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Vin Marco

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  1. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from crushme99 in Vin Marco   
    Hopefully this one is a bit more clear... those that know, "grainy" is a desirable look as it pertains to bodybuilding and physical conditioning 😜
  2. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    To your point my good man.... even after 1 day of HIGH CARBOHYDRATES the body can look drastically different and of course function drastically different . In the process of eliminating unwanted body fat by staying low carbs for days on end the lack of glycogen in the muscles can give them  sort of a "flat" look making pumps in the gym a bit more onerous to attain.  Thankfully, yesterday I broke that cycle and had a very high carb day and this is what I looked like this morning, not pumped as today is a day off from the weights. I did a little cardio here at home and went to the gym  around the corner from my house to snap a few progress photos.
    After tomorrow, I have five weeks to really push myself to new highs and my own all time best 😎
    @myophile you asked me to keep posting my PR's... while I didn't break a PR yesterday. I certainly hit it again. Something I had not done in 10 years. The last time I l leg pressed this much weight I was living in Palm Springs 10 years ago. I was able to rep  out 10 repetitions on my eighth set and I did the same thing yesterday. ( and yes, I re-rack my weights 😜 ) 

  3. Surprised
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Unfortunately, things like this do happen thankfully not with a lot of frequency but a lot of times these things are slipped under the rug. The story I'm referring to occurred between 15 and 20 years ago in the state of New York. You can never be too safe in this business. It's never a bad idea to let someone know where you're going ( at least for a first time visit with a total stranger ) for those that don't it's fine,  no judgment, but you can't fault somebody for being cautious. 
    i'll share a story about myself.... about eight years in San Francisco I got complacent, let my guard down and accepted a soda from someone I had never met. They were three of us....  at a certain point , I couldn't tell if I had been there 30 minutes or five hours luckily I didn't finish the beverage and  at that point I told these guys "game over" I took what was mine and left. I immediately called a psychiatrist friend /client of mine who lives in San Francisco and he informed me that I had been  most likely drugged and because I'm a big guy it helped but had I consumed the entire beverage I might not be here writing this story. In a weird way, I'm glad that happened because it reset my guard and I've never been complacent about such a thing since. 
  4. Party
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Brock O in Vin Marco   
    Awwww 🥰🙌🏽🙏🏽 Thank youuuu 🙏🏽 that sounds like a winning proposition for all 😜 including myself 😂
    I would welcome such a fine, detailed, and fastidious examination 🧐 right down to every origin, insertion, sinew, fiber, borrowing geologic metrics like the Mohs scale to include "hardness" into the criteria 😜  💎 
  5. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  6. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from myophile in Vin Marco   
    You surpassed "wannabe" a long time ago! You are one sweet SMART meathead 😜
  7. Haha
    Vin Marco reacted to + BobPS in Vin Marco   
    “Adjudication “ have you been hanging out with members of the legal profession?LOL😂
  8. Love
    Vin Marco reacted to myophile in Vin Marco   
    Aw, thank you, buddy — you sure know how to sweet-talk a wannabe meathead! 
  9. Haha
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    As far as traveling the world with conspicuous consumers, I think what is of  greater importance is ones ability to hold their own in any social circle(s) be able to keep up, know what fork to use and not embarrass anybody. When well-dressed,  the hint of a tattoo isn't so bad compared to walking through the lobby of  Ritz Carlton in a stringer....   
  10. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to adunn1992 in Vin Marco   
    Looking good, friend. Keep crushing your goals, and five weeks will be here in no time! You got this.
  11. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + nycman in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Unfortunately, things like this do happen thankfully not with a lot of frequency but a lot of times these things are slipped under the rug. The story I'm referring to occurred between 15 and 20 years ago in the state of New York. You can never be too safe in this business. It's never a bad idea to let someone know where you're going ( at least for a first time visit with a total stranger ) for those that don't it's fine,  no judgment, but you can't fault somebody for being cautious. 
    i'll share a story about myself.... about eight years in San Francisco I got complacent, let my guard down and accepted a soda from someone I had never met. They were three of us....  at a certain point , I couldn't tell if I had been there 30 minutes or five hours luckily I didn't finish the beverage and  at that point I told these guys "game over" I took what was mine and left. I immediately called a psychiatrist friend /client of mine who lives in San Francisco and he informed me that I had been  most likely drugged and because I'm a big guy it helped but had I consumed the entire beverage I might not be here writing this story. In a weird way, I'm glad that happened because it reset my guard and I've never been complacent about such a thing since. 
  12. Love
    Vin Marco reacted to myophile in Vin Marco   
    My man! Frankly, a feat like that, achieved AGAIN after ten years’ hiatus, absolutely stands as a new “personal best” in my book. To the group, full disclosure: Danny is sharing gym stories with me because he knows that for me, it counts as “talking dirty,” and has exactly the same effect …
  13. Haha
