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  1. Applause
    EZEtoGRU reacted to mike carey in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    'God' has nothing to do with it.
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to SirBillybob in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Well I’ve meandered through The Village a few times over the past 3 weeks and the showing in terms of the stage and, more importantly IMO, selection scene is quite poor.
    Using the early 2000s as a peak (ie, 10/10) benchmark I can now be no more charitable than a 2/10 net rating. The effort of 4 establishments open at once on certain nights … Campus, Stock, Expose, Taboo seems simply unsustainable.
    I am not prepared to camp out for full evenings and every night in the hopes of ‘coming’ (pun intended) upon what these days would amount to a unicorn. If you are accustomed to the heyday standard, save your airfare. Perhaps it will improve a bit if and when visiting Americans add to clientele volume. 
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Charlie in My First Europe Trip Was Fifty Years Ago Today   
    What a fun thread!
    My first trip was in the summer of 1974.  I went to the UK with my mother for 3 or 4 weeks...I had just turned 15 a few weeks before the trip.  We were in the UK when Cass Elliott died there and we were still there when Nixon resigned.  Even the flight over was exciting for me...a Pan Am 747.  I had flown before but never long-haul  and never on a 747.  I doubt I slept a wink on the entire flight to LHR.
    We spent time in London and also went to Edinburgh, Wales, and Dublin.  I remember the ferry crossing from Wales to Ireland was during a storm and it was very rough!  I met cousins on the trip that I continue to see to this day.  Just waiting for borders to re-open in order to get back over there.   I love traveling to the UK between mid-September and mid-October.  
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Rod Hagen in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Unusual places I've been that I could have never imagined I would have gone to:
    * La Iglesia De Las Lajas in Ipiales Colombia.
    * Comodoro Rivadavia in Southern Argentina.
    * Trips to Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
    * Cruising around Ha Long Bay Vietnam at sunrise.
    *  Seeing the natural beauty of Lake Louise in Alberta Canada.  Probably the most beautiful natural sight I have      ever seen.
    *  Girona Spain.  Especially the oldest part of the city and the Jewish Quarter
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Pensant in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Unusual places I've been that I could have never imagined I would have gone to:
    * La Iglesia De Las Lajas in Ipiales Colombia.
    * Comodoro Rivadavia in Southern Argentina.
    * Trips to Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
    * Cruising around Ha Long Bay Vietnam at sunrise.
    *  Seeing the natural beauty of Lake Louise in Alberta Canada.  Probably the most beautiful natural sight I have      ever seen.
    *  Girona Spain.  Especially the oldest part of the city and the Jewish Quarter
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Gymowner in Musclegod Reese   
    Incredibly odd looking face and chicken legs. At least the third leg makes up for it if he can get hard for anything other than pussy
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in Messy Joe Mendoza...being Messy...   
    I've never put somebody on "ignore" and never plan to......I don't take this place nearly as serious as some others seem to.....
    a minor reason I don't put people on "ignore" is I fear continuity disruption in threads in which I've ignored a poster in that thread
    I think I've seen one poster who has posted those he ignores in his signature......apparently deliberately and not the result of forum software....again, way too serious!
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Charlie in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Unusual places I've been that I could have never imagined I would have gone to:
    * La Iglesia De Las Lajas in Ipiales Colombia.
    * Comodoro Rivadavia in Southern Argentina.
    * Trips to Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
    * Cruising around Ha Long Bay Vietnam at sunrise.
    *  Seeing the natural beauty of Lake Louise in Alberta Canada.  Probably the most beautiful natural sight I have      ever seen.
    *  Girona Spain.  Especially the oldest part of the city and the Jewish Quarter
  9. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + WilliamM in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Unusual places I've been that I could have never imagined I would have gone to:
    * La Iglesia De Las Lajas in Ipiales Colombia.
    * Comodoro Rivadavia in Southern Argentina.
    * Trips to Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
    * Cruising around Ha Long Bay Vietnam at sunrise.
    *  Seeing the natural beauty of Lake Louise in Alberta Canada.  Probably the most beautiful natural sight I have      ever seen.
