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  1. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to pubic_assistance in Club 69 - Puerto Vallarta (PV)   
    What year was this ? 1950 ?
    Who tips a dollar today ?
    Its 2023. Tipping is done with $5 USD.
    If you want to negotiate some extra fun, a $20 is the standard "let's talk" signal.
    P.V. is not some Third World destination where throwing pennies on the floor will do the trick.
    Nothing more gross than taking advantage of young poor kids who are selling their body for pennies. Everyone deserves a rate that you can afford, not the bare minimum they will accept out of desperation.
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Club 69 - Puerto Vallarta (PV)   
    I respectfully disagree.  When in Puerto Vallarta I pay in pesos.  The boys are happy to be tipped 20 pesos (little more than 1 U.S. dollar) and 10 minute private dances start at 500 pesos (little more than 25 U.S. dollars).  I can get escorts to my room for 1000-2000 pesos (50 to 100 U.S. dollars).  I have been going every year for 6 years, and have regulars who welcome me with open arms when I walk into 69.   Sure, I can pay more and get more, but I'm happy with the level of service these men provide for the prices they ask.
  3. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Chidude in Montreal - last minute updates?   
    Diego Barros is performing at Stock Bar on December 8/9.  He has a huge Brazilian cock.
    HUNG Up on Diego Barros | Andrew Christian
  4. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in Is Florida real estate bubble about to burst?   
    From the article below by bankrate:
    "The biggest issue right now in Florida is home insurance fraud, driven by fraudulent roofing claims. A proclamation from the office of Governor Ron DeSantis notes that, although Florida only accounts for 9 percent of the country’s home insurance claims, it is home to 79 percent of the country’s home insurance lawsuits. Many of these lawsuits are fraudulent. ICA Carter explains how the scams generally work:"
    Can Lawmakers Save the Collapsing Florida Home Insurance Market? | Bankrate
    WWW.BANKRATE.COM Bankrate interviewed experts to learn why the Florida insurance market is in crisis.  
  5. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in Is Florida real estate bubble about to burst?   
    "Climate change" is NOT the primary reason for Florida's sky-high homeowner's insurance.  The cause is fraudulent roof-replacement schemes and too much litigation, coupled with generous attorney-fee mechanisms.  If you lose a few shingles, you can sue the insurance company for a new roof AND have the insurance company pay your attorney fees.  Hurricanes are nothing new in Florida and yet some point the finger at "climate change" for everything that is happening.
    Florida home insurance crisis: Floridians brace for yet another rate increase. Here's why.
    WWW.PNJ.COM Florida homeowners are about to get hit with another premium hike. Here's why premiums probably aren't coming down any time soon:  
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to KeepItReal in Unexpected warning by Microsoft about the "other" site   
    That hasn't been my experience and I have floated between the two sites for years as a participating member. Guess I am just lucky! 😌  Thanks @Lucky
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Lucky in Unexpected warning by Microsoft about the "other" site   
    If you are going to consider yourself lucky, remember that Lucky posts frequently at gayguides.com and has had no troubles. People like @SouthOfTheBorder were banned there, thus the petulant child. I happen to like the owner of that site.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to KeepItReal in Unexpected warning by Microsoft about the "other" site   
    It is no worse over there than it is over here.  Every forest has its "special" trees. If you hang around long enough, you will figure it out. Different isn't necessarily nut-job. 🤓

  9. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + nycman in Flirting with a hot Sr8 Dude Roof Estimator   
    You don’t get invited to parties much…do you?

  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is Florida real estate bubble about to burst?   
    any new construction “building up” meaning a high rise building, will start at $1.2million anywhere you’d want to live. They aren’t building high rise residential towers in subprime or less desirable areas.  The most recent new development starts at $1.6m for a low floor 2 bedroom apartment.  The property taxes on $1.6M are $30,000 annual + the HOA will run $20,000++ minimum. That’s $50k annually if you paid cash for the apartment, plus skyrocketing homeowners & auto insurance.
    You can buy apartments in older buildings for much less near the beach - starting around $700,000 that would require renovation and the HOA would be much less.  But, many of those buildings haven’t been maintained properly or inspected for decades.  Just remember the collapse of the building in Surfside, FL a couple of years ago.  The residents knew of major problems yet nobody wanted to pay to fix it.  That’s a common thing there - so many older retired people in those buildings that won’t pay for anything. 
    For decades, the main attraction to Florida was beautiful weather in winter/spring & very inexpensive w no state income taxes.  Now the weather is unbearable for most of the year - unless you like heat, humidity & rain.  While no state income taxes, everything else is very expensive.
    I don’t know what happens when properties become uninsurable because that means banks won’t lend money to buy.  Insurance is a huge & growing problem that has not been addressed. Many insurance companies have pulled out of Florida completely.
    if you’re considering a move there - rent for at least 12 months and get a realistic view of quality of life, weather & cost of living.
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + keroscenefire in Inflation continues to fall   
    U.S. gas prices are falling and could hit the cheapest Thanksgiving day price since 2020
    WWW.CNBC.COM Gas prices have fallen for nine weeks now on a seasonal weakening of demand and a drop in crude oil prices. Gas prices are falling. We're having our lowest Thanksgiving gas prices since 2020. All good news for inflation since gas prices are built into other costs including transportation, air fare, etc. In Colorado, you can find gas below $3.00 a gallon. Definitely helping me save money. 
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is Florida real estate bubble about to burst?   
    It s already happening.  Listing prices are routinely being lowered now throughout Florida, including Miami & Ft Lauderdale.
    The price growth over last 3-5 is not sustainable.  The only thing that kept it alive was somewhat reasonable interest rates. 
    The property taxes are higher (higher percent of assessed value) in Broward County (Ft Lauderdale) than Los Angeles. Home insurance in Florida is the most expensive in the country and many places are uninsurable. The list goes on & on & on.
    The only people who think it’s a good idea to move to Florida are people domiciling there as formal US residence and traveling the world. A billionaire like Bezos (who is moving to Florida) isn’t going to actually live there. Or people who really haven’t spent much time there.
    Florida real-estate has and many boom & bust cycles. The bust is here.
  13. Sad
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from samhexum in THE 2023 BASEBALL SEASON   
    The Detroit Tigers had Ausmus as Manager for several years.  Sexy as hell but a lousy manager.  
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to samhexum in THE 2023 BASEBALL SEASON   
    The Yankees have a new bench coach.

