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  1. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from thomas76 in Important announcement about Stock bar   
    I agree with other posters that Priority No 1 is improving the quality of the dancers and that priority No 2 is getting them naked on stage.  Having said that, let's give the club some time to work thru the issues.  They are clearly investing a lot of money into the club and they want it to be successful.  Let's give them a chance to make the changes and see where things are at in a few months time.  
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Beancounter in Recession coming?   
    To answer the thread title, it seems not.  Report after report shows inflation is moderating and near-full employment continues to hold.  People in the US continue to spend money like it's going out of style.  One Wall Street analyst says we're "slipping into an expansion".  It seems all the nay-sayers that have been predicting a recession for the last two years may have been wrong (are you listening Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon?).
    Link to article:
  3. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Dj Anthony in Stock Bar New Administration   
    Hi Guys.  My name is Anthony, Dj at Stockbar for more than 22 years and founder of its live broadcasting website. 
    We would like to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation for your active participation in the comment section of this platform. Your insightful comments, valuable feedback, and diverse opinions make a significant impact. We want you to know that we read all the comments with great interest and consider them an integral part of our decision-making process.
    Your opinion matters to us. We understand that you take the time to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns, and we want you to know that we value every single contribution. Your comments help us gauge the pulse of our clientele, identify areas where we can improve, and discover new perspectives that challenge our thinking.
    Trust is a vital aspect of any relationship, and we want to assure you that you can trust the new management to react appropriately. We have worked tirelessly to assemble a dedicated team that is committed to providing the best possible experience for our clientele The new management brings fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.
    We pledge to maintain an open and transparent environment where your voices are heard. Our commitment to you is to listen attentively, engage in meaningful conversations, and take prompt action where necessary. We understand that trust is earned through consistent actions, and we are determined to demonstrate our responsiveness and dedication to your needs.
    As we move forward, we are excited about the future and the opportunities it holds for Stockbar. We are committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive space where every opinion is valued, respected, and considered. Together, we can shape the direction of the bar, and your participation plays a vital role in that process.
    Once again, we express our sincere gratitude for your active involvement. Your comments inspire us to continually strive for improvement and provide you with the best experience possible. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, listening to your feedback, and building a stronger, more vibrant Stockbar together.
    We should be all done with the renovation of the bar by the end of June 2023. Lots of dancers are coming back for the hot season. A new lighting system will be installed in the next coming days that will improve the quality of our live show. New policies about women in the bar and total nudity will soon be put in place.
    Warm regards

  4. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to elwood in Stock Bar New Administration   
    Hi Anthony,
    Thanks for the update- much appreciated.   I have been going to Stock since before the Ste Catherine location and admire the work you do. I usually visit about every other month and drop a good amount of money.  

    It does seem like there are a good amount of customers, but a shortage of dancers. I don’t know all the reasons for that, but I haven’t been as often due to the roster as is. Compared to how it was pre-pandemic it just isn’t the same. Not trying to be critical, but just providing feedback (which I’m sure you have heard). 
    I would be willing to pay more for dances, $25 or even $30 if that would attract better talent.  Just a suggestion.  
    Again thanks for everything. Stock is fantastic and so glad you are addressing the concerns of longtime clientele.  
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    Same thing.
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Johnson’s 411   
    I used Uber multiple times during my visit last week.  I never waited more than 4 minutes for a car to arrive...so Uber works well there.
  7. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from SirBillybob in Johnson’s 411   
    I used Uber multiple times during my visit last week.  I never waited more than 4 minutes for a car to arrive...so Uber works well there.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from marylander1940 in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    He's gone where the goblins go below, below, below, yo ho
    Let's open up and sing, and ring the bells out
    Ding-dong! the merry-o sing it high, sing it low
    Let them know the wicked bitch is dead
  9. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    He's gone where the goblins go below, below, below, yo ho
    Let's open up and sing, and ring the bells out
    Ding-dong! the merry-o sing it high, sing it low
    Let them know the wicked bitch is dead
  10. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to CuriousByNature in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    I did not know much about Pat Robertson.  But it seems clear that he was ignorant or willfully blind to the progressive nature of understanding sexuality and gender expression/identity.  Like all people with a degree of celebrity, there is the potential to use that power for building people up or tearing them down.  Yes, his views were extremely troubling, and without drifting into politics and religion, I would argue they bore little resemblance to the faith he purported to represent.  Nobody will ever know the extent of the harm his words and actions have had - the same as for others who enjoy the pedestal of fame.  What is even more disturbing to me is that millions of people kept him in a position where he could express ignorant and dangerous views about those whose identity he disagreed with.  He was just one man, but his reach was far because many people sadly still agree with his archaic opinions.  That is much more chilling than Pat Robertson himself.
  11. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    Agree 1000%.
    Despicable comments celebrating the death of someone with beliefs different than their own.
    The hypocrisy of using such vile and odious comments towards someone they criticize for being ornery does not go unnoticed by fair minded people. 
    haters gonna hate....
  12. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    I have no particular interest in Pat Robertson but once again, I shake my head over the deep anger of some people in the community.  Lots of bitter, imperfect and miserable people here.  It will all come back at them!
  13. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + augustus in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    Apparently so many members can't take the high road.  Say all these hateful things and still claim to be oppressed? Rubbish. 
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to wsc in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    I can, and the ones I do it for deserve it.