    *  Girona Spain.  Especially the oldest part of the city and the Jewish Quarter
  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    The South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.  It was an overlooked stop on a cruise from Sydney, but I enjoyed it immensely.  It was like a step back in time to see the world before the arrival of Explorers.  Yes, some people wore faded American t-shirts and pants, but they lived in family tribes in grass huts next to the ocean, and are what they caught that day in the streams or ocean.  They walked around barefoot.  It was like a set to Gilligan's Island.
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + WilliamM in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    It really depends on when one was there.  I lived in Brazil between 2004-2007.  Sometime in that period, I went to Iguazu for a conference and I can assure you that one could cross from Brazil to Paraguay/Ciudad del Este with no immigration checks.  Things may have changed since then but it was basically an open border at the time. 
    As an aside, Ciudad del Este in Paraguay was known as THE PLACE in South America to buy stolen merchandise...including semi-trucks, learjets, and helicopters as well as smaller items such as stereos/televisions/cellphones, etc.  Most of the stolen goods were from Brazil and Argentina.   
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to lonely_john in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Thanks for the comment @EZEtoGRU. I also think that I misunderstood what this hot Paraguayan told me in his broken English when explaining the route we took to cross into Paraguay evading passport control.
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from lonely_john in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    It really depends on when one was there.  I lived in Brazil between 2004-2007.  Sometime in that period, I went to Iguazu for a conference and I can assure you that one could cross from Brazil to Paraguay/Ciudad del Este with no immigration checks.  Things may have changed since then but it was basically an open border at the time. 
    As an aside, Ciudad del Este in Paraguay was known as THE PLACE in South America to buy stolen merchandise...including semi-trucks, learjets, and helicopters as well as smaller items such as stereos/televisions/cellphones, etc.  Most of the stolen goods were from Brazil and Argentina.   
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Islesguy in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    I have had way too many surprising overnights in the Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta. Such is life as an exclusive Delta flyer. The least surprising one, in a sense, was the day of the northeast blackout in 2005. I was in JFK when the lights went out. Thanks to some ingenious gate crew members, we left after a 5 hour delay and I made it to Chapel Hill in time for a business thing the next day.
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to mike carey in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    'Surprising' is when you are surprised that you ended up there, not if the world is surprised that you were there. I had no idea that I would end up in South America, so that qualifies, likewise for remote atolls in the Pacific. (And I didn't mention Tahiti in my earlier post.)
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    Gee, another vote for Iguazu Falls in the surprise destination list!  Returning from Rio de Janeiro, my default flight had a four-hour connection at Iguazu. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can see the falls and check that off the list??!!  Walked out to a tour desk at the airport and asked the helpful lady if I was crazy!  She said no, people do this all the time. Within about twenty minutes, I was in the car of a private driver who spoke fantastic English (did have to explain what a Copacabana/Ipanema 'hawker' is!) and headed to the Brazil side of the falls. He helped with admission tickets, trails, natural attractions, the whole bit. Got to see what I wanted to see and it all only cost about $175 total, including tip and all. Thanks strong US dollar!  Huge bonus trip!!
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to mike carey in My Most Surprising Travel Destination   
    My most surprising trip was to South America. My sister and her then partner booked a cruise to Antarctica, and suggested that I might want to go too. The cruise was from Ushuaia in Argentina. We stretched the two week cruise to a six week holiday, going to [yes, like you] Iguaçu Falls and to Perú, Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, and Easter Island. It was only towards the end of the trip that I realised that I had clocked up visits to all seven continents. My first serious overseas trip was to Europe via the Trans-Siberian Railway, and while perhaps a surprising choice was the result of much deliberate planning.
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in Straight friend in ny has done it before and asked me to discreetly put the word out   
    I could be your "friend" and watch you two fool around!......😄
    how did he promote himself the other time he did it?......is he looking to save marketing money and, thus, wants to avoid the pricey rentmen listing?......since it's New York, a mention here could be helpful, but forum members/clients will need details and pictures.....
