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  1. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + purplekow in Was it wrong to laugh?   
    There is a commercial 4 lane highway (2 lanes in each direction) near my home. I was running out to buy some dog food and as I was waiting for the light to let me cross and head northbound, two truck passed, each with a person in the back holding a Trump 2020 flag. As I entered, I noticed the flag from the lead truck fly out and the flag pole break through the windshield of the one behind it , causing the the second flag to go flying past my car. Once I realized I was safe, I just passed them and could not control my laughter, Is it wrong to laugh at the misfortune of others, even others who are completely reckless in their support of something or someone with who you disagree? Well perhaps not wreck less.
    No one was injured as far as I could tell. Please try to keep to topic and keep this in the lounge.
  2. Sad
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from RoyThree in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    According to the attached article, the US/Canada are in discussions to extend the travel ban between the two countries. I assume that will mean until July 21 and then the issue will be re-visited again in mid-July.
  3. Sad
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Chidude in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    According to the attached article, the US/Canada are in discussions to extend the travel ban between the two countries. I assume that will mean until July 21 and then the issue will be re-visited again in mid-July.
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Alfstoria in STOCK BAR / MONTREAL   
    I watched most of it. I tried to connect via zoom but was unsuccessful...however I did manage to get the live feed from the Stock website (I have an account). It was mostly the DJ Anthony asking the other panelists questions. There were 8-9 other panelists each on their computers from home. You had a mini-screen live feed of each of them talking and responding. The dancers that attended were Nick, Frank, Kyle, Marco, and Ryan. They started clothed but then took off their shirts and also their pants. The other participants were the other DJ, barman Eric, and the coat-check man. It was all very light and fun. Nothing outrageous. No complete nudity that I saw. I did sign out about 1 hour 45 minutes into the webinar so whatever happened after I did not see. They said they had 50-60 participants attending the zoom session. There was some tipping of dancers.
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Chidude in STOCK BAR / MONTREAL   
    I watched most of it. I tried to connect via zoom but was unsuccessful...however I did manage to get the live feed from the Stock website (I have an account). It was mostly the DJ Anthony asking the other panelists questions. There were 8-9 other panelists each on their computers from home. You had a mini-screen live feed of each of them talking and responding. The dancers that attended were Nick, Frank, Kyle, Marco, and Ryan. They started clothed but then took off their shirts and also their pants. The other participants were the other DJ, barman Eric, and the coat-check man. It was all very light and fun. Nothing outrageous. No complete nudity that I saw. I did sign out about 1 hour 45 minutes into the webinar so whatever happened after I did not see. They said they had 50-60 participants attending the zoom session. There was some tipping of dancers.
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Rudynate in Delivered Meal Kits   
    They all struggle with the packaging issue-some more successfully than others
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to jawjateck in Some Las Vegas casinos to re-open on June 4th.   
    I cancelled a trip to Vegas this week. Nothing about travel seems fun these days. The COVID measures being deployed around table games are dreadful; I have no interest in any of that joylessness. I probably won't visit Vegas again for a long time.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from AceHardware in Recent air travel   
    I won't be flying anywhere anytime soon. Too soon and too risky in my opinion. Having said that, if I were to decide to fly I would go on Delta. They are the only major US carrier that guarantees you will have an empty seat next to you...including in first class. In economy, they leave all middle seats open. In first class they book only half the cabin and will not fill up the empty seats with upgrades. Other airlines (like American) only promise they will try and leave middle seats open if the flight is not full but they will fill every seat if the flight is sold out. Delta caps flight bookings at about 66% of capacity to allow for their empty seat policy. I would be willing to pay extra to fly Delta knowing that the seat next to me will be empty.
  9. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + pitman in Recent air travel   
    I won't be flying anywhere anytime soon. Too soon and too risky in my opinion. Having said that, if I were to decide to fly I would go on Delta. They are the only major US carrier that guarantees you will have an empty seat next to you...including in first class. In economy, they leave all middle seats open. In first class they book only half the cabin and will not fill up the empty seats with upgrades. Other airlines (like American) only promise they will try and leave middle seats open if the flight is not full but they will fill every seat if the flight is sold out. Delta caps flight bookings at about 66% of capacity to allow for their empty seat policy. I would be willing to pay extra to fly Delta knowing that the seat next to me will be empty.