    Clarence Darrow said [although frequently wrongly attributed to Mark Twain] I have never wished anyone dead, but have read several obituaries with great satisfaction.
    I have done both - for the likes of Falwell and Robertson - and will do so again for other figures of our day when they're laid to rest at Mar-a-Lardo or under the bluegrass of that old Kentucky home.
    And as a Virginian, I am appalled and mystified that the Commonwealth was infected with both of these religious vermin, and breathe a little easier today in spite of our current Canadian Haze. 
    Listening to the hateful and ignorant spewing's posted above reinforces the vile heads and hateful hearts of this horrible man and all his ilk.
  15. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + sync in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    A reinforcement of "the good die young."
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + purplekow in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    Christian Broadcasting Network. Fleecing the gullible with claims or righteousness
  17. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + José Soplanucas in Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!   
    Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson dies at 93
    WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Pat Robertson, founder of the global Christian Broadcasting Network, has died at age 93, the...  
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to tazmanian5230 in Johnson’s 411   
    Where you wearing your M A G A hat when you typed that ? 
  19. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Johnson’s 411   
    Nonsense. And I challenge you to show statistics (from an unbiased source) to prove your statement.
    And despite protestations from the usual fringe element, Florida is not hostile to anyone. It is welcoming - warm weather, beautiful beaches, no state income tax, and a state where criminals are actually prosecuted.
    The fact is, like the rest of America, LGBTs are becoming increasingly divided into two groups: Those who want to be left alone, and those who won’t leave everyone else alone. Most gays are in the first category,  and not surprisingly are quite comfortable in their life in the sunshine state.
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Johnson’s 411   
    Same thing.
  21. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Johnson’s 411   
    And for every gay person that chooses to leave Florida (and there really aren't that many), there will be ten that will move down there to replace him/her.
    Have you checked Wilton Manors Real Estate prices recently? Or spoken to a Wilton Manors broker?  Gay money is flooding South Florida.
  22. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + BOZO T CLOWN in Johnson’s 411   
    Meanwhile, you can find plenty of stories online of LGBT people who are pulling up roots and leaving Florida to live elsewhere. I assume minorities are doing the same since the NAACP issued its travel warning for Florida.   Obviously this is easier for some to do than others. I understand that. 
    I’m sticking with my plan to cancel Florida. Voting with one’s pocketbook is one of the few ways we have to effect change beyond actually voting.  
    anyway,  enough of politics. I found the Johnson’s talent to be good for those planning to go there😁. 
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    I was back in FTL this week and went to Johnson's on Tuesday and Thursday.  Of course it's low season now so Tuesday was very slow.  Very few customers.  Maybe a dozen dancers.  Only the front bar was open.  There was no waiter working so the front bartender had to come out to the main room to take drink orders and then go back to the main bar to make the drink.   Thursday was much busier with more customers and maybe 20 dancers.  As on my last visit, lots of Argentine dancers.  One of them seemed to be a true body builder.  Another one was also really ripped and exceedingly handsome.  Model material really.  There were multiple Italians dancing too.  One seemed particularly long in the tooth.  His dancing days should really be over.
    Overall, I had fun.  I have to be honest, this may be my last Florida visit for quite a while.  It really bothers me to spend money in a state that adopts so many anti-minority and anti-LGBT measures.  I'm gonna try and be strong and cancel Florida until things change there.  I just hope Montreal can improve its dancer scene to re-capture at least some of it's former glory.  
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Chidude in Johnson’s 411   
    I was back in FTL this week and went to Johnson's on Tuesday and Thursday.  Of course it's low season now so Tuesday was very slow.  Very few customers.  Maybe a dozen dancers.  Only the front bar was open.  There was no waiter working so the front bartender had to come out to the main room to take drink orders and then go back to the main bar to make the drink.   Thursday was much busier with more customers and maybe 20 dancers.  As on my last visit, lots of Argentine dancers.  One of them seemed to be a true body builder.  Another one was also really ripped and exceedingly handsome.  Model material really.  There were multiple Italians dancing too.  One seemed particularly long in the tooth.  His dancing days should really be over.
    Overall, I had fun.  I have to be honest, this may be my last Florida visit for quite a while.  It really bothers me to spend money in a state that adopts so many anti-minority and anti-LGBT measures.  I'm gonna try and be strong and cancel Florida until things change there.  I just hope Montreal can improve its dancer scene to re-capture at least some of it's former glory.  
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnson’s 411   
    I was at Johnson's again this week on Tuesday & Wednesday.  Tuesday was very quiet considering Florida is now in high season.  They didn't even have a bartender working in the main stage room bar...which surprised me.  In any case I had a good time.  There were maybe 12 dancers working so enough to have some variety.
    Wednesday was totally different.   Very busy.  SRO at a few points during the evening.  I'd say about 20 dancers were working.  There were at least five guys from Argentina.  One of them was a young guy from Cordoba.  Very good looking, muscular, and with a beard.  Also, he had one of the most beautiful asses I have ever seen in my life.  Wow!!
    One trend I noticed that I'm happy about is that more dancers seem to be letting their pubic hair grow.  Maybe not full bush but the hair was there at the top of the pubic area.  I love that.  Of course there were still plenty of completely shaved guys for those that like that.  
    Thank you Cordoba Argentina for the handsome guy with the beautiful ass.  A true work of art!
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