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  1. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from lerbut23 in Mid-December Montreal report   
    Further to this, I see on the Stock website they have a video of him dancing at the club on Febuary 16th.  So he does still dance there.
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to SirBillybob in Mid-December Montreal report   
    There have been a few over its history. If you mean “I” the tall lean tatted long-haired chap doing stints in Florida and some modelling, yes he was dancing here in early February when I went by between winter trips abroad. 
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from thomas in Did Florida get something right? High Speed rail service thriving   
    I took Brightline from Miami to Ft. Lauderdale last week.  My Premium ticket cost $32.  A Premium Class ticket entitles you to an Uber ride to your departing station and from your arriving station (I think there is a five mile limit for each segment).  I made use of Uber on both ends with the costs being fully covered by Brightline.  According to their calculations, the Uber costs were just over $30.  If this is accurate, that means my resulting train fare in Premium Class was $2.  BTW, the Premium ticket entitled me to an alcoholic beverage and a small snack (potato chips and a candy bar).  I declined both but I could have had them if I wanted.  How is Brightline making any money?  I'd be interested in seeing their financials.  Who is funding this project?
    FWIW, the train seemed only about 10% full on this segment.  After Lauderdale, my train was stopping in Palm Beach and then Orlando.  This was my 4th time on Brightline and none of the trips have been very full.  I hope they can make a go of this...but I really wonder.
  4. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from marylander1940 in Recession coming?   
    Correct!  And many of them insist they don’t pay enough in taxes. 
  5. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + augustus in Recession coming?   
    Correct!  And many of them insist they don’t pay enough in taxes. 
  6. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + BOZO T CLOWN in Recession coming?   
    Correct!  And many of them insist they don’t pay enough in taxes. 
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + FrankR in Recession coming?   
    My numbers are based on. JP Morgan Wealth Management report dates January 2024 - will see if I still have it. Back to the topic if recession - I listen closely to earnings calls; most of the earnings calls so far this year indicated that business is strong and inflation under control. I will grant you that I can only speak to the companies I follow and they are best if breed.  I can list 10 billionaires that disagree with you about them paying hefty taxes already. 
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + FrankR in Former Stock dancer Phillipe in serious trouble   
    Wow, ‘roid rage is real. 😐
  9. Verbose
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from marylander1940 in Former Stock dancer Phillipe in serious trouble   
    I am posting this in the Male Strip Club section because Phillipe has been a Montreal stripper for quite a few years.  This story is in the public domain so I assume it is OK to post it.  
    Stock aficionados will recall Phillipe who danced at Stock some years prior to COVID.  He started as a cute energetic rather skinny but toned guy who, at the time, was a good friend of Yannick (also a Stock Dancer then).  Phillipe eventually got into serious bodybuilding and transitioned from Stock to Campus and also took long stretches off from dancing.  I last saw Phillipe at Campus in November of 2023.  Actually we spent the evening at the bar with a few other dancers reminiscing about old times.  Personally, I did not really care for his roided-up muscles and huge neck but it was fun to reconnect with someone I had spent time with years before.  
    Fast-forward to this week and my trip to Lauderdale.  I was talking to a few of the Canadian dancers and they said that Phillipe was in prison for beating up a girlfriend.  I texted a Montreal dancer that I know well and he confirmed it was true.  I quickly was able to find some news stories about the topic.  It seems he is likely to do some serious time for this as he is a repeat offender.
    Again, I don't think I'm breaking any rules as all of this is in the public domain.
    Warning:  some of the photos of the victim in the hospital are disturbing.
    Quebec man accused of assaulting ex-girlfriend facing new charges
    MONTREAL.CTVNEWS.CA New criminal charges have been laid against a Montreal-area private trainer after a second complainant has come forward with allegations of assault. Montreal-area woman speaks out about domestic violence after brutal attack
    MONTREAL.CTVNEWS.CA Days after surviving a brutal assault, Laury Choinière is speaking out about domestic violence to help women in similar situations.  
