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    EZEtoGRU reacted to caramelsub in Is Straight Enticing to you?   
    I’m naturally attracted to dominant men, who tend to be straight or atleast bi, or “straight acting” gay. Straights do have a natural ruggedness, and tend to be more dominant. For me if an escort or any other potential hookup identifies as gay, he would have to be very masculine, to the point that I would assume he’s straight. Otherwise it would feel like I’m having sex with a woman, if the man has feminine characteristics. But I like to assume the sub role, so that’s probably why I’m into straight or “straight acting” men. Not to say you can’t be gay and masculine, or straight with feminine characteristics.
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Dallas Jayson in Swinging Richards   
    I am going to wait until Governor's reopen their mansion tours before I hit a bar! I will wait for a vaccine/treatment before getting another lapdance.
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Swinging Richards   
    It will be an interesting experiment for sure. I'm not sure how one can social distance while getting a lapdance. I'm certainly not ready to dip my toe into the water yet. I'll be waiting several more months before even considering anything like this.
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from n2guysnatl in Swinging Richards   
    It will be an interesting experiment for sure. I'm not sure how one can social distance while getting a lapdance. I'm certainly not ready to dip my toe into the water yet. I'll be waiting several more months before even considering anything like this.
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Tweetybird in Swinging Richards   
    Swinging Richards website says it is opening June 4, anyone going or is it to soon? ?
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Pensant in Delivered Meal Kits   
    For years I’ve used a local company called PaleoWorks, which delivers meals for the week on Sunday morning. If I could just stop buying Kettle Chips and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies as dietary supplements, I’d be even better off!
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Scorpio in Delivered Meal Kits   
    I used Freshly for 6-8 months. This is not a meal kit, but freshly prepared meals that arrived packed in ice. The menus rotate on a weekly basis and a 5 week schedule (if I remember correctly); but it is still repetitive. After a few cycles through the menus, I found that there were fewer and fewer dishes that I enjoyed, so would just purchase multiples of few items that I truly liked. Many of the dishes tended to be a little too spicy to my tastes.
    It was convenient, but ultimately I cancelled because I grew tired of the menu and the meals were going to waste, because I found excuses to get tack out instead. Most of the packaging is easily recyclable. it arrives in a card board box insulted with material made from recycled jeans that is supposedly biodegradable. The meals are package in plastic trays similar to a frozen dinner. However, the ice packs often seemed inadequate, Several times they were completely melted and the meals were warm. Although the company refunded the money, it does leave you scramblingto replace the meals for the coming week.
    I also used this company for several months
    These are freshly prepared entrees that arrive frozen that you reheat in a slow cooker. Again, many of the dishes were too spicy so my choices became limited.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + Keith30309 in Delivered Meal Kits   
    I used Hello Fresh for a few months about a year ago and stopped because the recipes seeme to get repetitive. I restarted in early March because of the unknowns with grocery stores and food availability and still get them. (As it turns out that was unnecessary.)
    The freshness seems to have declined in this second trial. Last night a recipe called for a scallion and it was rotten. Last week some green beans in a microwave bag were well past their useable life. Also, I’ve learned to avoid any steak-like product. The “sirloin“ is uniformly tough to the point of being inedible. I called them after one of the packages particularly irked me and they credited me $39 (I think).
    The use many of the same long-life vegetable ingredients in several recipes and just change up the seasonings and preparation. You can only make so many different meals with chicken cutlets, new potatoes and green beans.
  9. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to rvwnsd in Delivered Meal Kits   
    A neighbor tried Blue Apron and was less than impressed. His complaints were the same as @azdr0710 and @Spursy - excessive packaging and overly-complex instructions. He couldn't understand how it was more convenient than stopping at the supermarket, given he had to time his schedule around their delivery schedule, lest the box sit outside in the Southern California sun.
    He also mentioned that the portions were either way too big or not big enough.
  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Spursy in Delivered Meal Kits   
    I've tried a couple and quickly stopped both - there was too much prep for my liking. But I'm not one who thinks the journey is half the fun.
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in Delivered Meal Kits   
    my only experience is when a neighbor wasn't going to be home and asked me to pick up her food deliveries and have at them myself.....I think hers was "Hello Fresh".......I did learn a few tips while following the very explicit directions.....all the food was there measured out and some prep was needed (tenderize the chicken breasts, mix stuff, cook, fuss around in some way).......tasted good enough for not-picky me.....probably very expensive......and I didn't like the excess packaging/plastic/cardboard.........make sure it's enough food per serving for you both.......
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in Delivered Meal Kits   
    some previous chatter......
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + sync in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I agree with you. We don’t know if warmer weather impacts transmissibility. It’s just a theory which is as of yet unproven.
