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Vin Marco

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  1. Haha
    Vin Marco got a reaction from marylander1940 in Trust   
  2. Haha
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Years ago in San Francisco, in Pacific Heights ( was one of my first appointments ) I met a really wonderful guy that I still see  currently that prepared a fabulous multi course dinner... Beluga caviar from the Caspian Sea, many wonderful appetizers,  entrées and loads of all kinds of  spectacular courses  including dessert, but because it was my first time meeting him I told him I had just eaten, and I was completely full. I was completely full of shit, I was starving, but I was mortified and certain I was going to be drugged, chopped up and put in a crawl space... a few visits later I confessed, and he laughed, but ultimately he completely understood where I was coming from.  Needless to say, I never again turned down anything he prepared and I still do not turn down anything he prepares. I adore him and I trust him implicitly. 🥰
  3. Thanks
    Vin Marco got a reaction from BonVivant in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    * there were 3 of us. I agreed to see two folks at the same time. Something I have to be very discerning and sagacious about.. 
  4. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    This is also why I have a hard rule about not doing overnights with people I've never met on an hourly basis first. The only exception is if someone I know can vouch but most of my colleagues like Zeb have retired so I can't really rely on that anymore... people tell me "you're a big guy and you can defend yourself " to which I always reply with the fact that no amount of strength,  no amount of jiu-jitsu can help me while I'm asleep 😴 it may sound funny, but it's true. 
  5. Surprised
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    Unfortunately, things like this do happen thankfully not with a lot of frequency but a lot of times these things are slipped under the rug. The story I'm referring to occurred between 15 and 20 years ago in the state of New York. You can never be too safe in this business. It's never a bad idea to let someone know where you're going ( at least for a first time visit with a total stranger ) for those that don't it's fine,  no judgment, but you can't fault somebody for being cautious. 
    i'll share a story about myself.... about eight years in San Francisco I got complacent, let my guard down and accepted a soda from someone I had never met. They were three of us....  at a certain point , I couldn't tell if I had been there 30 minutes or five hours luckily I didn't finish the beverage and  at that point I told these guys "game over" I took what was mine and left. I immediately called a psychiatrist friend /client of mine who lives in San Francisco and he informed me that I had been  most likely drugged and because I'm a big guy it helped but had I consumed the entire beverage I might not be here writing this story. In a weird way, I'm glad that happened because it reset my guard and I've never been complacent about such a thing since. 
  6. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Do you let someone know you’re going to see a provider?   
    It works both ways. Even after all these years on the occasion that I make a visit to somebody totally completely new ( particularly someone's home ) I always tell somebody where I'm at... " if you don't hear from me in..... "  😉
  7. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Mr.E in Men’s Legs   
    This is probably one of my favorite fetish sub forums 🤩 🦵🏽 This was a burnout set after heavy leg presses... if my legs aren't nice and sore the next day I'm not satisfied 
    My Movie 147-360p30.mov
  8. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Tristan777 in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  9. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Jeeper84 in Vin Marco   
    I was so hoping and crossing my fingers that you would read what I wrote, and I have to say what I just read just about choked me up and put a huge lump in my throat. What an incredibly sweet thing to say.  I remember it like it was yesterday when you tapped me on my shoulder when I was sitting at Trio... those trips were so special to me and when you came up to me and talked to me about it, it brought back a lot of wonderful memories. 
    As for the lessons you referenced and mentioned, I think about those almost every single day of my life.. thank you for making a pleasant quiet, peaceful evening, even that much better. I can only hope that I bump into you again so that I can give you a big strong warm hug. 🫂 😘
  10. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + ThroatCummer in Trust   
    Thank you for saying that! 🙏🏽  In my business if you're gonna make it, survive, thrive, and flourish you have to be able to have an exceptional intuition and I've honed mine as good as I possibly can. I treat peoples homes as if they were my own. I ALWAYS these peoples homes in cleaner and better condition than when I arrived . If there is a car that's left for me, I make sure it's washed and left with a full tank of gas. .There's a  reason I do not and have never listed  my phone number in my ad... I force enough written communication and I can decipher just by the way someone writes, utilizes social graces, communicates, punctuates, etc... at which point I always require a phone call before I meet somebody for the first time and by that time I have a pretty good sense if it's somebody that I want to be meeting or not... it's one hell of a filtration/sifting system. By the time it's time for me to knock on a  door or have my door knocked on, I have a pretty good sense of what type of person I'm going to encounter. 
  11. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Simon Suraci in Trust   
  12. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + ThroatCummer in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  13. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from myophile in Vin Marco   
    I have a Larry Scott story! You just reminded me that when I was like 18 or 19 I worked with one of his ex-wives... she was much older, but you can tell she was probably a firecracker in her day and especially if she was married to that muscle hunk!  She wasn't a fan of arguably, the most famous bodybuilder of time.... this is all hearsay and conjecture, but I'm going to relay it anyway. According to her that very well-known bodybuilder who ended up making movies later would give guys downers telling them that they were uppers before bodybuilding shows.... again this is all hearsay and something she told me and I never forgot. 
    As for Larry Scott's biceps, they remind me of Sergio Olivas, my friend Tommy, who is a retired professor of anatomy at the University of Texas at San Antonio who is a complete muscle freak and fan described both Larry Scott and Sergio Olivas biceps as having "football biceps". 💪🏽 Massive but without that peak and split that the  famous bodybuilder turned movie star and flex Wheeler have. In my opinion both types of biceps are great,  they are just very different..
  14. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + Pensant in Trust   
    Thank you for saying that! 🙏🏽  In my business if you're gonna make it, survive, thrive, and flourish you have to be able to have an exceptional intuition and I've honed mine as good as I possibly can. I treat peoples homes as if they were my own. I ALWAYS these peoples homes in cleaner and better condition than when I arrived . If there is a car that's left for me, I make sure it's washed and left with a full tank of gas. .There's a  reason I do not and have never listed  my phone number in my ad... I force enough written communication and I can decipher just by the way someone writes, utilizes social graces, communicates, punctuates, etc... at which point I always require a phone call before I meet somebody for the first time and by that time I have a pretty good sense if it's somebody that I want to be meeting or not... it's one hell of a filtration/sifting system. By the time it's time for me to knock on a  door or have my door knocked on, I have a pretty good sense of what type of person I'm going to encounter. 
  15. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Njguy2 in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  16. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Njguy2 in Trust   
  17. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Trust   
    Effective immediately and with flying colors!
  18. Love
    Vin Marco reacted to + BobPS in Trust   
    So grateful I passed the filtration/sifting system. ❤️
  19. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Trust   
  20. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    Technically speaking, they are no longer " permanent " this  chest tattoo I HAD was 1 of 5 I had successfully removed. 