  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Reisr30 in Escorts who felch or get felched?   
    Me too!
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to BonVivant in Long Term Care Insurance   
    My LTC plan: either I go to Thailand and hire staff to take care of me or I blow all my money and then get on Medicaid or I just blow my money in an orgy of debauchery and then end it on my own terms.
    FYI - I am single and have no one; just first cousins whose kids I don’t know well.  So there will be no one who gives a damn about me. 
  17. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Quincy_7 in Long Term Care Insurance   
    I've looked at the eligibility criteria and to actually benefit from the policy you have to be in really bad shape in terms of not being able to perform the activities of daily living. We're talking not being able to make a bowel movement independently. Most old folks are not and will not be in that situation, and thankfully so. 
    My view is that it's best to self-insure by investing. In addition to standard retirement money, have a separate bucket set aside for elder care. You likely won't need the money until your 70s or 80s so it should be 100% stocks and no bonds.
  18. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Thomas_Belgium in Escorts who felch or get felched?   
    Lol, I thought that would be basic knowledge here.
  19. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Grocery Shopping II: Self check out, like or loath?   
    Recent news reports suggest multiple retail/grocery stores are removing self-checkout and re-instituting more cashiers. They claim self-checkout results in more honest mistakes, more theft/shoplifting, and more technical problems.  
    i know at our local CVS, they seem to be having more technical problems with self-checkout lately which results in a cashier having to come over and fix the problem. It’s getting very frustrating.
    I don’t mind using self-checkout if I don’t have to weigh things.  Our local small grocer doesn’t have self-checkout so not an issue there. 
    Anyway, keep a lookout for your local self-checkout option being removed😉.
    Target is testing a new self-checkout policy | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM Target is testing a new self-checkout policy as retailers are finding the cashier-less...  
  20. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Escorts who felch or get felched?   
    I did have to look up snowballing. Lol. 
  21. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Charlie in Grocery Shopping II: Self check out, like or loath?   
    Recent news reports suggest multiple retail/grocery stores are removing self-checkout and re-instituting more cashiers. They claim self-checkout results in more honest mistakes, more theft/shoplifting, and more technical problems.  
    i know at our local CVS, they seem to be having more technical problems with self-checkout lately which results in a cashier having to come over and fix the problem. It’s getting very frustrating.
    I don’t mind using self-checkout if I don’t have to weigh things.  Our local small grocer doesn’t have self-checkout so not an issue there. 
    Anyway, keep a lookout for your local self-checkout option being removed😉.
    Target is testing a new self-checkout policy | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM Target is testing a new self-checkout policy as retailers are finding the cashier-less...  
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Shoedog112 in Inflation continues to fall   
    Inflation in 2021/2022 was a global phenomenon driven primarily by the consequences of COVID.  The US has managed this situation better than most countries and is seeing the positive results through the monthly inflation numbers.
    As far as a potential US recession goes, people like Jamie Dimon and Elon Musk have been preaching doom and gloom now for more than two years.  Yet the recession hasn't happened.  Beyond the improving inflation situation, monthly employment numbers have proved to be very resilient for more than two years now.  We still need many more workers in this country.  That can be a topic for another thread😉.
  23. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Inflation continues to fall   
    Positive inflation news out today.  This is definitely a trend as inflation has been falling for 12 straight months now.  Separately, I read something yesterday about Florida being the inflation hot-spot in the country currently.
    US inflation cooled in June for the 12th straight month | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM What a difference a year makes.  
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Lucky in Grocery Shopping II: Self check out, like or loath?   
    Acting? 🤫
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in Grocery Shopping II: Self check out, like or loath?   
    I hope this didn't perpetuate the "Ugly American" stereotype......what is that old saying?....oh, yeah: "when in London, do as the Londoners do"  /s
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