  19. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + nycman in Ventral hernia surgery   
    I had two hernias corrected during the same surgical procedure in 2019.  They were in two separate areas on my abdomen: One in the navel area and one higher up.   The surgery went fine I guess but the recovery took longer than I would have expected.   I was very uncomfortable for about a week.  Finding a comfortable position to lay/sleep was difficult.  Getting in/out of bed o a chair was very painful.  It was out-patient surgery but, in hindsight, I think I should have remained in the hospital for 1-2 nights.  I was prescribed an opioid for the pain but chose not to take them for fear of getting addicted.  I did take paracetamol though.  Things got somewhat better after the first week but I really didn't start feeling decent until after three weeks.  I never anticipated the recovery to be as rough as it was.
    I do fault the surgeon for not preparing me for the possibility of a drawn out/painful recovery and also for not offering the option of a 1-2 day hospital stay after the procedure (which I would have been willing to pay for if the insurance didn't cover it) to make things easier.
    To put the OP's mind at ease, let me say that I suspect having two hernias corrected at the same time likely turned what is normally a very routine surgery into something more traumatic to the body.   Most people that I hear of having hernia surgery speak of it being very easy to deal with and having a pretty quick recovery period.  I'm sure the OP will do fine.
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from kaboom35 in Ventral hernia surgery   
    I had two hernias corrected during the same surgical procedure in 2019.  They were in two separate areas on my abdomen: One in the navel area and one higher up.   The surgery went fine I guess but the recovery took longer than I would have expected.   I was very uncomfortable for about a week.  Finding a comfortable position to lay/sleep was difficult.  Getting in/out of bed o a chair was very painful.  It was out-patient surgery but, in hindsight, I think I should have remained in the hospital for 1-2 nights.  I was prescribed an opioid for the pain but chose not to take them for fear of getting addicted.  I did take paracetamol though.  Things got somewhat better after the first week but I really didn't start feeling decent until after three weeks.  I never anticipated the recovery to be as rough as it was.
    I do fault the surgeon for not preparing me for the possibility of a drawn out/painful recovery and also for not offering the option of a 1-2 day hospital stay after the procedure (which I would have been willing to pay for if the insurance didn't cover it) to make things easier.
    To put the OP's mind at ease, let me say that I suspect having two hernias corrected at the same time likely turned what is normally a very routine surgery into something more traumatic to the body.   Most people that I hear of having hernia surgery speak of it being very easy to deal with and having a pretty quick recovery period.  I'm sure the OP will do fine.
  21. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + jeezopete in Singular Pronouns for NonBinary in Modern-Day Language and Early Education   
    I'm in the same place as you.  I do not/will not use they/them to refer to a singular person.  It goes against the grain for me.  It's just not right.  I have nothing against non-binary folks we just need a new pronoun.
    So for the time being, I will refer to Demi Lovato as "she" cause she looks more female than male to me.
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + E.T.Bass in Meghan McCain announces her Departure from The View   
    I really dislike Meghan McCain.  She has a much higher opinion of herself than she deserves.   She kind of reminds me of Megyn Kelly from Fox.  I always thought of Megyn Kelly as a very mediocre journalist. Her move to NBC confirmed what I always thought...there's no there there.  McCain is the same.
    I will say I did respect Meghan for openly voicing her distaste for Donald Trump.  Kudos to her for being one of the few republicans that had the guts to do that.
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in 'The Lady and The Dale' (HBO Max)   
    I saw this series on HBO a few months ago.    I found it to be fascinating.  Both the story about The Dale vehicle and Carmichael's life journey were intriguing.  The biggest surprise for me was that I had never before heard of either the car or Carmichael.  How did I miss this all these years?
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in 'The Lady and The Dale' (HBO Max)   
    I watched this a couple of days ago on a long flight to Maui.  It was interesting and entertaining.

  25. Applause
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Singular Pronouns for NonBinary in Modern-Day Language and Early Education   
    I'm in the same place as you.  I do not/will not use they/them to refer to a singular person.  It goes against the grain for me.  It's just not right.  I have nothing against non-binary folks we just need a new pronoun.
    So for the time being, I will refer to Demi Lovato as "she" cause she looks more female than male to me.
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