  21. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    For whatever it's worth, I had five tattoos successfully removed. You  can't even tell I had them.. ..   Dr. Timothy Jochen in Palm Springs is a medical wizard in my opinion. 
    The tattoos I had removed you would never know were there,  zero scarring, no lines of demarcation. 
    The traditional Japanese sleeve on my right arm I do like, the Tahitian tattoo on my left  wrist means a lot to me. I've been visiting Tahiti for many many years...  the word Tattoo comes from the word "tatau" which is both a Sāmoan word and a Tahitian word that means to mark. 
  22. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to 56harrisond in The View From Down Here   
    @Vin Marco 😍

  23. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Saabster in Trust   
  24. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Brock O in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  25. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Tattoo-less men a bigger turn-off as time goes on?   
    For whatever it's worth, I had five tattoos successfully removed. You  can't even tell I had them.. ..   Dr. Timothy Jochen in Palm Springs is a medical wizard in my opinion. 
    The tattoos I had removed you would never know were there,  zero scarring, no lines of demarcation. 
    The traditional Japanese sleeve on my right arm I do like, the Tahitian tattoo on my left  wrist means a lot to me. I've been visiting Tahiti for many many years...  the word Tattoo comes from the word "tatau" which is both a Sāmoan word and a Tahitian word that means to mark. 
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