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  1. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + FrankR in Advice for a newbie investor?   
    Partnerships can be both a blessing and a curse. Partners get married and then you are also married to their crazy spouses…and later ex-spouses. And their high maintenance kids, each with an opinion. No thanks!
    For a newbie with a little capital - Low cost, broad based index funds are the way to go, in my experience. Easy, tax efficient, liquid and flexible.
  2. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to samhexum in 🔥🔥 ¡¡HHHOOOOTTT Padre!! 🔥🔥   
    So why aren't you in Mexico right now to...  um... wish him a Happy Father's Day ?
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Atlanta_Guy in Swingin Richards Atlanta all-male, all-nude club to close Jan. 15   
    I agree with this.  My last two visits to SR's (2018 and 2019) were a waste of time.  Plenty of dancers...but very low quality.  There were one or two decent looking guys but the rest were not attractive to me at all.  I took a pocketful of cash with me on both visits and never spent any of it other than on drinks.  During it's last 3-4 years of operation, SR's was living off it's prior reputation rather than based on the talent currently on offer.  You can only do that for so long before people figure out it's not worth going any more.  
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Atlanta_Guy in Swingin Richards Atlanta all-male, all-nude club to close Jan. 15   
    To be honest I don’t think SR had much talent towards the end.   The only ones I found particularly attractive were Ken, Axel, Scotty, Juan, Cali.  I know I’m probably forgetting a few but those are the only guys I took dances from in the last 2 years the club was open except for  Brent and Denver (who were rarely there) 
    Juan has been dancing at BJs some.  The club located in the Atlanta underground complex has been advertising the “Boys of Future Wed-Sun 10pm-?”  But although the add says 20 boys I’m told they do not have 20 boys.   It is also not nude but does supposedly have VIP rooms.  
    on a recent Friday night they had no customers so they sent two of the dancers to Blakes to promote the club and the dancers.   These two particular dancers I won’t name but had a notorious reputation at SR for bad attitudes.  Were disliked by regulars and basically anyone who interacted with them that didn’t want to spend major bucks in the VIP rooms.  BJs won’t hire them.  So basically future gets BJs rejects… which is a pretty low bar
    ‘’Future is primarily known as a dance bar and for drag shows.  But it is a very nice looking club.  The area it is located in is  high crime area though.  For now, I’m waiting to hear more.  So far, I don’t think it is worth the visit 

  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Luv2play in COVID Gains After Mask Rules Dropped   
    Just back from a quick 3-day trip to Houston.  No-one in Texas is wearing masks...anywhere.  Also on the plane and in airports, virtually no-one is masking.  I saw one other person on the plane with a mask on...other than me.  
    Separately, COVID hospitalizations in Michigan have started dropping again.  They had more than doubled from the end of March till mid-May and then have gradually started coming down again.  COVID deaths have also started dropping.  They had increased from end-April to late May before gradually dropping again.    COVID hospitalizations and deaths definitely increased in Michigan after the restrictions were dropped.  
    Let's see what happens in the fall and winter.
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + WilliamM in COVID Gains After Mask Rules Dropped   
    Just back from a quick 3-day trip to Houston.  No-one in Texas is wearing masks...anywhere.  Also on the plane and in airports, virtually no-one is masking.  I saw one other person on the plane with a mask on...other than me.  
    Separately, COVID hospitalizations in Michigan have started dropping again.  They had more than doubled from the end of March till mid-May and then have gradually started coming down again.  COVID deaths have also started dropping.  They had increased from end-April to late May before gradually dropping again.    COVID hospitalizations and deaths definitely increased in Michigan after the restrictions were dropped.  
    Let's see what happens in the fall and winter.
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in COVID Gains After Mask Rules Dropped   
    Just back from a quick 3-day trip to Houston.  No-one in Texas is wearing masks...anywhere.  Also on the plane and in airports, virtually no-one is masking.  I saw one other person on the plane with a mask on...other than me.  
    Separately, COVID hospitalizations in Michigan have started dropping again.  They had more than doubled from the end of March till mid-May and then have gradually started coming down again.  COVID deaths have also started dropping.  They had increased from end-April to late May before gradually dropping again.    COVID hospitalizations and deaths definitely increased in Michigan after the restrictions were dropped.  