  10. Eye Roll
    EZEtoGRU reacted to marylander1940 in Former Stock dancer Phillipe in serious trouble   
    PNP (I presume), steroids, ga-for-pay, resentment towards the gay community that paid for his lifestyle, reaching certain age and knowing life won't get any better. White trash?

  11. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Recession coming?   
    I wish Jamie Dimon would end his interviews saying "Since I'm consistently wrong with my economic predictions...who really knows?"
  12. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from musclestuduws in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    Will you please stop holding back and tell us how you really feel!!
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from HopkinsLad in Any updates on Ft. Lauderdale Johnson's?   
    Well I'm back from my three days in Ft. Lauderdale.  I did go to Johnson's all three nights (Tue/Wed/Thurs).  I stay clear of bars on weekends as they get too busy and packed for my taste.  Anyway, all three nights at Johnson's were quite busy so I guess the high season for Florida has arrived.  Great fun all three nights.  As usual, lot's of latino dancers with a few Italians and Americans mixed in.  Only one fairly big muscle guy there.  He was from South Africa.   Tall with big muscles but strangely fem in the way he moved and danced.  Anyway, I spent time with Tobias (from Buenos Aires with a huge cock), Dorian (from Italy), Gregorio (from Cordoba Arg with a perfect big ass), Fire (from Madrid...super nice), Lionel (from Rosario Arg), and Mateus (from Medellin).  All good fun.  I always enjoy using my Spanish when I'm in the South Florida clubs.  There were multiple Canadians at Johnsons.  I did not recognize any of them but they said they were from Campus in Montreal.  Mostly on the smaller/skinny side so not really my type.  
    The club was buzzing on the weeknights that I was there so I can only imagine what the weekend will be like.   Only a few women there...all of whom had a male escort.  Very handsome bartenders.  There are five lapdance cubicles to use.  They were all quite busy all three nights.  
  14. Thanks
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Huxley in Any updates on Ft. Lauderdale Johnson's?   
    Well I'm back from my three days in Ft. Lauderdale.  I did go to Johnson's all three nights (Tue/Wed/Thurs).  I stay clear of bars on weekends as they get too busy and packed for my taste.  Anyway, all three nights at Johnson's were quite busy so I guess the high season for Florida has arrived.  Great fun all three nights.  As usual, lot's of latino dancers with a few Italians and Americans mixed in.  Only one fairly big muscle guy there.  He was from South Africa.   Tall with big muscles but strangely fem in the way he moved and danced.  Anyway, I spent time with Tobias (from Buenos Aires with a huge cock), Dorian (from Italy), Gregorio (from Cordoba Arg with a perfect big ass), Fire (from Madrid...super nice), Lionel (from Rosario Arg), and Mateus (from Medellin).  All good fun.  I always enjoy using my Spanish when I'm in the South Florida clubs.  There were multiple Canadians at Johnsons.  I did not recognize any of them but they said they were from Campus in Montreal.  Mostly on the smaller/skinny side so not really my type.  
    The club was buzzing on the weeknights that I was there so I can only imagine what the weekend will be like.   Only a few women there...all of whom had a male escort.  Very handsome bartenders.  There are five lapdance cubicles to use.  They were all quite busy all three nights.  
  15. Haha
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from TonyDown in Recession coming?   
    I wish Jamie Dimon would end his interviews saying "Since I'm consistently wrong with my economic predictions...who really knows?"
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Recession coming?   
    I wish Jamie Dimon would end his interviews saying "Since I'm consistently wrong with my economic predictions...who really knows?"
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to TonyDown in Recession coming?   
    I agree with your nephew that COVID money was a factor.  I assumed it was  one factor why prices rose.  But yeah it makes sense the economy would hum with COVID money being spent.
    I see Jamie Dimon has altered his "recession is coming, there are bad things ahead" language to "the US is driving towards a cliff due to the national debt."  I suppose that helps his image by letting go of the "recession" word.   
    The US "driving off a cliff" sounds more like the great, terrible unknown.  Could be a recession, but who knows?