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Years ago in San Francisco, in Pacific Heights ( was one of my first appointments ) I met a really wonderful guy that I still see  currently that prepared a fabulous multi course dinner... Beluga caviar from the Caspian Sea, many wonderful appetizers,  entrées and loads of all kinds of  spectacular courses  including dessert, but because it was my first time meeting him I told him I had just eaten, and I was completely full. I was completely full of shit, I was starving, but I was mortified and certain I was going to be drugged, chopped up and put in a crawl space... a few visits later I confessed, and he laughed, but ultimately he completely understood where I was coming from.  Needless to say, I never again turned down anything he prepared and I still do not turn down anything he prepares. I adore him and I trust him implicitly. 🥰
  14. Party
    Vin Marco got a reaction from BonVivant in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Years ago in San Francisco, in Pacific Heights ( was one of my first appointments ) I met a really wonderful guy that I still see  currently that prepared a fabulous multi course dinner... Beluga caviar from the Caspian Sea, many wonderful appetizers,  entrées and loads of all kinds of  spectacular courses  including dessert, but because it was my first time meeting him I told him I had just eaten, and I was completely full. I was completely full of shit, I was starving, but I was mortified and certain I was going to be drugged, chopped up and put in a crawl space... a few visits later I confessed, and he laughed, but ultimately he completely understood where I was coming from.  Needless to say, I never again turned down anything he prepared and I still do not turn down anything he prepares. I adore him and I trust him implicitly. 🥰
  15. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to nate_sf in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    As a provider, I tell my husband about each appointment and where I'm going. Part of this is for safety, and part of it is just communicating to him what I'm up to. He used to be a provider himself so he gets it.
    At the end of the appointment I text him to let him know I'm on my way home, and if he doesn't hear from me he'll send a text to see if everything is OK.
    Fortunately I've never had something happen like what @Vin Marco describes. Yikes!
  16. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from thomas in You nut fast? Is premature ejaculation a turn on to some bottoms?   
    I am a total top and I'd be a liar if I didn't feel very flattered when someone has an orgasm in less than a minute of me touching them...  in that sense, It's both flattering and hot. A lot of times people are exceedingly embarrassed, but I assure them that it's quite flattering and totally OK.
  17. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    It works both ways. Even after all these years on the occasion that I make a visit to somebody totally completely new ( particularly someone's home ) I always tell somebody where I'm at... " if you don't hear from me in..... "  😉
  18. Agree
    Vin Marco reacted to Brock O in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
    I love the idea.  Maybe this would attract more of those who create the muscle to the forum to get connected with those of us who admire their muscles. 
  19. Surprised
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + m_writer in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Unfortunately, things like this do happen thankfully not with a lot of frequency but a lot of times these things are slipped under the rug. The story I'm referring to occurred between 15 and 20 years ago in the state of New York. You can never be too safe in this business. It's never a bad idea to let someone know where you're going ( at least for a first time visit with a total stranger ) for those that don't it's fine,  no judgment, but you can't fault somebody for being cautious. 
    i'll share a story about myself.... about eight years in San Francisco I got complacent, let my guard down and accepted a soda from someone I had never met. They were three of us....  at a certain point , I couldn't tell if I had been there 30 minutes or five hours luckily I didn't finish the beverage and  at that point I told these guys "game over" I took what was mine and left. I immediately called a psychiatrist friend /client of mine who lives in San Francisco and he informed me that I had been  most likely drugged and because I'm a big guy it helped but had I consumed the entire beverage I might not be here writing this story. In a weird way, I'm glad that happened because it reset my guard and I've never been complacent about such a thing since. 
  20. Surprised
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    I guess you never read about or heard about the escort that was tied up for EIGHT hours before he was set on fire with gasoline. 
  21. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from BonVivant in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    It works both ways. Even after all these years on the occasion that I make a visit to somebody totally completely new ( particularly someone's home ) I always tell somebody where I'm at... " if you don't hear from me in..... "  😉
  22. Haha
    Vin Marco reacted to Lotus-eater in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    Unless you want to look like a genderless dragon.

  23. Party
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Simon Suraci in You nut fast? Is premature ejaculation a turn on to some bottoms?   
    I am a total top and I'd be a liar if I didn't feel very flattered when someone has an orgasm in less than a minute of me touching them...  in that sense, It's both flattering and hot. A lot of times people are exceedingly embarrassed, but I assure them that it's quite flattering and totally OK.
  24. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + nycman in Vin Marco   
    Catch, carry, hold...  you bet my guy! 
  25. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    Technically speaking, they are no longer " permanent " this  chest tattoo I HAD was 1 of 5 I had successfully removed. 

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