    Let's see what happens in the fall and winter.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Charlie in My First Europe Trip Was Fifty Years Ago Today   
    What a fun thread!
    My first trip was in the summer of 1974.  I went to the UK with my mother for 3 or 4 weeks...I had just turned 15 a few weeks before the trip.  We were in the UK when Cass Elliott died there and we were still there when Nixon resigned.  Even the flight over was exciting for me...a Pan Am 747.  I had flown before but never long-haul  and never on a 747.  I doubt I slept a wink on the entire flight to LHR.
    We spent time in London and also went to Edinburgh, Wales, and Dublin.  I remember the ferry crossing from Wales to Ireland was during a storm and it was very rough!  I met cousins on the trip that I continue to see to this day.  Just waiting for borders to re-open in order to get back over there.   I love traveling to the UK between mid-September and mid-October.  
  9. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to jeezifonly in Justin Bieber Paralyzed   
    Well, that’s a lot to deal with as a performer. Never been a Belieber, but hope he will recover.
  10. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to rvwnsd in Justin Bieber Paralyzed   
    No, @Kevin Slater, it was Paul Bellsy. 
  11. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Kevin Slater in Justin Bieber Paralyzed   
    Didn’t he do porn in the 80s?
    Kevin Slater 
  12. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + azdr0710 in What never fails to make you horny?   
    I'm totally with you on the leg thing.  Meaty calves are a must.  But the most important trait for me is masculinity.  I love my men to be uber masculine.
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Irisboy in Strip Clubs in the Detroit area   
    None that I am aware of.  The Gold Coast had been around for decades but closed before the pandemic.  TBH, it had become a lousy establishment for the last 5-6 years of it's life.  Low quality talent.  Mostly drugged up twinks.  I longed for the days in the 90's and 2000's when it was the premier strip-club in the midwest...even surpassing anything that Chicago had.
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to maninsoma in Masseur accused of sexual battery at Miami home   
    While I'm inclined to join the chorus of outrage and assume that the masseur did nothing wrong, I'll play devil's advocate:
    Suppose the client really did just want a therapeutic massage.  He used an app not known for erotic massages, not Rentmasseur.
    Even if the client got an erection while being massage (and we don't know whether that happened), that doesn't mean the client wanted sex.  Physiological arousal doesn't always mean someone's mental status is congruent with that.
    So maybe the masseur just misread the situation or, worse, charged ahead without any indication that the client wanted more than a therapeutic massage.
    As to it taking so long to arrest the guy, that could mean a lot of things.  It sounds like the client reported the incident to police right away, so perhaps they didn't make it a priority right away.  Or maybe the police were attempting to set up a sort-of sting to catch the same masseur doing something similar with a different client so the case wouldn't be just the word of two people.
    As to holding the guy without bond, there may be other factors involved in that decision such as criminal history.
    I think we are all inclined to think that nothing wrong could have happened other than the client freaking out because we are members of a site that discusses escorts and masseurs.  And while I'm inclined to view the client's reaction as way overboard and am skeptical of the treatment of the masseur (i.e., is he being treated differently because this involved gay sex?), I'm also not willing to just jump to conclusions based on the very little information presented in that article.
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Travelguy368 in Clever Drag Name   
    How about Pam Demick? What?? Too soon?
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to mcbg22 in Where to stay in Montreal?   
    You haven't been to Montreal in years and before COVID, you kept posting about how much you hated it. I don't see why you keep posting in these threads. 
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Luv2play in Where to stay in Montreal?   
    I agree the village is not a short walk to downtown, more like a 10 minute cab ride. In Montreal right now and one thing to consider is that is a safe place to visit. Crime seems to be very low and thank God, no mass shootings. Of course its had a few in the past but I can only recall one that happened over 30 years ago and led to tightened gun restrictions.  And more are coming.
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Antonio1981 in What was the first thing that ever made you feel “old”?   
    The first time  I felt old was the first time I got a boss that was younger than me.  I was 41/42 at the time.  The new boss was around 35.  Up until then, I was successful at work and I was always considered the young guy doing great things.  Promotions and raises came...until they didn't.  I hated having a younger boss.  To make matters worse, he wasn't a very good boss.  I continued working for another 7-8 years and then retired at 49.  I'm 62 now and when I look in the mirror I don't recognize myself.  LOL.  
