getting big is the easy part but but maintaining that muscle mass while fining down and creating the aesthetic look I seek is the tricky part that requires discipline and the know how to do it, it's those challenges that keep and hold my interest. 
    * it's no secret, I LOVE to eat 😜🤪 sometimes if I know I'm taking a trip or going on holiday, I'll get myself ultra lean so that I can truly relax and ENJOY food  and 🍸 and come  home without incurring too much collateral damage 🤣 Head out under par, come home par.... paying the piper in advance, paying it forward sort of thing and it keeps me happy and enjoying life 🥰
  18. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Njguy2 in What are your red flags?   
    What is not a red flag for you may and can be a red flag for for someone else. 
    The question posed here is " what is YOUR red flag?"
  19. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from myophile in Vin Marco   
    Good morning 😃 and thank you.  I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙏🏽
    A few different reasons for my diet preps.. self accountability, they allow me to keep improving over time, to simply keep competing with my former self and only my former self, last but not least, sometimes there's a photoshoot attached to the target 🎯 date 
    I've always said getting big is the easy part but but maintaining that muscle mass while fining down and creating the aesthetic look I seek is the tricky part that requires discipline and the know how to do it, it's those challenges that keep and hold my interest. 
    * it's no secret, I LOVE to eat 😜🤪 sometimes if I know I'm taking a trip or going on holiday, I'll get myself ultra lean so that I can truly relax and ENJOY food  and 🍸 and come  home without incurring too much collateral damage 🤣 Head out under par, come home par.... paying the piper in advance, paying it forward sort of thing and it keeps me happy and enjoying life 🥰
  20. Applause
    Vin Marco reacted to Moke in Is it normal to have to Uber providers if client hosts?   
    Um, what’s wrong with plumbers and landscapers?  
  21. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to Hot4latin in Vin Marco   
    Simply amazing.  Is all of this prep for the photoshoot or is there a competition coming up as well? 💪
  22. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Hot4latin in Vin Marco   
    Well.... I'm happy to "show and tell" 😜 I'll start by quoting Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith,  the leader of the A-Team, " I love it when a plan comes together "
    I've been staying really close to home and when I say close to home, that means the grocery store,  the gym and that's it. It gives me the ability to stick to my plan without any distractions whatsoever..... at least until it's time to go to Columbus in a couple of weeks where I've been assured I will be able to have access to the food I need and if you don't think I'm grateful for that you're outside of your mind 🙂.  Here are some comparison photos... one  is a photo of me in 2003 when I made my Internet debut lol all thanks to Rob T from Idiom Ltd. aka muscleworship.com and muscle gods .... he was always so good to us ( me and the guys that did work for him ) I don't believe he's with us anymore but he's certainly someone I feel deeply indebted to.. He was that good to me. 
    This first collage is the difference of 21 years and 30 pounds... 2003 vs 2024... I've enjoyed every step of the way. I was happy then and I'm even happier now.. it's even wild for me when I think about my journey and how much I've enjoyed the process, ultimately leading to where I am today. 

    This second collage is the difference of only three days. The picture on the left was taken on Friday and the photo on the right was taken this morning. It's amazing what a single "re-feed" day can do..  my skin tightened up even more, you can see more detail in my abdomen.  The craziest part is that from today, I have 4 more weeks left on this current diet prep that ultimately ends with a photo shoot at Black Beach in San Diego  one month exactly from tomorrow. 
    When you're EXACTLY where you need to be, 4 weeks is a very generous amount of time to make all the fine tuning and adjustments. No need for drastic and extreme measures on the final lap 🙌🏽
    When it comes to my bodyweight and my body fat percentage, I've never been this heavy with such a low body fat. How about that @myophile 😜🫂😘

  23. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + JamesB in Is it normal to have to Uber providers if client hosts?   
    I wouldn't say it's normal or abnormal... I agree with some of the people here who have said it is not to be expected, and while I have never put that onus on a client, it's something that is offered to me with a lot of frequency but again I've never asked for for it. If it's in a city, where I don't have my own transportation, I absorb the cost in which case, most of time people offer to pay for it.  Sometimes it's a short walk from where I'm staying in which case ( NYC ) it's not an issue ... it does make you feel good when someone sends  for you and by default makes me appreciate them that much more and I will go out of my way to return the same courtesy and generosity in any way that I can.
    When I visit the Washington DC area, I stay in Arlington so most people come to me, but there are times when people who live in Washington DC proper want to see me and they offer an Uber to get me into the city but let me say one more time, I don't expect it and I've never asked for it and never will.
    At least for me,  after someone has paid your hourly honorarium, It seems a bit petty to ask for such a thing... it's almost as bad as asking for a tip.. it's a no no 😉 
  24. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from myophile in Vin Marco   
    Well.... I'm happy to "show and tell" 😜 I'll start by quoting Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith,  the leader of the A-Team, " I love it when a plan comes together "
    I've been staying really close to home and when I say close to home, that means the grocery store,  the gym and that's it. It gives me the ability to stick to my plan without any distractions whatsoever..... at least until it's time to go to Columbus in a couple of weeks where I've been assured I will be able to have access to the food I need and if you don't think I'm grateful for that you're outside of your mind 🙂.  Here are some comparison photos... one  is a photo of me in 2003 when I made my Internet debut lol all thanks to Rob T from Idiom Ltd. aka muscleworship.com and muscle gods .... he was always so good to us ( me and the guys that did work for him ) I don't believe he's with us anymore but he's certainly someone I feel deeply indebted to.. He was that good to me. 
    This first collage is the difference of 21 years and 30 pounds... 2003 vs 2024... I've enjoyed every step of the way. I was happy then and I'm even happier now.. it's even wild for me when I think about my journey and how much I've enjoyed the process, ultimately leading to where I am today. 

    This second collage is the difference of only three days. The picture on the left was taken on Friday and the photo on the right was taken this morning. It's amazing what a single "re-feed" day can do..  my skin tightened up even more, you can see more detail in my abdomen.  The craziest part is that from today, I have 4 more weeks left on this current diet prep that ultimately ends with a photo shoot at Black Beach in San Diego  one month exactly from tomorrow. 
    When you're EXACTLY where you need to be, 4 weeks is a very generous amount of time to make all the fine tuning and adjustments. No need for drastic and extreme measures on the final lap 🙌🏽
    When it comes to my bodyweight and my body fat percentage, I've never been this heavy with such a low body fat. How about that @myophile 😜🫂😘

  25. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
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