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  1. Surprised
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Ali Gator in They said it wouldn't last   
    So will he finally come out of the closet ? 
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Rod Hagen in Getting the latest Covid vaccination   
    I'm scheduled to get it (Pfizer) today at Walgreens, I'll let you all know if they have it 
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    Same thing.
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    I was back in FTL this week and went to Johnson's on Tuesday and Thursday.  Of course it's low season now so Tuesday was very slow.  Very few customers.  Maybe a dozen dancers.  Only the front bar was open.  There was no waiter working so the front bartender had to come out to the main room to take drink orders and then go back to the main bar to make the drink.   Thursday was much busier with more customers and maybe 20 dancers.  As on my last visit, lots of Argentine dancers.  One of them seemed to be a true body builder.  Another one was also really ripped and exceedingly handsome.  Model material really.  There were multiple Italians dancing too.  One seemed particularly long in the tooth.  His dancing days should really be over.
    Overall, I had fun.  I have to be honest, this may be my last Florida visit for quite a while.  It really bothers me to spend money in a state that adopts so many anti-minority and anti-LGBT measures.  I'm gonna try and be strong and cancel Florida until things change there.  I just hope Montreal can improve its dancer scene to re-capture at least some of it's former glory.  
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    I was at Johnson's again this week on Tuesday & Wednesday.  Tuesday was very quiet considering Florida is now in high season.  They didn't even have a bartender working in the main stage room bar...which surprised me.  In any case I had a good time.  There were maybe 12 dancers working so enough to have some variety.
    Wednesday was totally different.   Very busy.  SRO at a few points during the evening.  I'd say about 20 dancers were working.  There were at least five guys from Argentina.  One of them was a young guy from Cordoba.  Very good looking, muscular, and with a beard.  Also, he had one of the most beautiful asses I have ever seen in my life.  Wow!!
    One trend I noticed that I'm happy about is that more dancers seem to be letting their pubic hair grow.  Maybe not full bush but the hair was there at the top of the pubic area.  I love that.  Of course there were still plenty of completely shaved guys for those that like that.  
    Thank you Cordoba Argentina for the handsome guy with the beautiful ass.  A true work of art!
  6. Surprised
    EZEtoGRU reacted to wsc in Fernando Botero who challenged the standard or beauty, dead at 91.   
    Never heard of this artist until now. Three reactions:
    Seems the antithesis of El Greco; short and fat vs thinned and elongated Not really appealing to my tastes; not in the least because -- I'd hate to see what he'd do in a full body portrait of me! (And so would you)
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + stevenkesslar in Inflation continues to fall   
    Granted, I sucked at calculus.  But I don't think the declines in inflation are the anomaly.  I think what is an anomaly, at least right now, is the last month.  And it is no surprise, given gas prices.
    It matters to me because of personal investing.  Having decided I was wrong to put too much trust in the bears earlier this year, I'm now more into stocks than I have been in a while.  And I think it is the inflation, stupid.  So if my beloved clown is right, and we're headed back up to 9 % inflation or what not, the stock market will probably like it about as much as it did in 2022.  It will not end well.
    The alternative view is that the global inflation problem is winding down.  (Even the UK is down to "only" 6.8 %, compared to their recent 11 % peak.)  Yet most Americans are still saying loud and clear it still sucks.  If you ever want to buy a home or a car, that is.  Or simply want to use a credit card you don't pay off at the end of the month.  So if inflation is actually waning, a reduction in interest rates can't be far behind.  The stock market will like that.
    I'm actually not worried about inflation.  I'm worried about a recession. But a recession would be deflationary, at least.  It just won't be very good for anyone invested in stocks.
    Then again, economists do seem to be great at being fundamentally wrong about their educated guesses.  So it won't shock me if the recession predicted the longest in advance by the most experts ever simply doesn't happen.
    If it is true that you should trust the market, and not experts, the market has been saying all year long that things are getting better.
    Then again, I have always loved clowns.  😍   So I guess I'll just try to stay open-minded.  
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Inflation continues to fall   
    I wouldn't get concerned about the inflation figures for a single month.  Trends are the most important thing to monitor...not a single month's numbers.  Let's see what the numbers are like through to the end of the year before declaring inflation is back.  Rising gas prices were the biggest culprit for the August numbers.  Many experts still believe there will be no rate increase this month. 
  9. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in United Auto Workers strike and how it would affect the economy!   
    It isn't a nationwide strike at all the Big 3...yet.  The UAW has chosen to strike at only three plants initially(one from each automaker)  One each in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri.  More facilities will likely be added if negotiations continue without reaching an agreement.
  10. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from marylander1940 in United Auto Workers strike and how it would affect the economy!   
    It isn't a nationwide strike at all the Big 3...yet.  The UAW has chosen to strike at only three plants initially(one from each automaker)  One each in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri.  More facilities will likely be added if negotiations continue without reaching an agreement.