    BTW, during my working years, I travelled to Guayaquil 10-15 times. You’re right. It’s very hot and humid year round...yet they have had a heavy impact from COVID.
    It’s likely that many factors explain why some areas get hit very hard and others don’t. It seems pre-existing health conditions, obesity, housing density, social norms/habits, precautions taken could all be factors. Weather might be a factor...or not. We just don’t know enough.
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Monarchy79 in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I think its too soon to know what the impact of states re-opening will be. I would wait 4 more weeks to see how states like GA/FL/TX are doing in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
    Let's also remember that, like other viruses, this one may transmit less effectively in warmer months. There may be a natural decline in infections during the summer due to the warmer weather. How do you tell if an improvement in the COVID situation in June/July/August is due to re-opening more cautiously versus merely being the result of warmer weather impeding transmission?
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + WilliamM in Are you still paying your cleaning lady?   
    Well it seems we're all over the place on this with some of us continuing to have cleaning lady visits and others not. If it were just me, I would be OK having them come. However, mom is 92. Michigan has been hard hit by COVID and given mom's age, I just can't take the chance. Thanks for everyone's contributions!
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to RealAvalon in A question for our Canadian friends   
    I've written about this in the 'What other countries are doing about COVID' thread. There is large support for keeping the border closed for now - several of the provincial Premiers have made public pleas to the federal government to keep it closed. And for now it is closed until June 21st. I've wondered about how this is going to play out politically between Canada and the USA, and whether it's going to be another awful NAFTA renewal negotiation with the Trump administration. The border will, I expect, become a political issue for the USA administration ('everything is back to normal, nothing to see here folks'), and Trudeau and the Premiers will try and filter the rhetoric and respond as sensibly (science-based) as possible.
    With more extensive testing and follow-up per capita than the USA, the number of cases is about 1/3 of the USA rate, and the number of deaths about 1/2 the USA rate. And as @EZEtoGRU said, more than 60% of that is in Quebec, which has only about 25% of the population. The timing of spring break and proximity to New York, are postulated as explanations for Quebec's unusually high number of cases.
    I don't know what the day to day experience of health case is in the USA. I can tell you that in Canada, I am secure that if I am infected and require medical treatment, I know the response will be prompt and comprehensive, and I will not have to ever waste one moment thinking about what is or isn't covered by insurance, or if I will have a bill to pay after it is all over. There will be no medical bill. Perhaps some prescription costs.
    Canada has lucked out with the timing of this pandemic, in the same way Canada lucked out with the 2008 recession. There is a minority government in Ottawa - which requires the government to work with the other political parties. Minority government has always been the best government in Canada. (National employment insurance and universal health insurance with a 60's minority government, and a national housing program with a 70's minority government.)
    Canada - across all political parties - has had a science based non-politicized approach to the pandemic so far. (In the case of BC, for example, the provincial government has had the opposition health critic hosting some of the on-line town hall meetings about the pandemic.) It's not all sweetness and light of course. The Liberal and Conservative parties have had a few public dust ups. The first was during the passage of the initial legislation to allow for the Canadian Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB), of $500/week, for people not covered by Employment Insurance. The legislation submitted in the House of Commons had a longer period of approval than the draft that had been submitted to the other federal parties - and the Conservatives labelled it as a power grab. And a compromise was worked out.
    Canada and the USA were in different economic/budget situations at the start of this pandemic. Canada's national debt to GDP ratio was around 50% and falling, and the USA was 110% and rising. Many of the provincial governments that were operating with budget surpluses (and paying down debt) are now facing deficits. Canada has been able to afford to prime the pump with stimulus spending to support various sectors in the economy (multiply by nine for approximate USA equivalence). $500 million to the arts, $2.5 billion to oil industry (including money to clean up abandoned oil/gas wells in pursuit of climate goals), $270 million to agriculture (they want a lot more), $200 million to medical research, billions of dollars to provinces to support health care systems, WHO funding for international work. There's almost no sector of society that hasn't received some sort of federal funding: fisheries, mental health, homeless, arts and culture, students, seniors, families, airlines etc. etc.
    As a self-employed person that has had contracts dry up, I have been able to receive the CERB. The program began April 2nd, and was back dated to March 15th. By the middle of April I had received $2,000, to cover the March 15th - April 15th period. By the end of April another $2,000 to cover the April 15th - May 15th period. Beginning of May an additional $2,000 to cover the May 15th - June 15th period. All of this money is taxable. The idea was to get it out the door into people's hands given the emergency situation, and next year when things calm down it can be taxed back from people that didn't need it. I.E. Non-hysterical.
    As with the USA the virus has made obvious the weaknesses within the social fabric of the country. The long-term care system for seniors will be the subject of national debate, whether there needs to be national standards and additional federal dollars committed to improve the system.
