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Vin Marco

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  1. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to myophile in Vin Marco   
    Jeeeeesus, big guy 💪🏻😳
    Those guns look like Larry Scott’s in his prime, and I can bestow no higher compliment!
  2. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    Same here!!! 👀👅💪💪💪💪
  3. Thanks
    Vin Marco reacted to Jeeper84 in Vin Marco   
    You are killing me with those biceps, Danny... 🤪
  4. Haha
    Vin Marco reacted to + glutes in Trust   
    Trust is like virginity, once lost, you can't get it back.
  5. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to + DynamicUno in Trust   
    In my experience, few successful escorts look down on their clients or see them as ATMs.  Most that do have that attitude flush out pretty quickly.  The relationship is transactional, to be sure, but the successful guys tend to respect their clients so long as the respect is mutual.  Honestly, I'd say that statement says far more about you and your perception of sex workers.
  6. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to myophile in Trust   
    If this forum has any value at all, it is as a clearing house for these sorts of awkward but important issues.
    TL:DR — what Danny said, every word.
    In addition, I would advise any would-be client to carefully read RM reviews, and comments here, in order to judge whether a provider is trustworthy or not. 
    For my own part, I only schedule repeat dates with providers who seem comfortable with me, and more importantly, comfortable in their own skin — guys who can carry on a conversation, who express some measure of interest in me, and don’t mind sharing something about themselves, with the goal of establishing, at the very least, a cordial professional relationship, and at best, a lasting friendship.
    For what it’s worth, I apply EXACTLY these same criteria in evaluating a personal trainer, or a physical therapist, or a masseur.
    I count some of my closest friends among members of these professions — “Gentlemen of the Evening” most definitely included. I am fascinated by what they do, grateful that I can afford their services, and prepared to celebrate them, both as people and as high level professionals, to whoever will listen.

  7. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to soloyo215 in Trust   
    Of course, most definitely.
  8. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Tristan777 in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  9. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Brock O in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  10. Agree
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Trust   
    And or those that have made a career and built a life consistent with their dreams and desires... those that have built a good reputation and intend on keeping it.  
  11. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from 56harrisond in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
    Like my bicep,  that particular appendage you speak of gets awfully big and hard when "flexed" 😜
  12. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from 56harrisond in Trust   
    * Honolulu as well. 
  13. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + ThroatCummer in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  14. Agree
    Vin Marco reacted to soloyo215 in Trust   
    I have. It doesn't make sense to do that, but some do. However, in my experience, that attitude seems to be more pervasive in some countries more than others, and in street hustlers more than in people who spend money advertising and have profiles online.
  15. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Njguy2 in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  16. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  17. Like
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Luv2play in Trust   
    Not in the slightest pal.  That's a pretty gross generalization, not to say some people don't see clients that way, but to say a reputable escort looks down upon his clients and views them as ATM's is overstepping the mark. Trust works both ways and that's coming from someone who has earned the trust and respect of a lot of people over the course of time.  
    Let me tell you a little story about trust.... I have the keys of multiple peoples homes.( Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, NYC, Dallas... )  I have clients who when they travel allow me to stay at their places and see clients... nobody in their right mind would do that without really trusting somebody... for years I used house sit and stay at a clients house that split his time between the desert and Indonesia... many years into doing this, he had me come over to show me how some new electronics worked, and before I left, I told him, "I hope you know I never bring people here" and he looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and asked me, "what do you mean you don't see people here? and I told him, "I would never bring anyone into your house. not with all these valuables.."  all those years he assumed I was seeing people, but I didn't want to take the risk of something going missing....  that day he convinced me that it was totally fine and it was his hope that I could enjoy his place and make money to which I replied by saying, "well how about I never bring a total stranger here? " And he said while tapping me on the back,  "it's totally up to you, but I trust you implicitly"  I'm sure a lot of people don't see it this way, but for me, to be trusted is as good or better than to be loved.  The friend I speak of that lived in the desert is just one of a few people who I have that same arrangement with. That kind of trust isn't built and earned over the course of a few visits...these are people that I have been seeing for well over 10 and 15 years.
    I can't speak for everyone but I view and  treat  no one like an ATM and I'm  positive I'm not the only one. 
  18. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from Jeeper84 in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  19. Agree
    Vin Marco reacted to rvwnsd in Trust   
    I have never met an escort who looks down on their clients. Why would they?
  20. Like
    Vin Marco reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Trust   
    As with many things related to this hobby, it depends on the provider (and, I suspect, the client). 
    I've had some great experiences with providers I've seen once or multiple times, who seemed to enjoy their work and I never got the impression they saw me as an ATM. And I've had a few experiences where it was obvious that they were just there for the money. The latter group won't be hired again. 
    With the people who don't make me feel like an ATM, there's definitely more trust. 
  21. Haha
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
    Like my bicep,  that particular appendage you speak of gets awfully big and hard when "flexed" 😜
  22. Love
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + Rickee in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  23. Haha
    Vin Marco reacted to + BobPS in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  24. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from + BobPS in Vin Marco   
    You're kind to say my long time pal. Im human, I'm not immune to mental exhaustion ( luckily it's not my body that gets tired from what I put it through ) which leads to hiatuses and moratoriums from training and my usual diet that leads to getting a bit fluffy from time to time,  not often but once in a great while...  sometimes it feels real good to let go of the reigns but after about two weeks, it starts to suck 😜 I  am exceedingly good at being elusive when that does occur that's why you'll be hard-pressed to find any "off-season" photos of floating around 😜
    Here's a photo taken this morning.. I usually do cardio at home except on Mondays because that's when I check in with my diet coach and I like to utilize the same lights and mirror for consistency and continuity.. The stair climber was being utilized, so I quickly got slight upper body pump while I waited, and I pumped up my arms "un peu 🤏🏽"
    For most of my "career" my arms were never my strong point. I've always been very chest and quad dominant. In fact I had a trainer/coach in Palm Springs who had me train my legs once every 11 days so that the rest of my body could catch up.. now I'm quite satisfied with the size, shape and hardness of my arms. Even when they weren't as big as I wanted them to be, they were always as hard as nails, they always had a lovely split, but now there'
    I look forward to connecting with you again @Rickee You've always been one of the good ones and we're even pals from the MSS days 🫂😘 ( and thanks again for always providing the black coffee ☕️ ) 😜
    re so much bigger than they were five and 10 years ago. 
  25. Applause
    Vin Marco got a reaction from crushme99 in Vin Marco   
    Hopefully this one is a bit more clear... those that know, "grainy" is a desirable look as it pertains to bodybuilding and physical conditioning 😜
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