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  1. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from thomas in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Burn this thread down.  public assistance and Pile Driver just keep repeating themselves.  Pizza?
  2. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to JayinHKNYC in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    you haven't even read the entire thread correctly
  3. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to PileDriver in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    dear lord...everyone take a breath. public_asssitance's comments were valid. period. if you want older masseurs at venues in nyc then gather together and ask for them. they will respond to the market place demand. maybe target one or two venues? stop being a needy victim!!!  lol. like I've said I have my older guys outside of spas. hire them!!! they are online on masseur sites. either this is a manufactured 'problem' or if its is a fetish to be at a spa with an older man, if that then take the reigns and change the culture. Period. no?  too much hand ringing and shifting blame and feeling left out
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + stevenkesslar in Recession coming?   
    I get your point.  If you go to the store and pay more for eggs, that is real.  If your house is worth $50,000 more, that's not real. 
    It's an extremely pessimistic way of looking at things.  
    Here's an investment question.  My stock nerdy nephew started buying SOXL at about $7 a share in Fall 2022, when it was beaten down to a low by the imminent recession mongers.  He kept adding positions, and kind of risked the store on it.  But only because it is an index fund with only solid profit makers like NVDA.  And he was racking up huge paper gains.  I think he went from about $200,000 or so invested to now over $1 million in value on paper.  With most of it being an  unrealized long term capital gain.  I, by comparison, got in late at like $17 a share, and have only doubled the tens of thousands I put in.
    By your investment standard, both my nephew and I are poor.  And bat shit crazy, to boot.  First, it is only a paper gain.  Second, if it is ever realized, we will have to pay lots of taxes.  Therefore, we are shitty investors.  Just like my roughly 30 % annual return on real estate value over about 25 years is total shit, by your standards.  After all, I have to pay property taxes every year.  And since I haven't sold, the homes may be worth nothing tomorrow.  Is this the investment "logic" you are espousing?
    By the way, just to cheer up the gloom a bit ......
    Stock prices and home prices may not be crashing.  But egg prices have!
    Egg prices are crashing. Here’s why

    It's terrible!  Obviously a recession is coming!  😉
  5. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from GHart in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Why is the above poster still allowed to post on this thread?   He just keeps saying the same thing over and over again without adding anything new or actually useful.
  6. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in Migrant Men-What's your experience?   
    You really believe paying someone $250 an hour instead of $300 an hour is being "financially taken advantage of"???  Are these migrants burdened with taxes like the rest of us, or rent, or health insurance costs, etc.  ??   I think it's the migrants that are laughing their asses off.
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Migrant Men-What's your experience?   
    this thread is borderline distasteful at best.  “Migrant men” seems to imply there is some financial advantage in dealing with new arrivals.  I don’t think the OP meant it that way, but some of the subsequent comments go there.
     When navigating this hobby, there’s a way to do it that offers dignity & grace to all participants.  All are human beings and worthy of your respect & kindness.  Somehow thinking there’s a financial advantage to be had is very poor form.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from mcskill in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Why is the above poster still allowed to post on this thread?   He just keeps saying the same thing over and over again without adding anything new or actually useful.
  9. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to pubic_assistance in Migrant Men-What's your experience?   
    I figure if they're living three to a tent, their expenses must be low...so $50 should be adequate for a suck and swallow.
  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from MscleLovr in Colombia - Devils Breath, Scopolamine   
    Exactly.  These sort of attacks have been going on in Brazil for decades.  I remember it being discussed when I lived in Sao Paulo from 2005-2007 and even before that.  One can google "Boa Noite Cinderela"  (good night Cinderela) and find ample information about it going way back.  Apparently, it's still happening in Rio with female prostitutes using it on foreign tourists/customers.
  11. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Walt in Recession coming?   
    I remember a very high stakes prediction similar to this involving Henny Penny, Foxy Loxy, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey. They KNEW.
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Walt in Recession coming?   
    US economy grew at a shocking pace in the fourth quarter | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM The US economy remained shockingly robust in the fourth quarter to close out a remarkably strong 2023 as consumers and businesses continued to spend, crushing expectations... ...and the crowd goes wild!!
  13. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Recession coming?   
    Let's get back to facts and the real world.  The December jobs report came in today and blew past expectations indicating that the US economy remains strong and resilient. there is no recession in sight.   Facts actually do matter.
    The US economy added 216,000 jobs in December | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM The US economy added 216,000 jobs in December, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday, blowing past expectations and capping off a year of...  
  14. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Asterisk in AlfonsoXL   
    Beware of troll here!
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in AlfonsoXL   
    this other thread already exists!!
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Asterisk in AlfonsoXL   
    He knows:  he commented there 20 minutes earlier.  He's just spamming the forum.
  17. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from MikeBiDude in AlfonsoXL   
    Beware of troll here!
  18. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Italiano in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Why is the above poster still allowed to post on this thread?   He just keeps saying the same thing over and over again without adding anything new or actually useful.
  19. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in AlfonsoXL   
  20. Confused
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from pubic_assistance in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Why is the above poster still allowed to post on this thread?   He just keeps saying the same thing over and over again without adding anything new or actually useful.
  21. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Rudynate in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Inaccurate -  better said that it's not part of YOUR formula. . The OP is proof that there may be other formulas than yours. 
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Necks in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    What are you going on about? Stop.
    OP is asking for recommendations for older masseurs, and here you are on your soapbox spewing bullshit. You're like the vegan lady with dreadlocks meme. Stop trying so hard.
    Yeah older masseurs are rarer shut up about that. No one cares about your "this is reality" rant. We're here looking for something specific. Contribute.
  23. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Monarchy79 in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    it does matter. How one delivers his message usually determines how the receiver accepts that message, if it’s correct/incorrect, true/false. 
    The issue with your statement is not that it’s incorrect, because I agree with you.  
    It’s  that you are an arse in your delivery. 
    You can’t present caviar on a pile of cow dung, and expect people to eat it. 
  24. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Monarchy79 in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    It’s because your delivery is atrocious (and you know it) 
    You enjoy being trite. 
    You also enjoy acting surprised when someone calls you out on it. 
  25. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to thelovebroadcast in NYC - Massage Parlors w/ Older Masseurs   
    Sweetie, I grew up here.  New York has everything.  You just need to know where to look.  And whom to ask.  Obviously you're not one of those people who knows, so... why even say anything?  If you're not going to be helpful, best to just keep your opinions to yourself.  Also, there have already been two different guys who have messaged me personally with recommendations.  😂
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