  19. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Lucky in What’s something you’ve been told not to do cause “that’s gay“?   
    My guess now is that @7829V has 7829 questions he wants us to answer.
  20. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to jeezifonly in Long Term Care Insurance   
    In America, long term skilled nursing works for two classes: the Uber-rich and the indigent.
    Government does not pay for it unless you’re in the latter. You have to have nothing, zero, zilch, no house, no property, no retirement no savings. Don’t worry - you don’t have to actually take responsibility for unloading things when it all gets to that point. They’ll just take it once you’ve paid the last bill you can.
    Good thing we can be spared the worst sort of life and rely on the autonomy of choice with assisted suicide.  
    Wait. What?
  21. Haha
    EZEtoGRU reacted to jeezifonly in It's college reunion time again   
    Went to HS 15th, in Dayton. Won award for having traveled most miles, from LA. 
    The event validated my life choices. 
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from keefer in What was the first thing that ever made you feel “old”?   
    The first time  I felt old was the first time I got a boss that was younger than me.  I was 41/42 at the time.  The new boss was around 35.  Up until then, I was successful at work and I was always considered the young guy doing great things.  Promotions and raises came...until they didn't.  I hated having a younger boss.  To make matters worse, he wasn't a very good boss.  I continued working for another 7-8 years and then retired at 49.  I'm 62 now and when I look in the mirror I don't recognize myself.  LOL.  
  23. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in Strip Clubs in the Detroit area   
    None that I am aware of.  The Gold Coast had been around for decades but closed before the pandemic.  TBH, it had become a lousy establishment for the last 5-6 years of it's life.  Low quality talent.  Mostly drugged up twinks.  I longed for the days in the 90's and 2000's when it was the premier strip-club in the midwest...even surpassing anything that Chicago had.
  24. Sad
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from marylander1940 in Strip Clubs in the Detroit area   
    None that I am aware of.  The Gold Coast had been around for decades but closed before the pandemic.  TBH, it had become a lousy establishment for the last 5-6 years of it's life.  Low quality talent.  Mostly drugged up twinks.  I longed for the days in the 90's and 2000's when it was the premier strip-club in the midwest...even surpassing anything that Chicago had.
  25. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Are Skytrax ratings for the birds?   
    I mostly agree with Ben here.  On-board service is very mediocre on AA.  I attribute it partially to union work rules and protections (AA FA's are rewarded primarily based on seniority not based on performance) but I also blame very low food and beverage budgets for the F & J cabins.   There is virtually no truly premium alcohol served in AA first class.  It's mostly the same stuff you buy on board back in economy.  They do carry some decent wines sometimes in long-haul first/business class.  The food options in first are uninspiring.  No caviar.  No lobster.  No Kobe beef.  Those are the sort of options a real long-haul first class product should be offering.  I don't particularly blame the training they receive.  AA understands what a true first class experience should be but I think they are resigned to the fact that it isn't possible with the current FA union protections.
    As to the state of the current BA, Ben is also correct that BA has become the British version of AA.  Their J cabin is to be avoided at all cost due to the cabin layout (although I agree with Ben that the few aircraft with the redesigned J cabin are almost certainly better).  Even the F experience on BA had become lackluster years back.  I have not been on BA for awhile so I cannot speak of how things are now.  However I did fly in BA F from LHR to ORD in October 2019.  The cabin itself was very drab and uninspiring.  The food was just like on AA...nothing special.  The on-board service was mixed.  The one flight attendant took pride in her job and was very friendly/attentive.  The other was not the least bit interested.  He just wanted to get to Chicago ASAP.  My main enjoyment from that flight was it was a 747 (my favorite widebody aircraft) and I cherish having been able to fly her again.  BA has since retired all their 747's. Anyway, BA F class has really fallen in the last 4-5 years to become just like AA.  I believe the only European carriers where one can still get a real first class long-haul experience is on AF and LH.  The other European carriers either no longer offer an F cabin (KL/IB/TP) or they have an imposter F class (BA). 
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