  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + poolboy48220 in Spanish porn star Nacho Vidal arrested after man's death   
    Ellen Degeneres had a stand-up bit about people who got high from licking frogs.
    "Who was the first person to try that? Can you see that at a party? 'Here, try this. Okay, I was wrong about the weasel, but try licking this frog!'"
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + sync in Spanish porn star Nacho Vidal arrested after man's death   
    I toad you so!
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to jawjateck in Escorts exposed for being Anti-black Racists   
    You damn right about "preferences". I'm beyond pissed that buffed 20-somethings don't yearn for passionate encounters with decaying, 50-somethings like me. Screw them and their bigotry.
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + DERRIK in Republican National Convention Charlotte 2020. Are you guys already booking flights/rooms?   
    I'm not sure much of a GOP convention will take place anywhere. COVID is unlikely to be completely gone at the time the convention. Therefore there will be all the COVID-related concerns. Additionally, I doubt many(any?) cities or states will yet be allowing mass gatherings yet. Finally (and as others have already mentioned) I doubt many cities will come forward to host this event. Some republican governors have voiced interest in hosting the event but I doubt there are many mayors that would go along with that.
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Penn7 in Johnsons Fort Lauderdale   
    That's the main problem with most of the fansonly/justforfans sites. There are not enough updates to justify the ongoing monthly membership cost. I find the best strategy is to sign-up for a one month non-recurring membership. Check-out all the archived content and then the new content for that month and then let the membership lapse at the end of the month. Join again in 12 months and repeat.
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + keroscenefire in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Yeah Singapore hasn't been that bad overall..just with their migrant population. As for Ecuador, the biggest outbreak actually has been in the large port city of Guayaquil. This city lies on a muggy coastal delta with average temps in the 80s year round. It does appear that an underfunded and ill-prepared hospital system contributed to the deadly consequences of the outbreak there though.
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + azdr0710 in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Folks...lets keep this thread free of politics. It's in The Lounge for a reason.
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + g56whiz in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Folks...lets keep this thread free of politics. It's in The Lounge for a reason.
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + keroscenefire in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Could be a couple of things:
    1) Viral loads may be lower because of social distancing and mask wearing. Those who are exposed to infectious individuals are getting much less virus because of these factors and loosening the restrictions could increase viral loads and therefore create a more harmful illness.
    2) There is some thought that COVID is mutating to a less-harmful form. A study from Arizona showed some deletion of nucleotides in the virus over time that is similar to the mutations that occurred with SARS that made it less harmful. In some ways, this could be more advantageous to the virus, because it would allow it to spread more easily among asymptomatic people. We don't know if this mutation is widespread, however.
    For what it's worth the WHO has pushed back pretty hard against the Italian doctors who said that COVID is losing strength.
  19. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + bigjoey in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Folks...lets keep this thread free of politics. It's in The Lounge for a reason.
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + bigjoey in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    I'm surprised this story isn't getting more attention in the press. It seems to be a pretty significant development to me.
  21. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Beancounter in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    Folks...lets keep this thread free of politics. It's in The Lounge for a reason.
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + bigjoey in IS COVID-19 weakening in strength? Some doctors think it is.   
    I thought this was interesting. Some doctors in Italy are saying that the strength of the Coronavirus they are seeing in current tests has a much weaker viral load than what they were seeing previously. It will be interesting to see if this is actually true. I know viruses can evolve and sometimes actually turn on themselves and die off. Could it be that this pandemic will end as quickly as it started?
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from wklukas in What's happening in Las Vegas with COVID-19   
    Best of luck with your choice. Please stay away from me.
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Monarchy79 in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I think its too soon to know what the impact of states re-opening will be. I would wait 4 more weeks to see how states like GA/FL/TX are doing in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
    Let's also remember that, like other viruses, this one may transmit less effectively in warmer months. There may be a natural decline in infections during the summer due to the warmer weather. How do you tell if an improvement in the COVID situation in June/July/August is due to re-opening more cautiously versus merely being the result of warmer weather impeding transmission?
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Mo Mason in Is Straight Enticing to you?   
    I like hiring straight guys because they're so much more fun to blow. They always feed me a load and then remark that I've just given them one of the best blowjobs they've ever had. They sure do get into it.
    Gay guys, on the other hand, usually tell me that they can't get off via oral. And they don't. It's such a bummer.
    And since sucking dick is my #1 favorite thing to do.... heck yeah, I prefer the straight guys.
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