    I wish Jamie Dimon would end his interviews that way, saying "Who really knows?",  with an exaggerated shoulder shrug.

  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Charlie in New car suggestions   
    I believe Tesla has the highest recall rate of all car brands. So I would be careful with that. 
    I tend to stick with American-based car brands for patriotic reasons. My last three vehicles have been the Chrysler 300. It’s large, very comfortable, and none of them have given me an ounce of trouble. Chrysler stopped making the 300 late last year but you can still find some models on dealer lots. 
    I bought mom’s Honda Accord from her two years ago as she doesn’t drive anymore. I use it as my second vehicle to knock around town and run errands. It too as been very reliable but I really hate the car.  It sits far too low to the ground for me and it’s a tight fit when inside. Also a loud and rough ride. I personally would never get another one. Having said that, lots of people love the Accord and it sells well. 
    with so many people driving pick-ups and SUVs (that sit higher up) you don’t want to be in a vehicle that sits too low. 
    Happy car shopping!!
  19. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + JEC in Who WOULD you pay $1000 for one hour with?   
    I'd pay $5000!
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from rvwnsd in New car suggestions   
    I believe Tesla has the highest recall rate of all car brands. So I would be careful with that. 
    I tend to stick with American-based car brands for patriotic reasons. My last three vehicles have been the Chrysler 300. It’s large, very comfortable, and none of them have given me an ounce of trouble. Chrysler stopped making the 300 late last year but you can still find some models on dealer lots. 
    I bought mom’s Honda Accord from her two years ago as she doesn’t drive anymore. I use it as my second vehicle to knock around town and run errands. It too as been very reliable but I really hate the car.  It sits far too low to the ground for me and it’s a tight fit when inside. Also a loud and rough ride. I personally would never get another one. Having said that, lots of people love the Accord and it sells well. 
    with so many people driving pick-ups and SUVs (that sit higher up) you don’t want to be in a vehicle that sits too low. 
    Happy car shopping!!
  21. Agree
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Coolwave35 in Who WOULD you pay $1000 for one hour with?   
    Ryan was looking good still for the film The Proposal (2007 I believe).  I don't think he has aged well since then.  I was two rows behind him on a red-eye flight from LAX to JFK.  He got up and down several times and I got a good view of him...nothing special.  Also, he seemed quite fem acting when interacting with the flight attendants.  I would definitely spend my thousand on someone else.
  22. Love
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in New car suggestions   
    I believe Tesla has the highest recall rate of all car brands. So I would be careful with that. 
    I tend to stick with American-based car brands for patriotic reasons. My last three vehicles have been the Chrysler 300. It’s large, very comfortable, and none of them have given me an ounce of trouble. Chrysler stopped making the 300 late last year but you can still find some models on dealer lots. 
    I bought mom’s Honda Accord from her two years ago as she doesn’t drive anymore. I use it as my second vehicle to knock around town and run errands. It too as been very reliable but I really hate the car.  It sits far too low to the ground for me and it’s a tight fit when inside. Also a loud and rough ride. I personally would never get another one. Having said that, lots of people love the Accord and it sells well. 
    with so many people driving pick-ups and SUVs (that sit higher up) you don’t want to be in a vehicle that sits too low. 
    Happy car shopping!!
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Coolwave35 in Who WOULD you pay $1000 for one hour with?   
    I spent time with Ryan. Not intimate time of course, but we attended a few events and were seated together. Keep your thousand. 
  24. Agree
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Rudynate in Death of a culinary legend...   
    In the 70s guests would say, "Look! I brought some Entenmanns."  And I would think,"So?"
  25. Sad
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from samhexum in Death of a culinary legend...   
    Totally agree with you.  If I never eat another Entenmann's Bakery product for the rest of my life, I'm perfectly fine with that.  They were never in the same category as the Awrey's and Sander's baked goods that we enjoyed in Michigan many decades back.
    Interesting tidbit:  Entenmann's is currently owned by Bimbo Bakeries.  I get a chuckle out of that name.  Bimbo is a well known bread bakery in Mexico.
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