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Marc in Calif in United Auto Workers strike and how it would affect the economy!   
    It isn't a nationwide strike at all the Big 3...yet.  The UAW has chosen to strike at only three plants initially(one from each automaker)  One each in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri.  More facilities will likely be added if negotiations continue without reaching an agreement.
  12. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in United Auto Workers strike and how it would affect the economy!   
    Michigan has been bleeding jobs for years because of these unions.  $33 an hour for HS diplomas just in wages is not bad in a state with low real estate costs.  It's best that these companies leave this state.  There are more problems to come, like no electricity as they want to shut down the nuclear plants in Michigan and have already shut down one.  Move to a right to work state.  
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from mike carey in Is recreational vaping good or bad?   
    I'm somewhat confused by the thread title and then the whole context of this discussion.  How can recreational vaping be considered "good" under any scenario?
  14. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The Heat Challenge: How are you faring?   
    The heat has not really been an issue this summer in the part of Michigan where I live (about 80 minutes north of Detroit).  Pretty normal summer days here with daily highs between 75-85.  A few days almost reaching 90 but never over 90.  What has been a problem here this summer is the smoke from Canadian forest fires.  We've had lots of hazy/smoky days although it has been clearer the last 8-10 days. 
    I visited Ft Lauderdale for two days back in late July and frankly the temps/humidity were nightmarish...even for Florida.  I lived in Miami basically for all the 1990's and never experienced heat like that.  I could not fathom living in Florida during the summer anymore.   It felt like the blood in my body was going to boil.   
  15. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Inflation continues to fall   
    Positive inflation news out today.  This is definitely a trend as inflation has been falling for 12 straight months now.  Separately, I read something yesterday about Florida being the inflation hot-spot in the country currently.
    US inflation cooled in June for the 12th straight month | CNN Business
    WWW.CNN.COM What a difference a year makes.  
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Shoedog112 in Inflation continues to fall   
    Inflation in 2021/2022 was a global phenomenon driven primarily by the consequences of COVID.  The US has managed this situation better than most countries and is seeing the positive results through the monthly inflation numbers.
    As far as a potential US recession goes, people like Jamie Dimon and Elon Musk have been preaching doom and gloom now for more than two years.  Yet the recession hasn't happened.  Beyond the improving inflation situation, monthly employment numbers have proved to be very resilient for more than two years now.  We still need many more workers in this country.  That can be a topic for another thread😉.
  17. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Inflation continues to fall   
    Yes the economy seems to be full steam ahead…even as inflation continues to abate.   The Stock market is loving it!
  18. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Inflation continues to fall   
    We now have the longest consecutive market rally since 2017…and inflation keeps falling!!
  19. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Inflation continues to fall   
    I think we can all agree there is really no inflation problem in the US right now.  The trend has been towards lowering inflation for more than a year.  The Fed may raise rates one more time this week just to finish the job.  I see no further rate increases this year (since there is no longer an inflation issue) unless there is another oil crisis or a major COVID resurgence.  Hard to predict.  
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Travis69 in Inflation continues to fall   
    I wouldn't get concerned about the inflation figures for a single month.  Trends are the most important thing to monitor...not a single month's numbers.  Let's see what the numbers are like through to the end of the year before declaring inflation is back.  Rising gas prices were the biggest culprit for the August numbers.  Many experts still believe there will be no rate increase this month. 
  21. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Inflation continues to fall   
    I wouldn't get concerned about the inflation figures for a single month.  Trends are the most important thing to monitor...not a single month's numbers.  Let's see what the numbers are like through to the end of the year before declaring inflation is back.  Rising gas prices were the biggest culprit for the August numbers.  Many experts still believe there will be no rate increase this month. 
  22. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + BOZO T CLOWN in Inflation continues to fall   
    I wouldn't get concerned about the inflation figures for a single month.  Trends are the most important thing to monitor...not a single month's numbers.  Let's see what the numbers are like through to the end of the year before declaring inflation is back.  Rising gas prices were the biggest culprit for the August numbers.  Many experts still believe there will be no rate increase this month. 
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Kevin Slater in Inflation continues to fall   
    I wouldn't get concerned about the inflation figures for a single month.  Trends are the most important thing to monitor...not a single month's numbers.  Let's see what the numbers are like through to the end of the year before declaring inflation is back.  Rising gas prices were the biggest culprit for the August numbers.  Many experts still believe there will be no rate increase this month. 
  24. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Alfstoria in Recent report from Montreal   
    I usually don't like to rain on anyone's parade because each taste and situation is unique, but the Stock Bar lineup on their website doesn't look promising at all. It seems more like the lineup for Taboo rather than Stock Bar. I'm going during the first weekend of October, and I have no expectations for the Stock Bar guys 😕  
    Time to start looking for new stripper bar places? 
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Chidude in Recent report from Montreal   
    Jasper has such a beautiful big uncut cock.   Always gets hard without a problem.  
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