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to CuriousByNature in A question for our Canadian friends   
    Hmmm. Good questions. It is likely our numbers would have been considerably lower still if the Quebec school break had been at the same time as the rest of Canada. Unfortunately many Quebec families traveled over their spring break, which was two weeks earlier than the rest of Canada and before heavy travel restrictions were in place.
    In any case, one factor is that COVID hasn't become politicized in Canada to the extent that it has in the USA. Leaders from most parties here generally united their efforts to respond more quickly and more decisively.
    For the most part, I believe, Canadians tend to be less worried about infringement of our individual rights when the health of the nation is at stake. There are those who certainly raise a stink about social distancing, etc, but most people have complied quite well.
    I think BC's response has been the most effective - a population of 5 million people and lots of travel to and from China, with 'only' 141 deaths so far. 49 people in hospital at the moment with about 11 of those in ICU. Washington state reported its 1000th death this weekend, by comparison.
    My heart breaks for those to the south who are struggling with much higher infection, hospitalization and fatality numbers, much less effective leadership in the upper eschalons of power, and much more costly health care. It continues to be an unfolding nightmare for sure.
    Of course things are far from perfect here. I have always found the healthcare system in the USA to be excellent, with much shorter waits for elective surgeries and diagnostic tests. Here in Canada the wait times are horrendous. So there is a trade-off for having universal health care.
    Another shameful aspect to the Canadian experience is the rise of racist acts against Asians. Disgusting.
    Its also hard to compare the two countries because of the population size differences. I don't know how effective our response would be if our population was 350 million.
    As for the borders, I hope Trudeau will not back down under pressure from Trump to reopen. Not until the USA significantly flattens its curve. All of our hard work to contain and manage the crisis could be for nothing if the borders open too soon.
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to BasketBaller in Are you still paying your cleaning lady?   
    I never had a cleaning lady/person, and as I've posted before, while the house has always been clean it hasn't always been neat. A certain chaos was our usual state, but that has changed with the residence of Navy Twin. Without a murmur of complaint he dusts, he mops, he polishes, he vacuums, which of course encourages the rest of us to keep it in shape. I don't think it's ever looked so good.
  19. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from SirBillybob in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I agree with you. We don’t know if warmer weather impacts transmissibility. It’s just a theory which is as of yet unproven.
    BTW, during my working years, I travelled to Guayaquil 10-15 times. You’re right. It’s very hot and humid year round...yet they have had a heavy impact from COVID.
    It’s likely that many factors explain why some areas get hit very hard and others don’t. It seems pre-existing health conditions, obesity, housing density, social norms/habits, precautions taken could all be factors. Weather might be a factor...or not. We just don’t know enough.
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + sync in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I think its too soon to know what the impact of states re-opening will be. I would wait 4 more weeks to see how states like GA/FL/TX are doing in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
    Let's also remember that, like other viruses, this one may transmit less effectively in warmer months. There may be a natural decline in infections during the summer due to the warmer weather. How do you tell if an improvement in the COVID situation in June/July/August is due to re-opening more cautiously versus merely being the result of warmer weather impeding transmission?
  21. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from SirBillybob in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    I think its too soon to know what the impact of states re-opening will be. I would wait 4 more weeks to see how states like GA/FL/TX are doing in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
    Let's also remember that, like other viruses, this one may transmit less effectively in warmer months. There may be a natural decline in infections during the summer due to the warmer weather. How do you tell if an improvement in the COVID situation in June/July/August is due to re-opening more cautiously versus merely being the result of warmer weather impeding transmission?
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from RealAvalon in A question for our Canadian friends   
    Thanks for your thoughtful response. I agree that BC is an interesting case as to why the COVID incidence and death rates are comparatively so low.
    I also share your concern about Trudeau caving to pressure from Trump on expanding cross-border travel too quickly. I can imagine Canada wanting to be very cautious about re-opening the border with the US. It will be an interesting one to watch.
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Boy4 in A question for our Canadian friends   
    Canada has had a somewhat milder experience with the COVID-19 pandemic....certainly as compared with the US. Montreal appears to be the hotspot for the nation The province of Quebec accounts for 61% of all the COVID deaths in Canada. Total COVID deaths in the country stand at 5,782 versus 89,932 deaths so far in the US. What is the honest Canadian perception of the COVID situation in the US? Is the average Canadian concerned about the eventual opening up of travel between the US and Canada? When do you personally feel that travel between the two countries will be relaxed?
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Tweetybird in STOCK BAR / MONTREAL   
    Links to the teasers:
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Alfstoria in STOCK BAR / MONTREAL   
    For those of you that are fans of dancer Malik, he has done a recent solo scene on men.com. Stock dancer Jay has also done a solo scene on the same site.
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